#anyway I actually had a dream about this next chapter a few nights ago
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innerchorus · 4 months ago
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The blurb (according to Google Translate) says 'The resurrected Parsian warriors stand before Arslan and his companions!!'
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h0neylevi · 6 months ago
Levi Month - Day 21 (Post-War: Children)
cw: canonverse/post-war, written with fem!reader in mind, suggestive sexual content, established relationship, mostly domestic fluff
word count: 857
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“I found condoms in Falco’s room today.”
You peek over the top of your book to find Levi frowning in the bathroom doorway.
He had quietly retreated into the room several minutes ago for his usual nighttime routine, leaving you with the job of locking up and shutting off the lights. If relinquishing that task hadn’t been enough to clue you in that something was wrong, the familiar little scrunch of concern that is now etched between his eyebrows says everything. He’s worried.
Despite his obvious displeasure, the revelation still makes you smile. It isn’t the news necessarily–that isn’t as shocking to you as it apparently is to Levi. You’ve witnessed enough by accident of Gabi and Falco hurriedly pulling away from one another in the empty kitchen to know that something was going on.
But the second bedroom–first door on the left down the hall–is actually a guest bedroom. In the years since you and Levi have relocated and the restoration project began, a number of people have used it–Connie, Jean, Onyankopon, even you–but it seems that Levi has subconsciously deemed it Falco’s. It’s so like him to reveal his feelings in such an unintentional way. It’s cute.
You decide to tuck away that knowledge instead of antagonizing him for once and shrug.
“At least they’re being responsible,” you reply and return to your book.
Quietly, Levi crosses the room, a look of dissatisfaction still polluting his expression as he sinks onto his side of the bed.
“You’re not worried about it?” he asks.
You turn, meeting his concerned gaze with a sardonic tilt of your head. “Tell me you weren’t thinking about sex at his age.”
His lips purse slightly, and you know you’ve made your point when the tips of his ears begin to turn a faint shade of pink. “I wasn’t acting on it,” he says as if that makes any real difference.
You laugh. “Well, I think that was more because of your circumstances than anything else.”
He doesn’t say anything to refute what you say. Instead, Levi settles into his side of the bed, propped upright on the pillows next to you. With a slow sigh, his hand finds your thigh much like it does almost every night. It’s an idle touch, one that you’re not even sure he realizes he does anymore, but it still causes you to scoot closer, seeking out his warmth.
“That doesn’t mean they should be having sex. They’re kids,” he continues, seemingly still preoccupied with the topic. “Maybe we should talk to them.”
“Gabi and Falco are almost eighteen, Levi,” you point out, not looking up from your page. “I’m sure their parents have already had that kind of talk with them. Pretty soon they’ll have little ones of their own running around. And that’s what we fought for anyway, right? For people to live and fall in love. Have families, grow old.”
He doesn’t reply.
For a few minutes, you sit like this, absorbed in your book. Coaxed into comfort by the slow caress of Levi’s thumb on your skin. Some nights, Levi will read over your shoulder, and you think that’s what he’s doing again tonight, until–
“Have you ever thought about it?”
You don’t look up when you ask, “About what?”
“Having kids.”
Your eyes stutter on the page before freezing entirely. Any attempt to recall anything you just read is impossible, so you carefully bookmark your place at the end of the chapter and set the book aside.
Levi is already watching you when you turn, the expression in his one good eye now open and passive.
“I have,” you tell him slowly. “But never seriously. Never thought I’d get the chance to.”
He nods to assert he knows what you mean. It’s difficult to dream for a future when each day feels like it may be your last. It’s a feeling you’re both well accustomed to.
He keeps his gaze fixed and even in a way that makes your heart flutter. “And now?” he asks.
You swallow.
An implication sits in the air that you’re sure is intentional. You’ve been by Levi’s side as a comrade for almost a decade but as his partner for only a fraction of that time, only revealing your feelings a few months after the battle at Fort Salta. Thankfully, he had reciprocated.
And now, he’s asking if you want children with him.
Scenarios immediately flash through your mind. Ones of Levi holding a little boy with his eyes and your nose. Others of a little girl with both of her parents wrapped around her finger.
It conjures an indescribable feeling, but if you had to choose, you think joy might be the closest thing to it.
“I’d like that,” you finally say, eyes focusing on him once more. “But we’re not exactly young anymore. We’d have to start trying soon.”
There’s a small twitch of his mouth upwards–the tiniest of movements that you’ve come to recognize as the precursor to mischief. So when he reaches to pull you in for a kiss, you’re not surprised when he says, “We can start trying right now.”
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alicechess · 4 months ago
Art x reader part 2
Note: This hasn't been proof read, so my bad if it's not the greatest I smashed this out in like 4 hours. So not the highest quality chapter. I might fix this up at one point, heavy maybe.
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You felt ill after the shift, it could be explained, it absolutely could be, right? Just a coincidence, a man dressing up to be a dick, then point at the plastic ring on your hand because he thought it was amusing, and joked that it was him who gave it. Yeah, just a joke, coincidence. You settled on it being a coincidence. 
As soon as you got home, you took the ring of and but it on your bedside table, you didn't want to wear it, you were meant to Halloween night, but it completely slipped your mind. 
However, that night, you heard on the news he somehow escaped the morgue today, in the morning. The news reporters stated the injuries, and allegedly a few people who work in the medical field said how unlikely it would've been for him to survive. They then stated that the poor mortician was brutally murdered too from him, because of course he had to do it. Does that mean it is possible he came to your work today? If that was him, why? He didn't have any blood, or any visible injuries at least. He moved perfectly fine. 
You shook your head, there was no point in thinking about it. If you saw him again, then it absolutely wasn't a coincidence, as there would be no way to justify it. You then turned the TV off, then went to bed. The thoughts of him stuck in your mind as you laid there, the whole day repeating over in your head. How his attention was stuck on you, why that specific Cafe, and although again, the ring may just be him being a dick and not knowing. It still bothered you, all of that happening within the span of an hour. Eventually you fell asleep, your dreams, of course, had him there too. 
The next morning you awoke in a cold sweat, your heart racing rapidly. Once you glanced around and noticed you were in your room, you felt relief.
Just a dream
Maybe you needed to ignore the news, take a break from social media for a few days or even a week. You had no doubt some people would be talking about stuff, but you just had to hope you wouldn't overhear anything. Maybe it'd be good to take a day off, though you knew your boss would be pissed and so as your co-workers. You've barely taken days off the whole year, maybe 3 at most. 
You decided to send a message to your boss, explaining that you have some family stuff going on, and if you could take the day off tomorrow. 
Hopefully he'd be fine with it.
You started getting ready, after showering
You walked into the door of the Café, the ringing bell irritated your ears. You walked into the back, you had to do a bunch of dishes from last night since one of the other workers had to leave early. Your co-worker spotted then greeted you, "Hey, you look like shit."
You rolled your eyes, "Wow, what a nice way to say good morning Charlie." 
They gave you a cocky smile, "I know I know, I'm wonderful aren't I?"
That damn smile was contagious, "Aww, and I've got you smiling too."
A small chuckle left you, "Yeah yeah, anyway, how longs your shift today? Anyone else in?"
"Uhh, till about 4. I have another job on the side to earn extra. And no, Laurie left about 10 minute ago, she had to leave early as she had an appointment."
"Ew, that's gotta be painful, and god damn it, it would've been nice having a third for today.
"It's painful, but moneys money, world can't go on without it." They sighed, "And I'm trying to save for a new car, the shitbox out there ain't gonna last much longer." They said, taking the eggs out the frypan. "Anyway, can we talk more during our break? Can't have customers complaining."
"Yeah sure, that'd be great actually." They then walked out with the plate of food. 
Your morning was a lot easier to deal with after that interaction, although you hated to admit it, they were annoying at times but you loved them. They were a great friend, and made working a lot easier to tolerate.
You filled the sink and placed the dishes in there, cleaning the least dirty to the most. More and more dishes came, but you tried your best to stay ahead. The dishwasher was going to take forever and only could do a small amount at a time, so this is unfortunately a job that had to be done.
After about an hour, you were close to being finished, and so was the dishwasher. After, you put the dishes away, then went up to your Charlie to check if they needed help with anything.
"To be honest, not really, business is slower than normal, which is a fucking relief." They whispered, so none of the customers could hear. 
"Nice, is Chloe gonna be here soon? It would be nice if she could cover the register, and we can chill in the back."
They shrugged, "Not sure, she's meant to be here at some point today but that's all I know."
You groaned, "Alright, since business is slow should I just sweep and mop now?" 
You heard that cursed bell ring, and you heard a honk. You instantly turned around, wondering what that noise was. 
"What the fuck..." Charlie muttered under their breath.
Your eyes widened, bile rose up in your throat. You stood still for a few moments as you locked eyes with that fucker, then you sprinted towards the staff toilet. You leaned over, the breakfast you ate not longer ago instantly came up. Your throat burned as acid tore at your throat. You clenched the toilet bowl as it kept going. You body shook rapidly from fear and shock.
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Why is he here, it was meant to be a fucking coincidence. Do I have a murderer stalking me?
You weren't sure what to do, but after about a minute you heard your Charlie running over.
"Hey, hey!" They said crouching down, rubbing your back. "What the hell was that? Are you okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah...." You croakily mumbled, your legs wobbling as you slowly stood up.
"Stay there if you need to, I can handle the front for a bit." 
You shook your head, "I'll be fine, it's fine. Just give me a minute and I'll clean up."
"Look Chloe should be here soon, when she gets here I'll explain you were sick so you had to leave. Got it?"
You rolled your eyes, "I'll be okay, I just got nauseous.-"
"No, you're heading home when she gets here."
You wanted to argue, but you knew it was probably a good idea. You didn't want to see... it again. 
"Fine, can I help just till she gets here?"
"Yeah sure, just don't overwork yourself and let me know if you feel ill again."
You nodded, moving towards the sink to splash water on your face. "Alright, I'm gonna head back, don't rush yourself I can handle it." They patted your back again, then walked off.
You looked down at your shirt, and thankfully there was no vomit. So, you went back to helping Charlie. As soon as you were in the doorway you spotted him, sitting down. "Hey, is it okay if you could pass this to the customer in the clown suit real quick? I just need to prepare another order."
You nodded, trying to not show your fear to them. "Yeah, of course!"
While you walked over, you noticed his eyes were on you. You looked at the floor, knowing it was rude but you were so afraid. You put the pancakes down in front of the clown. "Here's your order... sir." You mumbled, giving a forced smile. As you starting walking away, he beeped the horn. 
"Did you need something?" 
He nodded, gesturing you to come closer.
He looked at your hand, a frown forming on his face. But not a second later is was replaced with that eerie smile. He stared at you as he purposely knocked the plate down onto the floor. It shattered onto the ground. He covered his mouth, giving an exaggerated 'Oops' face. A few customers looked over giving a confused and concerned expression.
Your face turned into a thin line, what the fuck "I'm sorry sir, I'll be back." You quickly muttered, walking to Charlie, "Hey, look I can't do this right now, can you please talk to the clown? I'll do whatever you were doing before. I'm just really uncomfortable around him."
They nodded, noticing you were shaken up. "Yeah that's fine, but what's going on? You look horrified, did something happen?"
You shook your head, "It's nothing, just can you help him?"
"Okay, I'll do that now, you just need to make a strawberry milkshake for table 5 while I deal with the clown."
"Easy." You immediately started to work on it, you scooped the ice-cream, poured the milk and strawberry-flavoured syrup and then blended it. You occasionally heard words from your Charlie while they were trying to communicate with the clown. But of course it went nowhere. As you were pouring the milkshake into a plastic cup, they came up to you. "I have no idea what he wants, he's not responding at all to me. I clean up the mess, but I don't know what else to do. Was he at least responding to you?"
"Yeah, I guess, but I really, really don't want to talk to him. He's... scaring me." You glanced at the floor, feeling embarrassed. 
"It's okay, I'll figure something out. Other customers are starting to feel uncomfortable as well. Fuck, Chloe needs to get here soon."
"Yeah, hopefully, should I contact the boss?" 
They nodded, "Can you contact Chloe first? We need her here soon."
"I'll do that now, I'll try and make it quick." You hurried out to the back again, pulling out your phone. You dialled her number, but it immediately when to voice mail. "What the fuck..." You murmured, trying again. And again. You groaned, then decided to send her a quick message.
Y/n: Hey, are you still coming into work today? 
You hoped she'd read it soon, then you dialled your bosses number. Thankfully, you heard her voice on the other end. 
"Hey, I heard from Charlie that Chloe would be coming in today at some point. What time would she be here? She isn't picking up any of my calls. "
You heard a sigh on the other end, "Give me a moment."
After 15 seconds of rustling sounds, she answered. "Alright, it says she'd be on around 2pm till 8pm. Is she not there?"
"No, she's not. It's 2:30."
You heard another sigh from your boss, "I'll try and contact her, that's all I can do. Is that all you needed?"
"No, I was wondering what to do about a customer. One of them is making me and Charlie uncomfortable. He keeps.... just doing stuff."
"If you want advice I need more details." 
You took a deep breath in, "For one he's in a clown outfit, which in itself isn't bad but it's just how he's acting doing it too. If that makes sense, and he purposely broke one of our plates, and acted like it was all funny. He then wouldn't talk to Charlie, only me. It's just such bizarre behaviour."
"Normally threatening them with the police will cause them to stop, but if he continues call the non-emergency line for the police. That's it."
"Alright, thank you."
"Bye." She said, the line ending.
You walked back to the register to talk to your Charlie. "Chloe was meant to be here at 2. What the fuck do we do? She isn't picking up my calls, she's not answering my messages and the boss just told us to threaten the clown with the police but fuck that I'm not comfortable with it I don't know him and he's scaring-"
"Calm down, you're gonna be okay. This isn't a big deal you'll be fine we can figure this out. I'll talk to him."
You glanced over your shoulder to look at the clown. He was sitting there, his chin resting on his hands, giving you a wink. 
"God fucking damn it." Your muttered under your breath, he waved at you, then gesturing for him to come over again. "He wants me to go over again, what do I do? What the fuck do I do?"
Charlie bit their bottom lip, "I can go over if you like and try again, but I doubt he'll listen."
"Fuck, fine, I'll fucking doing it." You whisper-yelled, immediately going over towards the clown. You noticed most of the customers had left. How had no one called the police yet? Maybe they thought it was someone trying to be funny? 
"Hello sir, is there anything I can help you with?"
The clown told you to stop, raising his pointer-finger. He then went through the garbage bag next to him. You heard the sounds of metal hitting metal, making you feeling almost as sick as before. He pulled out an envelope. You stared at it for a moment, noticing brown splotches over it. It looked like dried blood. You also noticed how there was a bump inside. You were about to place it down, but he gestured for you to open it.
You stared with widened eyes, really not wanting to. "I'm sorry sir... I-"
The clown gestured one more time, a deep frown on his face. You were afraid, so begrudgingly, you open it. And inside was a chunk of blonde hair, with a small amount of dyed-blue strands. You pulled it out and saw a piece of someone's scalp was attached. The blonde hair looked identical to Chloe's. You placed it back down onto the table, stepping back. 
"Why.... what did she do to you?"
You knew what he did. It was obvious. But all you wanted to know is why. Yeah she could be bitchy at times, but she never had bad intentions. Not anything worthy of her fucking dying.
The Clown silently giggled, slapping his knee like it was the funniest joke in the world. He pointed at you, mimicking a horrified look and then continued laughing. 
"Oh fuck this." You muttered, Charlie looked over and saw the terrified look on your face. "Charlie we need to get the fuck out now!" You yelled, grabbing their arm, dragging them into the kitchen. To get out through the front, you would've had to walk past him again, and that was not something that you wanted. 
You shoved them inside and slammed the door shut, locking it. "Grab a knife Charlie." They didn't ask questions, just grabbing it off the bench. The clown was walking over towards the counter, where you'd pass food through to the person at the register. He stood there smiling. 
"Nope, don't look just fucking get out." You urgently said to Charlie, grabbing their arm and leading them to the back door. You unlocked it ran out with them. You rummaged through your pockets and grabbed your keys, your hands shaking as you tried to open the car door. 
"Y/n your tires have been fucking slashed!" 
"Oh for fuck sake!" You yelled, this time they dragged you. You dropped your keys while they pulled you, "My keys!"
"It doesn't matter Y/n! There's a fucking psycho chasing us." 
You followed them, running to the nearest store. You looked behind, noticing the clown was behind, with that fucking garbage bag thrown on it's shoulder. 
As Charlie ran into the store, they yelled to call the police. They didn't care about scaring the workers, they just needed to make sure the both of you were safe. The woman at the register looked confused. They ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind the both of you. They fumbled with their phone, dialling the emergency number. 
"What's your emergency?"
"There's a fucking psycho chasing after us! He's trying to fucking kill us!" They yelled, sounding hysterical. 
"Okay, calm down. Are you safe right now?"
"I think so, we've locked ourselves in a random stores bathroom. We don't know where he is right now."
"Okay, what did he look like?"
"He-he was wearing a black and white clown outfit, like the one from the news!"
"Alright...." The operator said, sounding like they thought it was a prank call, but they still continued.
"What store are you in right now?" 
Charlie turned to you, "Do you know where we ran to?"
You shook your head, "I-I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry!"
"It's fine." Charlie murmured, "We don't know, but can you guys track the phone?"
The woman sighed, "Yes we can, but if this is a prank call you will be in serious trouble."
"We aren't fucking lying, my fucking car tires were slashed and this fucker gave me an envelope with co-workers scalp in it! Get the damn police here right now or we could get brutally murdered!" You screamed at the operator.
"Please calm down, the police are on their way." The operator said, "Please stay on the line, are you hearing anything outside of the bathroom?"
Charlie spoke up, "No, it's oddly quiet out there, I... I don't know where he is. I don't know if he followed us in or not. We didn't look around."
The only thing you could hear was cars driving by, it was otherwise painfully silent.
"Fuck what happened to Chloe, oh god I hope she's okay. Please Chloe be okay." You whimpered, dropping to the ground. "Fuck I'm sorry Chloe, I'm so sorry." Tears welled up in your eyes, then started streaming down your face.
Charlie knelt down, placing their phone on the tiled floor, "Hey, it's okay, Chloe might still be out there. Probably not in the best condition but still maybe out there." They gently hugged you.
You sniffled, "What if that psycho grabbed my keys, I'm not even going to be safe in my own fucking home." You sobbed, "I didn't even do anything to him!" 
"I know, some people are just messed up, but you'll be okay, I'll make sure of it. No ones going to hurt you." 
Eventually, you heard the police sirens and them shouting. After a few moments they knocked on the bathroom door. You immediately unlocked it, running out. "Did you find him?" You asked, your eyes showing the hope in this being simple, like maybe he was waiting outside or something stupid. But of course, reality didn't work that way. 
"The only people we found were the workers here, I'm sorry." One of the officers said, "Do you have any injuries?"
You and Charlie shook your head.
"Alright, we're going to need to take you in for questioning."
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ellaa-writes · 1 year ago
Good Dog
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author note: Part 3 yay!! Series list found here. I actually edited this one, I know! Probably still mistakes lol, I love writing this type of Simon but mean Simon is still my favourite. Reader and Simon parts are going on at different times, weeks apart, just in case of any confusion of time line. Enjoy!
summary: His favourite words include; down boy, good dog, heel, fetch and his most favourite, get 'em. Well trained, and listens good. Loyal through and through. Always striving to be the absolute best. Ready to attack at all times, always on guard. Loves discipline, either giving or receiving. Working for a criminal mastermind, lurking in the shadows. You both trying not to be seen or noticed but after one unlucky night, all you both can see are the ghosts. He invades your life, if you both like it or not.
tags: Alternative Universe. Female reader. A/B/O dynamics. Alpha Simon, Beta Reader, Bad Scottish lingo (I tried). Very tame and a chapter filler.
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You hadn't seen Simon in a few weeks, must have gotten bored you thought, eventually everyone leaves so why wouldn't he. Things felt different with him, like timed slowed down and life finally had a meaning.
You stopped in front of a news stand, big bold letters. OMEGA POPLUATION HITS AN ALL TIME LOW; leading scientists may have found a solution. You snatched the paper and handed the worker $5 telling him to keep the rest as you rushed back home paper in hand. The title wasn't what caught your attention, it was a few paragraphs down the words doctor and experimental procedure. Tossing your belongings on the dining table soon as you entered your grungy apartment.
Reading the article fully, then once more. Doctors have developed a experimental drug that could alter a Beta women's chemistry. Tricking the body into thinking its an Omega, a few experiments have been conducted and results have so far been proven successful. But they are searching for more Beta women to submit themselves into the program.
Those words playing over and over in your head, becoming an Omega, and having a loyal and supportive Alpha. Not having to worry about all the small things, not having to work and struggle to make ends meet. You could leave your pathetic life behind.
All Simon did was follow orders, being the good dog, he is. A successful mission out of the way, the Boss left before he did. Having to hurry back cause of his Omega. Simon used to have dreams about settling down, but that was before he became ghost. Stupid child aspirations, but mostly because he felt like he didn't deserve one. And who would want him as an Alpha, all teeth, and hard edges. It would be a punishment to be stuck with him until death, and death would be the reward.
You jotted the number down on a piece of paper and stuck it to your fridge. You didn't have to decide now, but you were tempted to.
Dealing with Makarov was easier than expected most of these men act tough on the outside but soon as you start pulling out their insides, they change their tune. He wasn't in too much of a hurry to get home, it's been two weeks since he last saw her, he's been keeping his distance, not wanting to poison her cause that's what he was poison.
It was very late into the night when he finally arrived in the city, driving down the desolate neighborhoods till he found himself parked in front of his apartment. Not the one across from hers but the one he bought himself soon as he had enough money too. The only thing that remained from his previous life. Cutting the engine and walking inside.
He still had a landline, hard wired into the wall next to the thermostat. He's never used it and has never had anyone call it. Not like many people have the number anyways, emergency he told himself when he bought and installed it all those years ago. Having the number updated in his file, but now it hangs there mockingly. Much to his surprise when he walked into his quiet home, a little red dot glowing from the device.
He ignored it at first, taking his clothes off to take a quick shower. To wash away the memories that still plague him, the water never being hot enough. He stood there in nothing but a towel around his waist. Staring at that glowing red light, missed call.
He should just delete it, but he decided to play the message. A voice came through the small speaker, one that he thought he'd never hear again. John Price.
"Oi Simon, it's John. Ain't sure if this dog and bone's still on the go. Tried your mobile, but it's saying it's disconnected. Anyways, thought I'd drop you a bell 'cause we're gonna be in the city for a bit. Fancy a chinwag, like the old days, yeah? So, give me a call, same digits as ever. It'd be proper nice to catch up, Simon."
It was silent for a while afterwards, only Simon's heaving breathing filling up the space. Not once did they call him while he was locked up doing time, not once did they reach out and say they cared. They were family once, at least he thought they were. Stupid.
All the rage simmering up inside of him finally boiled over the edge. Simon grabbed the stupid phone and slammed it into the wall as hard as he could, again and again until there was nothing left but broken pieces of plastic, wiring and now a hole in his wall.
It only took you three hours of pacing back and forth in your tiny apartment, the small piece of paper stuck to your fridge door taunting you. As the line rang you debated on hang up, forgetting any of this happened but it was to late. The reception answered your call, redirecting you to the head of the project. Giving a little info over the phone they scheduled you in for the same day if you could make it. It was on the other side of town, the side you hardly went to cause there was no need. Unless you wanted to make yourself feel even more shitty about your life.
He debated if he should call, be the bigger person the little voice in his head called out. They had their reasoning for abandoning him, for treating him like the plague, they had to, right?
You were on the bus, watching as the fading sun descended and the moon turned brighter. The glow of city coming to life, some many people out and about. You barely had enough money to and back, getting off at the stop further away. Walking the rest to save a bit of cash and take in the scenery. The air was crisp, it never got too cold during the winter season. Also, long as the wind stayed away it was a mild year so far.
To say this was awkward was an understatement. Simon sat across from the beta Scottsman, not much has changed he thought. The group of men still joking around like nothing happened like good ol' times, they kept trying to get him in on it. Simon soon realised that this was a mistake, all of it. Calling Price and picking out this bar. They weren't his pack anymore, they ditched him soon as things went south.
Simon's grip on his glass of bourbon tightened when Johnny yelled "Right Lt." the group getting quiet afterwards, Johnny knew he fucked up. Simon got up abruptly, taking a big gulp of the burning liquid amber, polishing off his drink before slamming it back down.
"Goin’ for a smoke." as he grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair. Marching towards the front door. He could hear Kyle's faint call of his name, the beta man always playing mediator, Price holding Johnny back like an Alpha would a misbehaving puppy as Simon made his way outside.
"Bunch of fuckin' pricks." it was a whisper to himself, digging out his pack of smokes and shoving one into his mouth. Lighting it with ease as he sucked in a big lung full. The door to the bar opened and closed, fully expecting to smell the cigar-soaked Alpha but instead it was Johnny tail between his legs.
"I ken ye dinnae wanna gab about it." he tried but Simon cut him right off. "I don't." blowing a huge cloud in the betas face. "Weel, someone's gotta." he just wanted some fucking peace and quiet. "The start talkin’ or shut the fuck up." dropping his finished cigarette to the ground, giving it a good stomp before putting another to his lips.
"Things have changed, ye've changed. Ah ken everything's aw fucked up right now. We tried-" Simon huffed out a stiff laugh, not believing a thing the Scott was saying. He could see his lips still moving but he couldn’t hear what he was saying as a familiar scent caught his nose.
Before Simon could think a small body collided with Soaps as he stepped out towards the curb with a hand to the back of his neck. "Ah, fuck, sorry ‘bout that, lass." Simon watched in slow motion as you got knocked off balance. Johnny reaching out to help the poor thing but before, he could feel the growl coming from his chest and throat. Pushing the Beta to the side as he took a hold of you, bring you to his chest.
He could hear your lower whimper, there was something different about you. Your scent was sweeter, it was pulling him in like a bee to a flower. "Simon?" letting out in a shaky breath. "What are you doing here?" you looked up into his eyes. Your hands resting against his chest, the hard muscle underneath flexing, a low rumble coming from within. You’ve never seen him like this, so casual but also feral, eyes blown and panting.
"Am I interrupting ye in the midst of somethin'?" Johnny didn't know what the hell was going on. Looking at the Omega flushed against the old Alpha, he was just happy that after everything that happened it was nice to see his old lieutenant finally settling down with such a sweet thing. Simon finally broke his gaze from you, settling it on the Beta. “It was a nice chat, gotta go.”
"Come, I'll drive you home." he stated, gripping your upper arm as he moved you towards his car. The more you stood outside surround by people the more Simon got irritated. He couldn't put his finger on it, the changes within you. He'd been away from a couple of weeks; it was hard staying away but he had a responsibility and a job to do. "I can take the bus." you tried moving around Simon, spotting the other man who was now gawking. "Like hell." Simon held onto you firm, walking you to his car.
"See you around." the Scott yelled from somewhere behind. He couldn't wait to tell the other two men of what he witnessed. The grumpy old Alpha had found himself a sweet Omega.
The drive home was in silence, not even the radio to help ease the awkward tension building up in the car. When Simon pulled onto your street you gathered your belongings. "Wait." you snapped your head to the driver's side.
"What were you doing out so late?" he was trying to interrogate you "I had an appointment." you held your hands in your lap, fidgeting with your fingers. "Hmm" Simon grunted out, the whole way back to your apartment he had to stop himself from pulling the car over and pouncing on you.
Something wasn't right and he didn't like it or maybe he did. It confused him nonetheless and he wanted answers.
"You want to come up?" you don't know why you asked, why those words spilled out of your mouth. Simon was surprised too, cocking his head to side. "Sure." he cut the engine.
Once inside your apartment you didn't bother asking him if he wanted anything to drink. Unless he's into expired milk or tap water. The hulking man walked around your small place, picking things up and putting them down. Take in his surroundings, he already didn’t like you living in this area. He’s scoped out your apartment, the front door was a piece of shit, with a little bit of a jiggle and it popped open.
Walking towards your dingy couch he noticed the paper on the table, picking it up he scanned the words. You didn't.... His eyes found your form, busying yourself around your small kitchen. Shoving dirty dished into the sink to be forgotten about till later. Simon sniffed the air again, there was that familiar scent again. The smell of an Omega, the similar one that clung to his Boss, that filled every space of his home.
He felt is heart quicken, his blood run thin. He's only had this feeling a few times, he was going to throw up and pass out at the same time. You noticed his completion pale, worrying you, grabbing a glass and filling it with your last bottle of water. Rushing to his side and calling his name.
Simon was so far away; he was in the middle of the raging ocean. The waves crashing over him, pulling him deeper under every unforgiving wave. Lungs full of burning salt water, gasping with arms stretched to the sky.
You could do the only thing you could think of you climbed into his lap. Curling yourself around him, rubbing your scent glad over his nose and mouth.
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middleearthpixie · 3 months ago
I'll See You in My Dreams ~ Chapter One
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Summary: Noelle James knows soul mates exist, the trouble is, she just can’t seem to find hers. Especially since hers seemed to have existed only in the world of cinema and The Hobbit movies. No one believes she actually spent time in Tolkien’s Middle Earth and even fewer believe Thorin Oakenshield existed in her world, either. 
So when she finds herself unexpectedly alone on yet another Christmas, she has no way of knowing exactly what the universe has in store for her this time.The trouble is, this man claiming to be Thorin can’t possibly be him, for he died at the hands of Azog the Defiler at Ravenhill. She saw him die with her own eyes.
So, it can’t be him.
Or can it?
Pairing: Thorin x ofc Noelle James
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 4.2k
Read on AO3
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New Jersey, present day
The pond was frozen. 
Of course, everything was frozen. All the weathermen kept going on about was how cold December had been. Far colder than it had been for years. A white Christmas was not only hinted at, but practically guaranteed by those talking heads. Sure enough. By December twenty-third, there was at least six inches of fresh powder blanketing all but the furthest points south in New Jersey and it had been snowing on and off since Christmas Eve.
Normally, Noelle loved Christmas. Especially white Christmases, which happened about as often as total solar eclipses. Which was to say, they happened next to never. The last one she recalled was three years ago, and it reminded her very much like this one.
She would spend it alone, licking her wounds from yet another breakup.
Of course, to be fair, unlike three years ago, Rich didn't cheat on her. There were no suddenly cancelled plans that resulted in a late night phone call and a confession about screwing a coworker. 
No, this was, for all intents and purposes, a civil, grown up, mature breakup. She couldn’t even fault him, really. His fatal flaw?
He wished to get married and she didn’t.
That was it. 
They’d broken up in person, in a café in Paris, of all places. She’d flown out to visit him, excited to see him after a long time apart (his work took him all over the globe and he kept some terrible hours as well) but something happened when she’d arrived. Actually, it was more like after a few days in France. It’d begun wonderfully, every bit as romantic as in any movie—they didn't even get any sleep her first night there, as they were far too busy christening every flat surface in his hotel suite. 
But, then something went wrong. Something Noelle couldn’t put her finger on, but it definitely sent their relationship on a collision course with disaster. It seemed that with each passing minute, things soured a bit more. They didn't fight. There were no accusations or jealousy or anything. It just felt… wrong.
It all came to a head on her last night in France, when over coffee at that sidewalk cafe, she returned the absolutely stunning two-carat, princess cut engagement ring to an equally stunned Rich, telling him she didn't know why, but she’d changed her mind about getting married. She couldn’t explain it. She just knew she wasn't ready. 
But he must have felt the same, for there were no pleas to work on their relationship, no suggestion that perhaps if he cut back on work (which she would never ask him to do anyway, not at this point in his career) or maybe if they just postponed their wedding date, it would all work out.
No, there was none of that. A hint of confusion swirled in his brilliant blue eyes, but he’d nodded and ran his hand though his spiky hair, which had been mostly black when they’d met, was now highlight with streaks of silver. It suited him, though. She often told him so.
But not that night. That night, her eyes stung and her throat squeezed shut as he’d murmured, “You’re probably right, Noe. I think I’ve felt it as well and was just too scared to say anything, that if I didn’t, it would simply go away. But, still, thank you for being honest with me.”
“Of course.” She’d reached across the table to cover his long-fingered hand with hers, and gave it a gentle squeeze.
He’d met her gaze once more, a hint of a smile at the corners of his lips. “I will miss you, you know. Who else will tell me when my American accent needs work?”
“Hire a better dialect coach than the one you’d had,” she’d managed, “and you’ll be fine.”
He’d nodded, drew in a deep breath, and then let it out as he said, “Take care of yourself.”
“I will.” She reached for her purse and stood, then came around to his side of the table to bend and pressed a light kiss into his soft hair. “Take care of you, too, Rich.”
And that was that. It ended not with a crash. Not with a bang. But with only a soft whisper.
She lived in New York, in a high-rise luxury apartment building on Duane Street. Her public relations firm had grown by leaps and bounds in the last three years—with her opening offices in Los Angeles and Miami—and she could now afford the penthouse in her building if she so desired, but she loved her cozy space and had no desire to move. Not even to the penthouse above her. That cozy space was hers.
But, once she’d returned to New York, she found being in the apartment left her restless, with interrupted sleep. When she did manage to fall into a sound sleep, it was only to be plagued by strange dreams that made no sense. She began to consider buying that penthouse, and finally told her realtor that she’d changed her mind and negotiations were underway. 
However, the holiday season slowed everything to a crawl and when her mother invited her to spend her birthday (December twenty-third) and Christmas in her childhood home, the pull of nostalgia proved too powerful to ignore.
So there she was, out by the pond upon which she’d ice skated as a child, watching the snow fall and trying not to think about how damn cold it was. 
“Noe, are you all right?”
“I’m fine, Mom!” Noelle tried to force a cheer she didn't feel into her voice as her mother, Diane crunched through the powder toward her.
“You don't look fine.” 
“Well, I am.”
Pulling her colorful knit shawl more tightly about her, Diane made a clicking noise with her tongue, then after a brief hesitation, said, “Why didn't you call him back?”
“He was just calling to wish me a Merry Christmas, Mom. We’re not getting back together.”
“But he called you. On your birthday. Maybe he—”
“Mom,” Noelle shook her head, still staring out at the pond’s mirror-like surface, “he doesn’t want to get back together, either. We agreed it was best for both of us. So, even if I talked to him, it wouldn’t change anything. Now, I know you loved the idea of a movie star son-in-law, but I’m not marrying him. He’s okay with it. I’m okay with it. You have to get okay with it.”
“That’s not what I meant.” A hint of hurt wove through her voice. “I just feel that you left it unfinished. How do you get closure that way?”
“It wasn't unfinished. I gave him his ring back. It does’t really get any more finished than that. Trust me, closure is not needed in this instance.”
“He sent us a Christmas card, you know. It came in the mail last week.”
Noelle tried to ignore the hopeful notes that crept into her mother’s voice, tried to fight down her rising annoyance. Her mother meant well, but Noelle was starting to wish she’d remained in New York. “He’s not a jerk, Mom. But, he’s also not going to be my husband. Now, can we please not talk about him any more.”
“Of course. I’m sorry to pry.”
“I know and I—I don’t mean to be so bitchy about it.” Noelle looked over at her mother, feeling a pang of guilt at her mother’s expression. Diane meant well. She always did. And she wasn't the sort of mother who kept asking when Noelle would get married or give her grandchildren or anything like that. In fact, she rarely even asked if Noelle was dating, and if she was dating, her mother never once asked if they had ever discussed marriage. 
Which was why Noelle thought she’d disappointed her even more. 
“Can I ask what happened?”
Noelle sighed, shaking her head. “We just wanted different things is all. And really, his work is as important to him as mine is to me and neither of us would want to give it up.”
There was no reason to tell Diane about the dreams. Or about the emptiness she felt when she awoke from them and found Rich asleep beside her instead of the man in those dreams. A man who’d existed, but only to her when all was said and done.
“Well, don’t stay out here too long.”
“I won’t.” 
Diane crunched her way back toward the large white house where Noelle had spent a wonderful childhood, and with a soft sigh, Noelle turned back to the pond. It reminded her of one of her favorite places in Central Park. 
Well, it had been one of them. Now? Now she winced at the memory. She rarely went to Central Park any longer. 
“Don't think about it,” she whispered even as her eyes stung. “Don’t think about him.”
The wind stirred then, the tree branches above her rustling although they bore no leaves at this point. It seemed the woods were speaking to her, almost taunting her as she tried to forget the one man who’d been forever imprinted upon her mind and her body. The one man she’d loved completely and wholly and unlike any other man she’d ever been with.
The one man who no one in her world could remember.
The one man who’d finally remembered her when she’d found her way into his world.
The one man who’d died in her arms.
My soul will find yours. 
She had allowed herself to believe Rich was just that soul in a different body. For a while, she had believed it wholeheartedly. But then, over these past few months, doubt crept in as the dreams began. She was a fool to think souls could find one another. Dead was dead, whether in her world or another. No matter how badly she wished to believe it, Rich was not Thorin. Thorin was gone and was not coming back.
The sky was almost purple, and the first stars twinkled against the growing darkness. The wind blew harder now, almost whistling through those naked branches stretching overhead like skeleton arms reaching into the growing twilight. Perhaps her ears and mind collaborated to play tricks on her, but she’d swear she heard the trees whispering something to her. 
Something that sounded very much like, “Thorin is here.”
But trees didn't talk, except for the creepy ones in The Wizard of OZ, and so Noelle ignored it as she turned to make her way back toward the house. 
Thorin’s eyes snapped open as if someone had shouted his name in his ear. He lay flat on his back, staring up at a late afternoon sky gone hazy dark grey, and snowflakes swirled about him in all direction to muffle all sound.
Except for the soft rush of water than came from somewhere in the distance to his left. The river, no doubt. Thank Mahal. The song that had plagued him had gone silent now, left him in peace up on Ravenhill. He need only get to his feet and get back into the warmth of Erebor. 
But something wasn’t right.
As he lay there, snow settling in his hair, his beard, on his clothes, he realized that he heard more than that simply rush of water. The sounds reaching his ears weren’t familiar, but he had the feeling he’d heard them before. In a dream, perhaps? Was that even possible?
He sat up slowly, shaking the snow from his beard as he twisted to look first to his left, than his right. The river was gone. The black and grey stone fortress of Ravenhill was gone. In their place, he saw a frozen-over pond and what looked like a low castle of grayish white stone.
“Sounds like Belvedere Castle. You probably came through in Central Park.”
The voice speaking those words was no longer low and raspy, but instead feminine—silky and throaty and while it was as unfamiliar as his surroundings, he knew he’d heard it before.
“Mahal,” he muttered, drawing the backs of his fingers along the left side of his jaw, “is this even possible?” 
As he sat there, he became very much aware of the dampness seeping into his heavy woolen trousers, so he slowly got to his feet. Once upright, he slowly looked about. Central Park. He knew this place, even if his memory of it was rather fuzzy. 
There was a pond. Turtle Pond. A magical place with a strange name. And beyond that, Belvedere Castle.
His heart sped up as the memories slowly returned. He’d been here before. More than once. And it was in this realm that he’d found her.
He smiled, his heart giving a strange leap, one he hadn’t felt in a lifetime. 
Her name simply rose in his memory. 
Beautiful Noelle, with her fall of wildly tousled red curls and eyes that were a perfect blend of sea and sky, becoming more of one than the other, depending on her mood. 
How could he have possibly forgotten her?
Mahal must have hidden her until the time was right, until the time came where he was meant to find her again. That’s why he’d fallen back into Central Park. To find his Noelle. 
He smiled. 
She was here. He wasn't exactly certain where she was, but he knew he’d find her, just as he’d found her the first time. 
With that, he started down the pathway, just as he’d done before. As he walked, the sounds of water faded and the sounds of machines he didn't quite understand grew louder. The lights grew brighter.
The memories, so slow at first, rushed forward to flood his mind with images that had him moving even faster now. His boots thudded dully on first tarmac, then sidewalk, as he left Central Park (he knew it was Central Park now) behind him.
But, the machines on the far side of the concrete gave him pause. He remembered the yellow ones were called cabs, but he didn't know if that meant all yellow carriages, so he paused near the corner of a building that towered so high above him, he bent over almost backward in an attempt to see the top. Not even Erebor or Ravenhill came close to soaring as high as the buildings in this strange city did. That he knew for certain.
He peered at the yellow carriages whizzing by, their wheels sending up slushy spray at those unlucky enough to be too close to the roadside. Although there was no chance of any hitting him, Thorin stepped closer to the building just the same. He tried not to draw too much attention to himself from the throngs of people hurrying past him. After all, none of them had a sword that he could see. 
From his spot near the building, he watched how other people manage to get a carriage to stop for them. It took little more than putting a hand up, and one of the yellow conveyances drew to a stop alongside the sidewalk. Simple enough. 
The last time he was in this city, he remembered being in one of the carriages. With Noelle. She gave her residence as being on Duane Street. Like the building in whose shadow he stood, that building also rose toward the heavens, higher than any other buildings he’d ever seen. 
The trouble was, he had no idea where Duane Street was in relation to where he stood. That meant he’d have to try his luck in convincing one of those cabs to stop for him.
With that, he pushed away from the building, moving toward the road as if it was something he’d done all the time. Snow swirled in all directions beneath the streetlights, and when he held up a hand, it took all of about thirty seconds for a coach to stop for him.
He tugged open the back door, as he’d seen Noelle do, and winced at the blast of heat that nearly knocked him back a step. Still, he carefully sank into the cracked vinyl seat and said, “Duane Street.”
“Do you have a number?”
“You wanna take Eleventh Ave or Seventh to get there?”
“Whichever is quickest.”
“This time of day? Six of one, half dozen of the other, pal. Which one you wanna go?”
Thorin scowled. “Seventh, then.”
“You got it.”
And with that, they were off. The driver seemed to pay no heed to all of the horns around him, but wove in and out of traffic as if he was the only one on the road. Thorin held his breath with each honk, closing his eyes as he silently asked Mahal to watch over him, for it seemed to him the driver had a bit of a death wish. It was difficult to remember was his last cab ride had been like here. He had been concentrating far more on how Noelle’s thigh pressed up against his every time they took a turn, and that was far more pleasant than this ride. 
But finally, the cab abruptly pulled to the side. “That’ll be twenty one-fifty, mister.”
Thorin hesitated. He had no money from this world on his person. But, he had something he hoped would be considered just as valuable.
“I’ve none of your bills,” he began, holding out a small, golden coin, “but I think this might suffice.”
The driver stared at the coin. “Are you serious?”
“Take it. I think you’ll be pleased.”
“What kind of game you playin’, man?”
“I play no games. Trust me, that is pure gold. Feel it.” Thorin waited for him to hold out his hand, then dumped the coin into the driver’s palm, sighing back his smile at the way the man’s eyes went wide. 
He didn't wait for the driver to say anything, but pushed the door open and emerged from the cab into the night air that seemed even chillier after nearly forty minutes in the overheated vehicle. Apparently the driver didn't mind being paid in gold, for as soon as Thorin shoved the door closed, the vehicle’s tires squealed as he pulled away from the curb to disappear into the thickening grayness until only the red dots of the lights on the cab's rear were visible.
Unfortunately, as he looked around, Thorin realized he recognized nothing. Still, it wouldn’t be the first time he had to hunt to find a residence. He’d gotten lost twice in the Shire looking for Bilbo Baggins’ house, and that was nothing compared to the time he and his company had gotten lost in Mirkwood. 
So, with that, he began walking. With neither sun nor stars to guide him, he had no idea what direction he moved. Still, he kept moving until finally, he saw something familiar. 
Actually, no. The building wasn’t at all familiar to his eyes. 
But to his heart? That was another story. He didn't have to recognize to know he’d found the right place.
The building doorman smiled as Thorin tugged open one of the heavy smoked glass doors and stepped into the lobby. “Good evening, sir. How may I help you?”
Thorin drew in a deep breath as he attempted to quell the hundreds of butterflies that had suddenly let loose in his belly. “I’m here to see Miss James.”
“Is she expecting you?”
He shook his head. “I don’t think so.” 
The doorman’s smile faded. “I see. Very well. Who should I tell her is calling?”
“Tell her it’s Thorin.”
A thin grey eyebrow arched. “Thorin?”
“She will know me.”
“Very well.  I’ll let Miss James know you’re here, Mr. … Thorin.”
“I thank you.” 
He stepped back as the doorman lifted something to his ear. “Miss James, you have a visitor.”
The doorman’s eyes narrowed as they fell on Thorin once more. “He says his name is Thorin.” Those pale grey eyes, almost the same shade as his eyebrows, narrowed. “Yes, of course.”
He set down the device. “Miss James will be down in a moment. You may have a seat over there, if you wish.”
Thorin turned toward the dark brown leather chairs on the opposite side of the lobby. “Thank you.”
He didn't trouble to tell the doorman that he’d find it impossible to sit. Instead, he crossed to those chairs and just paced, painfully aware of the way the doorman’s eyes seemed to follow him constantly. 
A chime echoed along the building’s marble and chrome interior and at the far end of the corridor, two silver doors slid open and for a moment, Thorin was convinced he’d stepped into one of his dreams. 
Three years had passed since he last laid eyes upon Noelle and he chided himself on how he could have possibly forgotten how beautiful she truly was. His eyes stung with unexpected tears as she strode toward him, and he wondered if this was how she felt when she’d come to him in his world, when she’d nearly knocked him off his feet by leaping unexpectedly into his arms.
Then a hint of a knot twisted in his gut. Something was wrong. Noelle didn't smile as she approached him. In fact, she looked almost angry, her lips in a thin, narrow line, her brows pulled low with a furrow between them.
“Who are you?” Anger smoked her words about their edges as she stormed up to him.
This was definitely not the greeting he’d expected and without thinking, he took a step back. “What do you mean, who am I?”
“I mean just that. Who are you, because if this supposed to be some sort of prank or something, it’s not funny at all.”
Her voice, heated as it was, was also exactly as he remembered. Husky. Rich. Almost velvety in its smoothness. “A prank? I don’t understand. It’s me, Noelle.”
“How do you know my name?”
He frowned. Had she forgotten him? Had Mahal hidden him from her as she’d been hidden from him for all this time? Holding out one hand, he tried to catch hers. “It’s me, Noelle,” he repeated, his throat tightening as she jerked back from him. “Thorin.”
“No.” She shook her head, her mane of dark red curls bouncing violently. “No, you are not him. Now, what kind of game are you playing with me, because,” she gestured with small device she held in her left hand, “I’ve already pulled up 911 and if you think I won’t hit send, you’re nuts. Now, tell me who the fuck you are!” 
“Noelle, I assure you, I play no games. It’s me, Tho—” 
He didn't get the chance to finish, as she drew back and hit him, her fist slamming into his jaw with enough force that he stumbled back. “Fuck you,” she snarled, her voice breaking. “I don't know who you are or what you’re about, but Thorin is dead. I saw him die. I held him as it happened and if this is Ian’s idea of a joke, I’ll punch him when I see him next. So, fuck off and leave me alone!”
Before he could say a word, she spun away from him. “Mr. Jeffries, if this man is not gone in two minutes, call the police and do not let him convince you I know him.”
Mr. Jeffries looked as shocked as Thorin felt, but nodded just the same. “Yes, Miss James.”
She stormed off without a backwards look and as Thorin turned toward the doorman, it was to see him reaching for the same device he’d used to alert Noelle to his presence.
“Mr. Jeffries,” Thorin moved closer to the man’s desk, still rubbing his jaw, “when Miss James calms down some, please tell her that I am alive and well and will find some way to prove it to her.”
A thin grey brow rose again. “I think it best if took your leave now. I should hate to have to have you arrested.”
Thorin agreed, he’d hate to find himself arrested, and that was the only reason he didn't demand to be let up to her flat. 
But that didn't mean he was giving up, for he wasn’t. It wasn't in his nature to surrender so easily and so he forced himself to smile at Mr. Jeffries.
“I’m taking my leave now. But, please tell her that.” Thorin cast a last glance over his shoulder at the silver doors, now closing on Noelle’s furious figure and sighed. He hadn’t thought he might not be able to convince her that he didn’t actually die on the ice floe at Ravenhill. He’d been fairly certain that she’d be relieved to see that not only hadn’t he died there, but that he’d managed to find his way back to her, that she’d be as overjoyed at seeing him as he was at seeing her. 
A serious miscalculation, it seemed. 
A very serious miscalculation.
Still, he’d find a way to convince Noelle he was alive and well and had come back for her. He just needed a little help, is all.
Since Mr. Jeffries was still holding his device and still giving him the side eye, Thorin left the apartment lobby to venture back out into the cold and snow. 
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beardedjoel · 2 years ago
closer | part six
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joel x f!reader. non-apocalypse au.
series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3  
chapter summary: joel pays you a late night visit after a day of flirty texting. 6.5k words.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, age difference (joel is 42 and reader is 25), soft!dom joel, oral (m receiving), size kink (big dick miller you know how it is), hand grinding,/riding, dirty talk, praise kink, reader is a menace this chapter
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You wake up still feeling like you’re living in some kind of a dream the next morning. Two weeks ago you would have laughed at the concept of Joel fucking Miller eating you out until you begged him to stop, yet here you are, on the other side of that exact experience from last night. Despite the fact that you feel a bit embarrassed remembering your hazy, sleepy begging to stay over his house, you feel good about the whole thing. Amazing, actually. You start to flush all over again when the image of him, lifting his face from between your legs and looking right into your eyes flashes through your mind. You let out a contented sigh, sliding yourself out of bed to get ready for the day. 
It’s a Friday, and normally your parents would be working but they both took a day off for a doctor’s appointment for your dad and to get some major unpacking done, which you’re roped into, of course, as part of your deal with staying here. 
You shower and change into some loose, comfortable clothing and as you’re opening the door, you see a small piece of paper taped to it on the outside. You pull it off, tilting your head to the side with curiosity as you unfold it. 
Won’t be around tonight - work outing. Text me something to let me know you’re thinking of me
He’d written his phone number underneath his name, and you smile giddily at this little piece of him you’re holding right now. You study the handwriting, just admiring the boyish, sloppy strokes of the pen and the way he writes his own name. You quickly punch the number into your phone and save it, after debating what to even put for his contact name. Putting down Joel Miller seems so… formal for a guy who had his tongue inside of you last night, so you just settle on ‘Joel’.
You look forward to thinking of the perfect text to send him, but luckily you have this relatively busy day ahead of you to keep your mind off the fact that you won’t be seeing Joel tonight. You don’t want to end up seeming too desperate anyways, texting him the second you get his number. 
Your parents are in the kitchen, your dad hovering near your mom on crutches as she’s cooking. He’s trying so hard to be helpful despite barely being able to get around right now, but you smile watching him add some salt and pepper to the eggs on the stove to seem productive. They both turn when they hear you opening the sliding glass door. 
“Good morning!” you mom and dad call in unison, sounding suspiciously chipper for the busy day they have ahead of them. 
“Morning,” you reply, stifling a yawn. “What can I get started on?” you ask. 
“You don’t want to eat? We made plenty,” your dad says. 
“Sure,” you shrug, getting plates and silverware out before making yourself a plate of eggs, toast, and bacon. You sit down, and your parents join you a few moments later. You’re too busy digging into your food to notice the look they’re both giving you at first. You glance up, then do a double take because you notice both of their faces, a mixture of stunned, amused, and concerned. You stop chewing, darting your eyes around, feeling like you’re missing something. 
“Where the hell did that come from?” your mom says, her tone uncharacteristically demanding for her. 
“Wh- where did what come from?” you ask, furrowing your brow feeling genuinely confused. 
You see it in what feels like slow motion, your mom reaching up to her own neck to indicate, and you choke a little on your food as your cheeks go completely red and your stomach bottoms out. You hadn’t even thought about trying to cover up all the marks Joel had left on you - you’ve never really had many hickeys before. You’d just rolled out of bed and barely even noticed yourself in the mirror this morning, and now you wish you could go back in time to do that so you could avoid feeling like you’re going to die of embarrassment. 
“Uh…” your throat makes a strained sound, pushing air out but no words come. “I - uh, oh my god,” you say, giving up and hiding your face in your hands. You simply hear both of your parents cracking up now, and a bit of relief sweeps through you. You know they are pretty open minded, but you don’t want to admit the whole truth to them about Joel or discuss anything remotely having to do with your sex life.
“I may have gone out… at night… met some people,”’ you lie, miserably trying to make up a story on the spot as you peek out at them from behind you hands. “It’s really nothing, I swear.”
Your parents are both smiling at you with an intrigued expression. “As long as you’re being safe,” your dad comments, and you feel like passing out again. 
“God… dad, I know,” you reply, giving him a look of pained disgust. 
“Alright, alright, it’s not our business,” your mom jumps in. “Just gave us a surprise, those are quite the marks you’ve got there...” Your mom leans a little closer to inspect them and you lean back, trying to swat her away. 
“Okay, that’s enough breakfast for me! I’m going to get started on… something. Literally anything that is not in this room right now,” you ramble, getting up from the table and clearing your plate before heading to the living room, where you can hear your parents still laughing with each other over your misfortune. You roll your eyes and pull out your phone, opening a new message. 
You: Hi
Joel: About time you reached out. I was worried you weren’t going to
You: My parents accidentally saw all of my hickeys… thanks a lot
Joel: Bad to say I’m laughing right now?
You: It’s not funny!!! I’m mortified within an inch of my life. I had to make up some story about where I got them
Joel: Sorry baby, but it is funny. Was it at least worth it?
You: Absolutely worth every bit of embarrassment I’m feeling right now
Joel: Thought so ;) 
You decide to get on with your morning, your mom joining in and then enlisting you to help them unpack their book room. There’s only two bedrooms in this house and an entire one is being dedicated to all their bookshelves and a reading nook. You do think it’s rather cute, how much your parents love to read together, despite them liking completely different genres.
Your mom has a whole system mapped out for organizing the books, and you’re trying your best to follow it, despite not understanding the way that woman’s mind works sometimes. She keeps eyeing you the entire time, and you can tell it’s not to check that you’re following her system - she wants to say something.
“Alright, out with it,” you say, rolling your eyes a little. You’re sitting on the floor, surrounded by books, organizing the piles while your mom places them on the shelves just right.
“Nothing, nothing,” she throws her hands up. “You’ve just surprised me today, that’s all. I just didn’t realize you were… going out.”
“It was just once or twice, I wanted to see if I could meet any people in Austin.” You shrug, and you realize now how your comment sounds when your mom lifts her eyebrows as if to say you sure did meet some people, judging by your neck.
“Not meet people like that. I’m not even trying to date anyone right now. Just met someone and we had a quick… thing. Please, can we stop talking about this forever?” You stop moving books and rub your eyes, desperately hoping she’ll drop it. You don’t like lying about everything with Joel, but you two haven’t even established anything about anything when it comes to your relationship. There’s no need to drag your parents or anyone else into it right now.
“Alright, fine, fine,” your mom concedes, and you sigh in relief. “I’m glad you’re trying to get out there more. Just making sure you’re okay.”
“I’m okay, I promise,” you reply, and it feels good to finally be saying one true thing to her today. You’re more than okay - you’ve felt like you’re floating through these last two days, knowing what’s waiting for you in the evenings now. Joel.
You two work for another hour, thankfully talking about things that aren’t related to your sexual escapades, but your mom does bring up asking Joel to do a consultation on some things at the house and you cringe, but you don’t have any good reason to tell her not to do it. After all, she was completely enamored with the way he’d helped you fix the gate and kitchen cabinet, so it was the perfect setup for her. You can’t bear the thought of him tearing out walls, or fixing bathroom tiles, or whatever the hell it is your parents have planned, while you four are all in the same house. You’d have to go into hiding, you think, to avoid feeling like a total fraud around them. How would you be able to hold back the absolute ‘fuck me’ eyes you know you have around him? You’re beyond grateful when your mom leaves for your dad’s doctor’s appointment and you don’t have to tiptoe around subjects anymore. 
Your phone buzzes while you’re eating lunch, still surrounded by the books that have yet to be shelved, and you check in, seeing that Joel has reached out to you again.
Joel: Checking in to see if you’re still dying from embarrassment?
You: It’s literally going to haunt me forever. At least I stayed busy with unpacking, but I think my mom is going to ask you to fix stuff in the house now because you were a little too generous before
Joel: Is that what you call what we did last night?
You: Too generous… sounds about right…
Joel: Not generous enough, if you ask me
Joel: Happy to help if she needs it, but stay out of the room so they don’t see me checking out your ass and ask too many questions
You: Okay now who’s the insatiable one?
Joel: Still you
You: I am thinking about you a lot today…
Joel: Thinking what about me?
You: You know what!
Joel: Humor me
You chuckle, biting your lip as you think for a moment about your response before quickly getting back to typing on your phone. 
You: Thinking about last night and the night before
You: About your hard cock
You: Your fingers inside of me, making me come like crazy
You’re midway through typing your next message in this horny ambush when Joel texts back.
Joel: Woah woah, trying to work here
You: You tease, you asked!
Joel: Still glad I did
Joel: But it makes me sorry we can’t see each other tonight. I’ll probably be back late
You: That’s okay, have fun :)
Joel: Not sure I can now, I’ll just be thinking about you sweetheart
You smile and giggle a little to yourself, feeling butterflies at the thought of Joel thinking about you all day in any sense at all. 
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Joel is having a mess of a day at work. Shit, he thinks to himself for a solid thirty minutes at least after reading the texts you’ve sent about him making you come. And now it’s all he can think about, fighting his dick getting hard for half the day as he tries to focus on keeping his team in line and getting their work done. Tommy seems to notice Joel’s distracted mind, but doesn’t say anything just yet, and for that Joel is grateful. 
In the end, Joel can’t stop his thoughts from drifting back to you. Just how absolutely mind blowingly good you’d felt as you came around his fingers and into his mouth, and the look on your face when you realized there was no way he was stopping at just one orgasm. He knows he could’ve gotten another one out of you last night after those three, and the thought of seeing you that fucked out and desperately writhing for him is practically what’s getting him through the day. One day, he’s going to get you to truly beg him to stop making you come, and he feels a slightly uncomfortable twitch in his jeans at the thought.
Tommy gives Joel a sly look as he catches Joel checking his phone yet again. 
“I see things are going well,” he chides, and Joel rolls his eyes a little. 
“Just… seeing how things play out,” Joel answers mostly honestly. Tommy hasn’t asked so Joel hasn’t felt the need to share that things had progressed between the two of you.
“Brother, I don’t know the last time I saw you like this,” Tommy says with a shake of his head.
“I know,” Joel runs a hand down his face, sighing. “I’ll get my head back in the game, sorry Tommy.”
Joel didn’t know exactly how he was going to do that, when images of you from last night accompanied by sexy little texts were floating through his mind, but he would damn well try. 
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You’re yawning, leaned up against your pillows, feeling like the most elderly 25 year old in the world as you see that it’s barely even 9:30 and you’re already ready for bed. You haven’t heard anything else from Joel, and you’re glad that means he’s hopefully having a fun time out with his work crew. You can’t help that you’re still a bit disappointed you aren’t seeing him again tonight, but you think maybe it’s a good thing, to get a little separation from these last few nights to clear your head a bit. Your phone buzzing next to you takes you out of your thoughts, and you can’t stop the immediate smile when you see Joel’s message pop up. 
Joel: Missing you baby, what’re you up to?
You begin to type a message back, but then pause, having an even better idea strike you. You immediately rifle through your underwear drawer frantically, finding one of your favorite black lace pairs and changing into it. You peel off your shirt and settle yourself on your bed, covering your tits with one hand and forearm and angling the camera on your phone to get a teasing image down your chest and all the way to your panties as you lay down. You decide to flip over and take another one of just your ass, showing off the cheeky design of the black lace that covers only half of your behind. You giggle to yourself most of the time, feeling so ridiculous but happy to be doing this for Joel. You sit on the edge of your bed and scroll through the embarrassing amount of photos you’d just taken to try and get it perfect, and choose one of your front and backside to send to Joel. Your fingers shake a little as you hit send, realizing these are your first risque photos you’ve ever sent anyone. You feel weirdly nervous, hoping he’ll like them, that they aren’t too much, that you look hot enough in them. You’ve already decided on the perfect message to go with the photos, quickly typing it out and sending it along. 
You: Just wishing you were here right now so you could fuck my face
Your phone pings barely moments later, and you grin into the screen as you read Joel’s response.
Joel: Fucking hell
Joel: You naughty girl… Can’t believe you’d sent that while I’m out in public
You: Oops :)
You: Heading to sleep, goodnight!
Joel: You’re unbelievable
Joel: Goodnight ;)
You’re dozing with the TV on but muted, the colors and lights of the screen flashing through your otherwise dark room. You stir awake, unsure of what exactly caused it, but you roll over and try to close your eyes again. A sound comes, and it must be what woke you - a tapping on the door to your apartment. Your face scrunches up in equal concern and annoyance - who the hell would be doing this in the middle of the night? You check your phone - it’s 11:30pm. You slide out of bed and pad over to the door, unlocking and then opening it. 
Joel is standing there, slightly disheveled from his evening out in a long sleeved plaid shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and jeans. His hair is mussed slightly, but you always love it when it’s like that. You’re slightly annoyed that he woke you up, but you immediately grin incredulously at the sight of him. 
“Wh-?” you start to ask, wide eyed, but he’s already moving his way through your door, stepping past you and into the room.
“Couldn’t get me fuckin’ your pretty face out of my mind since you said it,” Joel says gruffly, looking back towards you with a little smirk. 
You cross your arms, trying to feign an unimpressed attitude, despite being immediately excited about his presence. “I see,” you say with a quirked brow, approaching him and running a hand delicately along his arm. “You woke me up, you know.”
Joel leans down, pressing his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry, baby. I can go, if you want.”
“No,” you call out quickly, almost too desperately. This is the first time he’s offering to let you pleasure him in some way, and you feel the need to cling onto it. “That’s okay, I’m happy you’re here.” You try to smile alluringly as you look up at him, and Joel, sensing the urgency in your words, has a wry look on his face. He moves over to your bed and sits on the edge of it, watching you with his head tilted slightly. You immediately feel the warmth of desire spreading through you with the way he’s looking at you in your thin tank top and sleep shorts, his eyes full of hunger and desire. 
“Fuck, look at you,” he murmurs as you draw nearer. You stand between his legs, and for some reason, the nerves kick in, little flips going through your stomach. Something about the way he’s in your space and came by unannounced, wanting nothing but your mouth on him is enough to send you spiraling.
“Think it’s fun to tease me all day like that? Send those pictures?” he asks, grabbing you by the ass and pulling you further in between his legs, your chest level with his face now. He leans his head forward and takes one of your nipples into his mouth through the fabric of your shirt and sucks hard. You inhale sharply and your whole body seems to buck forward with it, the feeling immediately growing the steadily warming pit inside of your core. 
“Y-yes, I do,” you manage to squeak out, and Joel bites gently at the now hard and aching bud beneath your shirt. 
“Of course you do - you naughty, needy thing, wanting me to be hard all day at work, needin’ you on this cock,” he says, pinching your other nipple between his fingers and rolling, looking straight up into your eyes now. You nod slightly, trying to focus despite his movements, grinding your hips forward into nothing, looking for relief as an ache begins to build between your legs. 
“I like being needed by you,” you say quietly, biting your lip as you nervously await his response to your confession. Joel’s face softens a little despite the desire still lurking in his gaze. 
“I know you do, darlin’, you want to be a good girl for me, huh? Make me wanna keep coming back for more?” He stands off the bed and brings a hand up to your cheek, pressing his palm to it and curling his fingers around your head. You’re already falling apart inside, melting at his words that ring a little too true, and feel your cheeks warming.
“Yes,” you breathe out, “Please.”
As if your words were a confirmation to him, Joel moves his hands to your shoulders, turning you around and pushing you gently to sit on the bed while he strokes the skin there with his thumbs. You sit quietly, impatiently awaiting his next move, your chest heaving slightly now with anticipation. Joel doesn’t take his eyes off of your eager expression as he reaches to his belt, jangling sounds as he unbuckles it fills the room and he unzips his pants. He lets them fall to the floor, and you can now see his cock straining against his black briefs. You hesitantly reach out to touch him, but he tenderly takes your wrist and holds it back, shaking his head. 
“So eager, aren’t we?” He arches an eyebrow playfully. You swear your mouth starts to water and the thought of tasting his cock, so you suppose he’s not wrong. He lets go of your wrist, and you drop it down to your side now, watching as he slides a hand down his briefs and rubs his cock, large hands grabbing the length of it, a small groan of pleasure coming out of him.
“F-fuck,” you whimper, squeezing your thighs together as much as you can despite Joel standing in between your knees. You need it, you need him, and all you can focus on is the thought of that cock being somewhere inside of you. Joel is loving every minute of this torture, a little gleam in his eye as he chuckles at you squirming. 
“Okay, sweet girl, you’ve waited long enough,” he coos, lovingly brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You feel excitement pouring through you when he pulls his briefs down his legs and the full length of his cock sits bare in front of you. You immediately have the urge to lurch forward, take it into your mouth and give him all the pleasure he’s been giving to you, but you think better of it.
“Open,” Joel commands, moving a little closer to you and putting his whole hand against the back of your head, threading his fingers into your hair. You do as he says, your mouth hanging open for him. 
Your tongue comes out, immediately lapping at the head of his cock as soon as it gets close enough, and Joel‘s body jerks at your movement until he relaxes into it. You run slow, swirling circles around it with your tongue, flicking your tongue a bit down into the shaft, eliciting breathy little moans from Joel as you continue your movements down the length of him. Now that it’s so close to your mouth, you’re realizing just how much of him you’re going to have to fit in there, and you want to panic a little bit. Joel seems to sense your apprehension because he begins to stroke the back of your head calmingly with his fingertips.
“It’s okay, baby, I’ll go slow,” he says, attempting to reassure you. You simply give a “mm-hmm” and a nod in approval while you continue working him with your tongue, not missing a beat. You position your head underneath him and lick a long stripe with the flat of your tongue up the length, then move your lips to the head, a silent signal that you’re ready for him. Joel pushes his hips forward carefully, the head going into your mouth, his salty taste taking over every taste bud. You moan a little from the pure anticipation leading up to this moment, wanting to pleasure him like this from the first night you’d spent together. Or, if you’re being honest with yourself, probably from the first day you’d seen him from your parents’ yard. 
“Already lookin’ so perfect on my cock like that, pretty girl,” Joel drawls breathlessly as he pushes a little deeper, your mouth still comfortably taking him in, and his praising words send a rush of wetness between your legs, making you squirm a little bit. He pulls back, his cock sliding almost all the way out of your mouth before he thrusts his hips forward again, this time a little deeper. He continues the motions, moving himself slightly deeper into your mouth each time he pushes himself back into you. It’s becoming a stretch to take this much of him, but you want so badly to be his good girl, to make him happy, so you keep going. His next thrust hits a little too deep and you gag slightly, grasping onto Joel’s thigh for support as tears sting your eyes. He pauses for a moment, but you slide your mouth a few times to let him know it’s okay to keep going. He starts thrusting a little more urgently now that he’s learning your boundaries, his cock repeatedly moving in and out of your warm mouth, and from the groaning sounds he’s making, you know he’s been wanting to do this badly for a while now, much longer than just today. 
When Joel said he was going to fuck your face, he meant it. His hand holds firmly on the back of your head as he thrusts his hips, pumping his cock in and out of your mouth with ragged breaths. 
“My perfect, pretty girl,” he mumbles in between his panting, looking down and watching your mouth take his cock over and over in the dim lighting of the room. “Bet you like this cock in your mouth, want me to push it back as far as I can, don’t you?”  he groans out.
You simply try to nod enthusiastically despite your head being held by him, and he grunts approvingly at your reaction, pushing his dick just that much deeper into your mouth. You fight the urge to choke a little, but you move past the feeling, finding the perfect angle for him to hit in your mouth to avoid it. His praises, the way his cock tastes, it’s overwhelming you and you feel the ache between your legs pulsing, begging you to do something about it. You slide your hand down inside of your shorts, pressing your palm to your pussy and sighing lightly at the relief as your hips immediately begin moving, grinding against your hand. Joel, seeing your movements on the bed, smirks down at you as he catches sight of your hand in your shorts. 
“Fuck, you sweet little thing, liking taking me in your mouth like that - who would’ve thought you’d be such a filthy, cock hungry girl, hm?” he rambles, lost in the moment of his pleasure. You other hand cautiously reaches up, grasping onto the very base of his cock, beginning to pump along the base of it. Joel doesn’t stop you, if anything it seems to encourage him. His moans become a bit louder, and when your own moans vibrate onto his cock from your mouth, it seems like it’s driving him absolutely crazy.
“Yeah, baby, just like that, keep touching that little pussy for me,” Joel moans out, and you have no problem obeying his command. You’re already moving your hips rhythmically onto your fingers now, rubbing your clit quickly and desperately, the pressure of your climax already almost at a breaking point. His cock is throbbing, begging for release, and you begin to add some more movement into the hand on the base, rotating it slightly a few times and then dipping down to cup his balls.
“Fuck,” he grunts, “Yes, sweet girl, s-such a good girl,” he breathes out, stammering a little now. His eyes are closed as he continues to pump his cock into your mouth, his hand gripping even tighter on your head. You’re both in a frenzy, close to climaxing, but Joel seems to be reaching it first. “I’m gonna come right into that throat, baby, you’d like that wouldn’t you?” he says, and you make a moaning sound onto his cock in affirmation. He plunges deep, releasing himself and you feel his cum hit the back of your throat, warm and salty as his body shudders, his muscles tensing. You don’t let up on touching yourself, the feeling of him reaching his climax only sends an even greater ache to your cunt as you push your finger inside of yourself. You can feel his body loosen moments later, and he relaxes, slowly dragging his cock out of your mouth with hazy looking eyes.
He quickly notices your hand still in your shorts, rubbing frantically, and grabs your wrist, pulling it out. You cry out at the movement on your clit suddenly stopping, but Joel has other plans - he lets go of your wrist, gripping your shoulders and flipping you onto the bed, stomach down. He presses himself against you, leaning his body over top of yours, and you can feel his still wet half hard cock pressing against your ass. He slides a hand underneath your hips, immediately pushing two fingers onto your clit, but he leaves it still, not moving.
“Make yourself come,” he commands, leaning closer to your ear now, each word deliberate and succinct. . “Use me.”
You breathe in a little shakily, but find yourself turned on all over again at what he’s suggesting. You start to tentatively move your hips, grinding them down onto his hand. As soon as you start moving, his fingers slowly begin to make circles on your clit, prompting you to move faster. 
“Fuck, Joel,” you whimper, pushing your hips into his hand harder and harder, his fingers staying perfectly on your clit as he rubs it along with your movements You’re losing all sense of control now, your hips lifting off the bed and then back down, feeling like something other than you is guiding your motions now as you reach closer to your orgasm. 
Joel’s noises of approval at you pleasuring yourself bring you even closer to the edge, knowing he enjoys this as much as you do. He starts kissing along your back, keeping his body pressed close to yours, but allowing as much movement as you need to get off. The flutter of his lips on your skin sends you shuddering.
“Yeah, baby, come on,” he urges you, rubbing his finger more intensely now. You’re moving your hips quicker, trying to find the perfect angle, panting into the mattress now, desperately reaching for your orgasm. Joel senses you’re close, feeling your dripping cunt all over his hand, and he surprises you by quickly sliding his hand down and in one fluid motion pushing two fingers inside of you, barely letting up on the motion on your clit as he does it. You cry out into the bed, trying not to make too much noise as Joel pumps his fingers in and out of you. 
“Need your sweet little pussy comin’ all over this hand, c’mon.” His voice is low, and he lightly bites the skin on your back as he stays pressed against you. You’re shaking all over as your hips grind down into his fingers and your core suddenly explodes, the orgasm wracking your body. You moan loudly, pressing your face down as you bite onto the sheets, trying to stifle your noise with something.
Joel doesn’t let up, letting you ride out your climax hard onto his hand, your slickness coating his fingers as he goes as deep as he can throughout it. Your shuddering finally slows, and you try to catch your breath, practically collapsing onto his hand. 
“Very good girl,” he coos, planting another kiss on your back. You lift your hips just enough for him to pull his hand out before you let them fall back down, your muscles threatening to give out on you. Joel lays down next to you on his back and turns his head over to you, gently smoothing your hair off of your face and you see the corners of his lips turn up slightly. 
“I’m glad you showed up,” you say breathlessly, smiling wide. 
Joel chuckles. “Oh, me too, sweetheart.”
You two lay silently for a few moments, before you turn onto your side and look at him with anticipation, nervous about what you want to ask him. “Is it weird to say that I like… how you act during… all this stuff?” You peer over at him and bite your lip, thankful that the darkness is likely hiding how red your cheeks are turning.
“How do you mean?” Joel scrunches his brow. 
“Just… all the stuff you say to me. It really turns me on.”
Joel lets out another little laugh. “Oh yeah? You like the things I call you?”
You nod, maybe a little too excitedly, catching yourself and releasing a shy laugh. “Yeah, I do.”
“Like… bein’ my good girl? My sweet girl?”
You squirm a little just hearing the words come out of his mouth, and it doesn’t escape Joel’s notices as he lifts his brows a bit at you. “Mhm, and… when you’re more vulgar too,” you say, barely loud enough for him to hear. You cover your face in embarrassment, you don’t know why this is too much to say to a man who’s dick you just had in your mouth, but it is. It’s like there’s different personalities involved when you two are intimate, or something.
“S’okay darlin’, don’t be so embarrassed. It’s all normal,” he assures you, leaning over to kiss your forehead. 
“I know, I guess I just never had anyone say most of this stuff before, it’s really… fucking hot.”
Joel laughs heartily now, and you follow suit. “It is!” you call out, giggling. 
“I believe ya,” Joel says between chuckles. “I’m glad you like it, baby.” He ponders for a moment before adding with another laugh, “It’s hot for me too, I guess.”
“So you like saying that stuff to me, too?” You perk up a little, excited to hear his answer and get any type of validation from him on his feelings for you.
“Of course,” he says, touching your cheek. “Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t. Gets me off just thinkin’ about callin’ you those things.”
You look at him slightly surprised, but smiling nonetheless. “Really?” you ask, still having a hard time accepting that Joel could be equally as attracted to you as you are to him. 
“You know I think you’re the sexiest little thing, don’t you, baby? I could get turned on just by the idea of you,” he confesses, and you find your body instinctively moving closer to him before you even realize it. 
“I guess I just assumed… you liked me, but maybe not… I don’t know, as much as I was interested in you.”
“I’ve been thinkin’ about you non-stop since I saw you for the first time, wantin’ to say all that stuff to you, if that helps.”
“I can’t believe that sometimes, that you noticed me like that.” You bite your lip nervously as you realize more and more of your feelings are getting out in the open tonight. 
“And why’s that?” Joel asks, genuine curiosity in his expression. 
“I mean look at you…” You gesture to all of him, and he chuckles a little.  “And with my age, I didn’t know you’d see me like that. I just felt like I couldn’t compare with women your age, or something.” Ugh, you hated how you sounded saying all of this out loud. 
“Darlin’, if I’m honest, right now you’re the only one I see myself wantin’ to fuck. Can’t get you off my mind,” he replies, and it’s so honest that you can’t help the look of surprise in your face. It quickly changes into a small, shy, smile though and you glance over at him.
“I like to hear you say that,” you say sweetly, practically melting as you catch his brown eyes with yours. “I can’t get you off my mind, either.”
“Well it’s settled, let’s stay on each other's minds, then,” Joel says, reaching over to wrap his arm around you. You turn onto your side and settle your body into his, nestling into the warmth and the smell of him and sex on the both of you. 
“It’s settled,” you echo back, and you can feel the smile in Joel’s body as he squeezes you tighter. “Will you stay for a bit?” you ask tentatively, worried that between last night and this, he’s going to think you’re being too clingy for whatever this arrangement is that you’ve just agreed on. 
“Sure, baby,” he says softly, and the two of you adjust yourselves to lay on the pillows up against the headboard.
“Have you ever seen this show?” you ask him, the TV now in both of your sights across from the end of the bed.
“Can’t say I’m one for these reality shows…” Joel says, peering at the screen skeptically as you unmute it.
“I’m telling you, it’s some of the funniest shit you could ever watch. One night here and I’ll have you hooked, I swear.”
Joel scoffs lightheartedly and laughs, denying what you’ve said, but he settles into the bed, continuing to hold you in his arms while you lay your head on his chest. You two watch in silence for a while until Joel interrupts. 
“Now wait… why’s she so upset?” he asks, and the real concern in his voice makes you want to burst out laughing. 
“Okay, so this girl Becca, she’s obsessed with that guy, Paul, but Paul chose Carrie for his big date he gets to have. But get this - Carrie and Becca are best friends in this house they all share so it’s just so awkward and freaking dramatic for no good reason,” you explain, your words coming out rapidfire before you can even doubt if Joel cares to hear all of this.
“Jesus christ,” Joel murmurs quietly, taking in your speed rundown of the drama. You immediately laugh at how ridiculous you’d just sounded, but you peer up and Joel’s eyes are still glued to the TV, intently watching as the show flashes between the date and Becca crying to the other girls about Paul. Once the episode ends, Joel doesn’t stop the next one from starting to play, and you have to bite back the shit eating grin you want to wear on your face so badly. Instead, you turn your head from his chest to look at his face again. 
“Told you,” you say simply, raising your eyebrows. 
“Oh, shut it,” Joel chuckles, shoving you gently. He glances down at you with a soft smile and then kisses the top of your head, his eyes flicking back to the drama unfolding on the TV. 
You can’t help but think that you could easily stay in this moment, just like this, forever. 
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lampmanliveblogs · 9 months ago
Yesterday's Lie, Today's Truth, Tomorrow's Promise chapter 2 (beta)
Heeey, y'all remember that Vee fic I've been toiling away at? I finally, just now, five minutes ago, got the second chapter done. Sorta, anyway. This bad boy ended up being just over 10 000 words long... and it was originally supposed to be longer, but I decided to split it into two.
I havenät run this through any spellcheck or grammar check, and I mgiht go back to change some stuff before fnal publication, but I'm probabaly not gonna change too much plot-wise. It took me a long time to get it into a state that works, and I think I did a decent job.
I am planning on actually putting this story up on AO3, but I wanna make sure to have at least the first three chapters done and ready before that. The next chapter should hopefully not be as long as this one.
For now... enjoy!
(oh, and I actually settled on a title!)
(also, i just realized that copy-n-paste didn't copy-n-paste any of the italics... meh, it's 01:00 at night right now and I need my beatuy sleep)
Lamp Entertainment presents…
The night was growing old, but Masha was wide awake. Lying in Luz’ bed, looking up at the glow-in-the-dark stars glued to the bunk above. They were tired, dead tired, but thoughts buzzed around their head like ten million fireflies, keeping them awake.
Not only were shapeshifters, basilisks, witches, magic, demons, and other worlds real, but shapeshifting basilisks demons from another world filled with magic and witches were real. Masha had spent most of summer sharing a bunk bed with one, just as they were doing now. It was a lot to take in.
Oh, and the story about the Wittebane brothers meeting a witch? It was true. The brothers had met a real witch, a witch that they had followed back to the Demon Realm, the world of demons and witches. Not only that, but old Philip Wittebane was still alive and kicking, turned into a monster and spending the last four centuries working on a plan to exterminate all witches.
That evil, wicked man was the reason Vee was alive. Vee had been… brief in talking about her origins. Masha knew better than to pry too much, and thank Goddess Marco and Samuel did too. Just telling them about her true identity had obviously been very difficult for her, and if there were things she wasn’t ready to tell them yet, then they shouldn’t pressure her.
Even so, what she did tell them did not paint a pretty picture.
”My name, it’s Vee as in V, as in ’five,’” she had explained, holding up two fingers forming a V. Her voice trembled and her gaze lowered, looking at something far, far away from the comfort and safety of her new home. She took a deep, unsteady breath before speaking again. ”I… am number five. Lab animal number five.”
And all of the sudden it made so much sense why ”Luz” had spent the first few weeks of camp jumping at every sudden sound and always looking over her shoulder. Why she would always sneak out of bed when she thought everyone was sleeping to make sure the door wasn’t locked.
It made Masha’s blood boil. Philip Wittebane better never show his face in Gravesfield again, or so help them…
But… something else troubled on Masha’s mind. They reached down on the floor, grabbing the vaguely clothes-shaped pile of fabric that was their discarded costume. The deck of cards was still in the pocket where they left them, still in the same order. The first three cards were still The Two-Headed Snake, The Light, and The Red String.
They shuffled the deck thoroughly and drew the first three cards again.
The Light. The Red String. The Two-Headed Snake.
What was the chances of drawing the exact same three cards? One in a million?
Maybe there was still some magic in them…
Eventually, Masha drifted off to a sleep filled with dreams they couldn’t remember in the morning.
Chapter 2: For the Future (that we can’t see)
Vee woke up early, before the others. Well, it wasn’t that early, it was just past eight in the morning. But considering the late night, it felt early even as the sun shone through the window.
She spent some time just coiled up in bed, enjoying the comfortable warmth under her two blankets. She thought if going back to sleep, but eventually convinced herself that it was time to rise and shine.
The others were still asleep, so Vee climbed down from her bunk as quietly as she could. Easier said than done when you had a thick tail instead of two nimble legs. Somehow, she made it down without waking anyone up, though that might have had more to do with the fact that her old cabin mates were exhausted after yesterday.
She noticed a deck of Hexas Hold’em cards lying on the floor. She recalled Masha playing with a deck on the day Luz contacted her from the Demon Realm. Vee couldn’t smell any magic left in them, which meant it was probably the same deck. They must’ve fallen out of Masha’s pocket. She gathered them and put them in a neat stack next to their costume.
She slithered silently out the room, past Samuel and Marco in the guest beds that used to belong to Willow and Amity. The whole thing reminded her of summer camp. She’d often wake up before her cabin mates then too, often sneaking out to enjoy the early morning sun. Masha had called camp prison, but as far as Vee was concerned, her first true sense of freedom had come from that place.
Making it down the stairs was one of those things that was a lot more uncomfortable with a tail than it was with a pair of legs, but Vee decided to stay in her true form for a bit longer. For the longest time, even before she made the decision to tell them, there had been an insistent voice in her head telling her that her friends would find her true form repulsive. It was nice to learn that wasn’t the case.
Oh stars, she could barely believe it! She had told them! She really had told them! Even though the thought had terrified her, she had still gone through with it. And it worked out, they didn’t hate her, they didn’t resent her for deceiving them.
There were some things she hadn’t told them. Things she had only ever told Camila, late one night after she woke up screaming from a nightmare. She wanted the truth to be a happy thing, not marred too much by what had been.
Vee was determined to move beyond her past pain. At times, the darkness made itself known at the back of her head, deep within her lizard brain. But she was getting better and better at pushing back. She had optimism for the future.
First things first though. She needed to call Camila’s work to let them know she was going to need a few days off. Vee, being naturally paranoid and a born liar, had already fleshed out a halfway decent story.
It took some convincing and a little bit of improv, but Vee was eventually (imitating Camila’s voice, of course) able to get Camila’s sudden leave accepted.
Once that was done with, Vee began cleaning up the mess in the living room while contemplating what to do with Luz. Should she take on her appearance and go to school as her again? Or should she call the school and inform Luz wouldn’t be coming for a few days? Both alternatives had its ups and downs. On one hand, Vee actually did like school and learning about the Human Realm. And Luz’ grades really did not need to get any worse. On the other hand, keeping up the deception would add another element of complication. Vee was good, but was she that good?
She mulled over it while cleaning up until she heard movement coming from upstairs. She turned to her friends groggily making their way down the stairs.
”Good morning!” she said cheerfully.
”Wow…” Samuel whispered. ”I was halfway convinced I was dreamt up everything,” he said a little louder.
”Not me, cause I’m not that creative,” Marco said.
”I gotta say, I think it would make for a pretty good story,” Samuel continued. ”A demon fleeing from an evil emperor ends up in the world of the humans, accidentally taking the place of a young girl headed for summer camp… yeah, that’s a good story. Maybe I should write a book about it.”
”Don’t you have like fifty-eleven different fanfics you’re already writing?” Masha teased him. Samuel blushed.
”I do finish some of my fanfics,” he said defensively. ”Unlike my thirteenth favorite fanfic writer, The Lampman. That guy couldn’t finish a fanfic if his life depended on it. ”
”I don’t know who that is, but he sounds like a talentless hack,” Marco said.
”I’m sure he’s not that bad,” Vee said. ”Anyway, here I am, very much real. By which I mean ’real-ly hungry.’ Anyone else want breakfast? I’m starving!”
The others agreed that breakfast would be nice. Vee lead them into the kitchen and began fixing some food. One thing the other Cabin 7 members had noticed about ”Luz” was that the way she’d scarf down her food at every meal like she had never eaten before. Which, based on what they now knew of Vee’s past, sadly made a lot of sense. Though that was not the only thing they had noticed about Luz ’ eating habits.
”You used to choke on your food a lot,” Masha observed. They were absentmindedly playing with the deck of Hexas Hold’em cards. ”Was that because you usually swallow your food whole?”
”Yeah, pretty much,” Vee confirmed while frying up some eggs. ”I do have teeth to chew with if I have to, but I usually don’t. Human throats are a lot less flexible than basilisks and I wasn’t used to it.” To demonstrate what she meant, she took an apple lying on the counter and swallowed it whole, making her throat bulge outward.
”Not gonna lie,” Marco said. ”That was a kinda gross.”
”You should see how I eat eggs then,” Vee chuckled. ”The difficult part is spitting the shell out in one piece.”
”Th-thanks, but I think we’ll skip that one,” Samuel quickly interjected. He looked contemplative for a moment. ”Do you have… is it poison or venom? I can never remember the difference.”
”If I bite you and you die, I’m venomous,” Vee explained. ”But if you bite me and you die, then I’m poisonous. And no, I don’t have venom. Don’t know if I’m poisonous though. I might be.”
”What if I bite myself and I die?” Marco asked. ”What does that make me then?”
”Stupid,” Masha said, prompting a good group laugh.
”No new information there,” Marco said between giggles.
The eggs done, the gang sat down at the table. Sitting on chairs designed for human creatures with things like ”legs” and ”butts” was yet another thing that was a bit awkward for Vee. She’d usually just stand at the table, but she decided to sit down this time. Before she sat down, she grabbed a special jar from one of the cabinets.
It had a homemade label, saying in neat handwriting that it was ”For Vee only.” A second pencil had added a small face making a sick face, to which the first pencil responded that ”I told you so.”
Her friends watched with interest as she took four slices of bread and spread thick layers of jar’s contents on them. It looked like some chocolate spread, but with strange lumps in it.
”What is that?” Masha asked finally. ”Is it some kind of special basilisk food?”
”Uh… kinda?” Vee hesitated. ”It’s nutella, with protein powder and, um… wood chips and sand.”
This was met with wide stares.
”Wood chips… and sand?” Samuel asked, as if to make sure he heard it right.
”It’s good for my digestion,” Vee said with a little shrug. ”It was either that, or I keep chewing on twigs I found on the ground. Camila thinks I need a lot of protein, so that’s what the protein powder’s for.”
”And the nutella…?” Masha asked.
”Oh, that’s for taste,” Vee said. Deciding that was enough explanation, she took one the fried eggs and sandwiched it between two bread slices slathered in the cursed nutella. ”I think Demon Realm stomachs are just tougher than human stomachs,” Vee said between bites of her sandwich. ”Luz told me there was a bunch of foods she couldn’t eat in the Demon Realm, but the others didn’t seem to have any problems with anything from here. Well, except for garlic.”
”What, they couldn’t eat garlic?” Masha asked in-between bites of their own sandwich. ”Like vampires?”
”Precisely,” Vee said with a nod.
”Wait, really?” Masha exclaimed, nearly choking on their food. ”Vampires are real? And they can’t stand garlic? That part’s true!?”
”Yes,” Vee said, smiling at the funny face Masha was making.
”Oh, so that’s why you had cloves of garlic next to your bed,” Marco said and nodded a little. ”It’s to keep the vampires away.”
”Kinda. There aren’t any vampires in Gravesfield (I hope), but it makes me feel safer to sleep with it,” Vee explained. ”Hunter said that basilisks and vampires used to be natural enemies, since, well… we both kinda feed on witches… Garlic is deadly to vampires, and since a lot of witches have vampire ancestry, a lot of them have inherited a garlic allergy.” Vee smiled at a memory. ”Willow’s and Gus’ weren’t that bad, but Amity’s was really bad. Luz was devastated, because one piece of garlic bread meant no more kisses for the day.”
That image garnered a few laughs.
”I can’t wait for you guys to meet Luz, the real Luz,” Vee said. ”She’s the coolest! Seh fights Belos and doesn’t afraid of anything.”
”Well, I think you’re pretty cool,” Masha said. They reached out to hold Vee’s hand, soft skin meeting rough scales. ”My whole life I’ve been looking for signs of the supernatural, for ghosts or demons or what have you… but I never ever dreamed of meeting, much less becoming friends with a living, breathing demon!”
Samuel put a hand on Vee’s shoulder.
”And I’m really happy you felt comfortable enough to tell us your secret,” he said. ”I know it couldn’t have been easy. I’m honored you felt you could trust us that much, and I promise you won’t regret it.”
Marco put his hand on Vee’s other shoulder.
”I used to think Cabin 7 was the coolest cabin in Connecticut,” he said. ”Now I know we’re the coolest in the whole world. I mean, who else can say they have a freakin’ shapeshifter as a friend?
”Aw, you guys…” Ve was struggled to hold back tears. She lost that battle, and big warm tears started rolling don her cheeks. ”I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” she sobbed. ”I wanted to, but I never dared.”
Masha, Samuel, and Marco acted in unison, standing up to embrace Vee in a big group hug.
”Hey, it’s okay, I know what that’s like,” Masha reassured her. ”Keeping a part of yourself secret even to those that love you… it eats away at you. It took me forever to come out to my parents, even though I knew they’d accept me for who I am… anxiety’s a bitch.”
”Th-thanks,” Vee said. She managed to wriggle one arm free to wipe the tears off her face. ”You guys really are the best.”
They stood huddled together for a minute, until Vee felt her love of hugs starting to give way to her fear of being restrained.
”I’m fine, I promise,” she said, trying to wriggle free of the group hug. ”I’m just so happy is all.”
Eventually, the Cabin 7 crew relented with their physical affection and let her go. They had breakfast to finish after all.
The three humans watched with equal amounts fascination and disgust as Vee ate an entire banana, without peeling it. ”The shell doesn’t taste that good, but hey, it’s the inside that counts, right?” she said. And really, who could argue with logic like that?
Her friends had a few more questions about her biology yet.
”Do you shed your skin like a snake?” Samuel asked while helping to gather the dishes.
”Uh-huh,” Vee hummed, putting the dishes in the sink. She decided to be lazy and do them later. ”I actually shed not too long ago. The old skin’s in a box in the basement, if you wanna see it.”
”…that’s a hard pass for me bro,” Marco said. ”Why would you even keep it?”
”What were we supposed to do, throw it out in the garbage?” Vee asked rhetorically. ”You saw how Jacob acted yesterday. After Camila locked him in his own cage, he hasn’t dared to go after us directly. But I don’t think he’s above digging through the trash to find proof there’s a demon living here. As is, everyone thinks he’s a raving lunatic conspiracy nut. Which, to be fair, he is, he just happened to stumble onto the truth this one time.”
The three friends nodded, for the first time realizing just what it would mean if Jacob actually did get proof of demon presence in Gravesfield. The town had a history of witch hunting already, who’s to say the people of today wouldn’t continue the tradition should they learn of Vee’s presence? Not to mention what the government might do to get their hands on an interdimensional traveler.
”It must’ve been incredibly hard for you,” Masha said. They were still playing with the deck of Hexas Hold’em cards, shuffling them and drawing the first three cards. ”To have to pretend to be someone else, in a world you know nothing about.”
”It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure,” Vee admitted. ”But, well… it’s kinda what we basilisks do. We disguise ourselves, observe, lie, infiltrate, feed, survive… a lot of it was pure instinct. I’m a natural liar.”
Samuel shook his head.
”’Liar’ is a bad word,” he said. ”Very strong, very stigmatized. Say you’re a born actor and a natural talent at improv.”
This made Vee laugh.
”If you say so,” she giggled. She cleared her throat and the next time she spoke, her voice was an exact imitation of Samuel’s. ”A lot of it was instinct. I’m a born actor and a natural talent at improv.”
”You’re so gonna have to help me write my résumé,” Masha said to Samuel, prompting a brief chuckle.
”I’ve been thinking of doing NaNoWriMo this year, so I’ve been practicing how to make sentences longer,” he explained. He then had to spend the next fifteen minutes explaining what that was and deflect questions his friends had about the novel he was totally going to write.
After breakfast was done with and the table cleaned up, a natural question arose:
”So… what now?” Marco asked.
”I’m thinking that maybe I should take over as Luz for a little while,” Vee said. ”But I’m not sure. For now though… I suppose the first order of business is to get Camila’s car back. I know she has a spare key in the key cabinet. So I guess that’s today’s project.”
Masha looked skeptical.
”Do you have a driver’s license?”
”No…” Vee admitted. ”But I can turn into Camila, and I’m sure there’s some other identification lying around I could use. And that’s assuming I even get pulled over, and why would I get pulled over?”
”Normally you’d have a point, but the police have been on edge lately with all the break-ins,” Samuel said. ”My mom told me she’s been pulled over five times in her life, and three of them have been in the last month.”
”I think we’re missing something obvious here guys,” Masha said. ”Vee, do you even know how to drive?”
”I mean… no…” Vee said slowly. ”But I’m sure I could figure it out!”
”…I’m driving it home for you,” Masha stated, not leaving it up for debate.
”Yeah, that’s probably for the best,” Vee conceded.
Before they left, Vee quickly grabbed a few cups of brown pellets that she scarfed down. This made Marco raise an eyebrow… not that you could tell.
”Was that…?”
”Dog food, yes,” Vee sighed, clearly having had this conversation before. ”It’s filling.”
”Wow,” Marco said, not sounding particularly impressed or surprised. To be fair, the Luz he had known at camp did seem like she might eat dog food. ”You weren’t lying when you said you were hungry before.”
”I’m still growing!” Vee said with the smallest hint of a pout. Masha drew their attention away from the deck of cards they’d been playing with, since this sounded interesting. ”I’ve got a lot of growing left before I become an adult. I haven’t even been through second puberty.”
”…second puberty?” Samuel asked.
Vee nodded.
”Yeah, it’s, uh… a thing with us basilisks.You know, like… maturing and stuff.” This did nothing to explain anything. ”Point is, I’ve got a lot of growing left to do, and I gotta eat for that.”
”How big do you think you’re going to be?” Masha asked curiously. ”Or like, how long, I guess?”
”Oh, um…” Vee scratched the back of her head. ”About… twelve to fifteen-”
”Twelve to fifteen feet?” Samuel exclaimed, impressed.
”Noooooo,” Vee said. ”Twelve to fifteen meters.”
There was a pause as the three humans processed this answer.
”Bloody hell’s bells,” Masha finally whispered, their eyes wide with awe.
Marco whistled.
”Big snake,” he said.
”That’s putting it lightly,” Samuel muttered. ”Fifteen meters is bigger than the titanoboa, the biggest snake in the fossil record.”
”Haha, yeah, I got tall genes,” Vee said nervously. She shifted into her human form. ”Shall we get going?”
Gravesfield was beautiful around this time of the year. The warm browns, oranges, and yellows of the trees suited the quaint little town. The air was clear and crisp, with a hint of winter cold in the wind, though today was an unusually warm and sunny autumn’s day. A perfect day for a nice stroll with friends.
Vee’s three human friends still had a plethora of questions that needed answering, not just about her, but about the world she came from. At the same time, Masha resolved to make good on their offer to give Vee a tour of the town. Since Vee already knew her way around, they resorted to the second best option, their specialty: useless historical trivia. And so the conversation kept bouncing between the magical and the mundane as if dictated by a conversational metronome.
”So on the Boiling Isles, all life and magic comes from the Titan whose body actually makes up most of the isles. All magic is made up of four basic elements, light, fire, ice, and plant. It’s really cool too, because when I eat magic I can taste the different elements. So Amity’s abomination magic, for example, is mostly plant elemental, with a bit of light and hints of fire and ice. Now, Gus’ illusions on the other hand are almost completely light elemental…”
”So you’ve all probably wondered why the library in town is called that, right? Okay, you’ve probably never even thought about it, but R.E.O.S Gravesfield Public Library is a pretty odd name, don’t you think? Turns out the old library burned down in 1931, and since this was during the Great Depression, there wasn’t any money to rebuild it. But as luck would have it, the millionaire industrialist, philanthrope, and hobbyist ghost hunter Robert E.O Speedwagon came to visit Gravesfield in 1933. This place was well-known for being haunted even back then. He didn’t find any ghosts, but he apparently took such a liking to the town that he offered to personally fund the construction of a new library. Thus, it was named after him. Speedwagon was an interesting fella, because he wasn’t born into wealth, no, he started out as a thug on the streets of victorian London…”
”Really, I swear, dog food isn’t that bad. Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend right? Why would you feed your best friend something that’s gross? Amity, Gus, and Willow tried some, and they didn’t think it was half bad. Then again… Hunter nearly threw up… and so did Luz. Huh…”
”Speaking of ghost hunts, one of my favorites has got to be Mr. Hunter, and he actually visited Gravesfield once. As I recall, he wrote that while he didn’t find any ghosts, there was undoubtedly something eerie about this place that he couldn’t put his finger on. Like a subtle hum in the air, inaudible to the human air but still felt in your body. He visited the old graveyard while they were doing some digging and reburials, so maybe he could somehow sense the presence of the titan’s blood? Because I really do believe some people have extrasensory perception. People will say that ’Oh, the Stargate project never found any psychics,’ but do you really think anyone with real psychic abilities would tell the government? Best case scenario, you get locked up and experimented on for the rest of your life…”
”No, no, I’m not exaggerating, it’s an island on top of the body of an ancient giant. It’s just like that one story you told at camp Masha, about that giant that was killed by some gods who made the world out of its body.”
”Oh, you mean the norse creation myth? I love that one, it’s so metal. So in the beginning, there was a land of fire, a land of ice, and a great gap between them…”
It didn’t take too long for Samuel and Marco both to realize (and the fact that Marco noticed just went to show how obvious it was) that they were being slowly excluded from the conversation. There was no malice or ill will behind it, no. It was more so the fact that Masha and Vee seemed to only have eyes and ears for each other.
Vee looked at Masha with such affection and attention whenever they started talking, you could almost see her ears perk up under her hair. And Masha was always up for talking about history or ghosts or whatever else interested them that day, but the excitement with which they spoke to Vee was unparalleled.
As the odd bunch reached the center of town, it had become pretty clear what was going. Marco and Samuel had unintentionally become the third and fourth wheel on a date.
”Ooh Vee, you’ve got to try the new chai latte they’ve got at Robin’s Roast,” Masha said excitedly. ”Do you boys want anything?” They added, once they remembered the boys existed and were present.
”No thanks, I don’t like coffee,” Samuel declined. ”B’sides, I promised I’d be home by lunch, so I better get going.” He glanced at Marco. As per usual, Marco’s expression was nearly impossible to decipher, but it seemed like he got the hint.
”Yeah, and I only drink water,” he said. This was true; he only ever drank regular water. At most he’d treat himself to some ice water. He had never explained why. ”And I probably should get home as well. See you around!” he said and waved as he and Samuel went on their ways.
”See ya!” Vee said and waved back. She turned to Masha. ”And I’d love to try one of those chai lattes.”
”Great. My treat,” Masha said and started leading Vee towards the cafe.
Vee came to a sudden stop though just before they could enter.
”Oh uh,” she mumbled.
”What’s the matter?” Masha asked.
”Um…” Vee mumbled. ”I… don’t really wanna see her,” she whispered and gestured at someone through the window.
Masha took a peek inside the almost empty cafe.
”Who, Clara?” they asked, spotting one of Luz’ classmates. She was easy to recognize, with her bright blonde hair with a streak of pink. ”Did you or Luz get into a fight with her?”
”Wha-no, not Clara, the other one,” Vee said and pointed at the only other person in the room.
”Maya?” Masha said, surprised.
”You know her?”
”Sorta,” Masha shrugged. ”Believe it or not, but I’m a frequent customer at The Magic Circle, that’s where I get all my books on the occult and paranormal. So we kinda know each other. What about you, why don’t you wanna see her?”
”Well, uh…” Vee mumbled. ”We actually went to The Magic Circle the other day while we’re trying to figure out what that old rebus was about, and, uh… we kinda… got kicked out…”
”Ah, I see,” Masha said, a small smile playing at the edge of their lips.
”Really, it was mostly Gus’ and Willow’s fault,” Vee said defensively.
”If you say so,” Masha snickered. ”Don’t worry, I’ll go in and face this challenge alone,” distorting their voice into a dramatic growl, making Vee giggle.
”Alright, I’lll be waiting somewhere around. I don’t wanna stay too close, lest she see me.”
Masha nodded and entered the cafe. Vee turned around and started walking away in a very natural and unsuspicious manner, not at all reminiscent of someone who had just spotted someone who they really did not want to spot them.
She rounded the corner of the block, and realized too late that she had found herself back at the scene of the crime. Literally; The Magic Circle was cordoned off with bright yellow police tape.
What in the…? When did this happen?
Vee approached slowly, watching out for shards of glass on the pavement. Most of them had been swept up and to the side, but there were a few missed glittering in the high sun. Someone had broken open the door, nearly ripping it off its hinges, sending glass flying everywhere in the process. Not only that, but the metal bars that were supposed to stop anyone that had forced open the door had been cut and bent out of shape. Someone really wanted to get into that store.
A fleeting scent reached Vee’s nose, and she instinctively took a deep breath. She dared a little bit closer, almost to the point where she touched the police tape. She could hear people talking and moving inside, likely investigators trying to figure out who was behind this crime. It was not the noise that brought Vee close though, but the scent.
There was a faint smell in the air, a smell Vee recognized. Not from the realm of humans, but one from the realm of demons. It wasn’t magic, but rather the memory of magic, the ”soot” and ”smoke” of a spell. It smelled like someone had performed magic here… but no one, not Amity, not Gus, nor Willow had cast any spells while they were here. And even if they had, that was two days ago. Surely the smell would would have faded away into nothing by now… surely…
The familiar smell of ground coffee beans and freshly baked pastries greeted Masha as they entered Robin’s Roast, well before the employee behind the counter could. They threw a glance at the sign showing customers that had managed to get themselves permanently banned. A pale woman with grey hair and bright golden eyes and a wild smile; Marilyn. Except that was not her real name. She was Eda the Owl Lady, a powerful witch from another world. She had come here once, tired to pay with a raccoon, cursed the croissants, and then ran away. To be honest, from what Vee had told them, this Eda seemed like an icon of chaos and unadulterated confidence. In other words, very much the kind of person Masha aspired to be.
Masha nodded to Maya before going to place their order. Two chai lattes, and these ones were the best in town. Well, they were the only in town, but still. They were good, Vee was sure to love them. After a moment of consideration, Masha decided to grab two two cupcakes as well. They had a chocolate-and-coffee frosting and were decorated with white and black hearts.
Without thinking, Masha reached into the pocket where they kept the deck of cards. Their thumb brushed over the topmost card. The Red String.
”… on a date?”
”Hm?” Masha hummed and spun around to face the voice taking to them. It was Maya, sitting by her lonesome with a by now cold coffee.
”You on a date?” she repeated, causing Masha’s brain to malfunction.
”Wha-? N-no, it’s not a date! We’re just friends.” Incredibly enough, Masha managed to stutter forth the exact series of words that anyone who was on a date but didn’t want to admit it was a date would say. Amazing. They felt their cheeks begin to heat up.
Maya, as expected, looked unconvinced.
”Yeah sure. And your ’friend’ with the green hair is real subtle.”
��You… saw her?” Masha said, keeping their tone low. Even if Vee’s other friends hadn’t done a crime, it was probably for the better not to draw too much attention to the basilisk hiding amongst humans. They glanced at Clara, who looked absolutely miserable over in the corner of the cafe, sulking with a half empty coffee mug.
”Yeah…” Maya said slowly. ”Kind hard not to, with the green hair and bright orange sweater. She’s like a walking traffic cone.”
That image was enough to make Masha forget their nervousness and start chuckling. Maya didn’t joke often, but when she did, she did not miss.
”She thought you might be mad at her,” Masha explained, still keeping their tone low. ”She said that last time you two met didn’t end so well.”
”Water under the bridge,” Maya said. She stirred her coffee with a spoon, not that it did much good since it was already cold.
”…wasn’t it less than two days ago.”
”Lot of water passes under the bridge in two days,” Maya said with a shrug. She tapped a coin lying on the table. It looked like it could be gold, though it probably wasn’t, and it had a spiral symbol on it. ”But you can let her know that her friends aren’t gonna get in trouble if they come back. I literally could not be arsed to report that stolen costume. And, well… with what happened, another missing costume isn’t that big of a deal.”
”What, what happened?” Masha asked, slipping back to normal conversational tone. Something else had happened at The Magic Circle since then? This was news to Masha.
”You didn’t see it on the way here?” Maya raised her eyebrow. Masha had never claimed to be great at reading facial expressions, but they could somehow decode exactly what Maya meant, calling Masha out on being… distracted by their company.
”If it was something at The Magic Circle, then no, we came from another direction,” Masha said quickly, internally cursing their traitorous body for pumping excessive amounts of blood to their cheeks.
”Yeah, well, someone broke into the store,” Maya said. ”Completely trashed the front door. Hence why I’m here instead of at work.”
”Oh no, that’s terrible,” Masha said. Genuinely, that was their favorite store in town. It was a much-needed haven for a social outcast enby goth like them. ”That’s what, the fifth this month?” The last month or so had seen an unprecedented number of break-ins and thefts happening in the otherwise peaceful little town. The last place to be hit was a private workshop. The thief had made off with thousands of dollars worth in tools, car parts, and electronics. ”Was anything stolen?”
Maya nodded.
”Mhm. No cash though, which is weird, didn’t even touch the safe. No, they stole some costumes and a bunch of jewelry. And cassette tapes, which is even weirder to me. If they were originals, then maybe they’d be worth something, but the ones we have are cheap replicas for nostalgia’s sake.”
Out of the corner of their eye, Masha saw Clara suddenly get up from her chair and hurry out. In her haste, she bumped into Masha. She mumbled a quick sorry and was gone before Masha even had the time to tell her it was fine.
”Geez, what lit a fire under her ass?” Maya said dryly, watching through the window as Clara all but ran her way from Robin’s Roast.
”I dunno, maybe she realized she was late for her class on being a bitch,” Masha said. They almost regretted saying that immediately, because in the grand scheme of things, Clara was not that much of a bitch… though she was far from a saint. Still, it was a funny joke that almost made Maya laugh.
”Yeah, probably,” she said. Her eyes flickered to the floor. ”You dropped something.”
”Oh, thanks,” Masha said and bent down to pick up the Hexas Hold’em cards that had slipped out of their pocket when Clara collided with them.
There were three cards on the floor. Now, you’d think that since The Red String, The Two-Headed Snake, and The Light were the three topmost cards in the deck, those would have been the ones to fall out, but you’d be mistaken. With a slight frown, Masha gathered the cards and looked at them.
The Sword and Shield featured a winged sword and an ornate shield. The card invoked the imagery of a knight or soldier, brave and loyal. It’d be a pity to stain such beautiful things with the blood of war and conflict.
The Golem showed a large and brutish figure made from purple clay. It was probably supposed to be one of those abominations Vee had mentioned Luz’ girlfriend (Amity?) used. A figure crafted with magic, made to defend or attack, but with little will of its own.
The Whip was just that, a whip, though the tip of this one was replaced with a snake’s head. Whips were the weapon of oppressors and animal tamers, who ruled though fear of pain and punishment.
”Oh yeah, and the thief also stole all those cards too,” Maya said, snapping Masha out of their thoughts and back to reality. ”What were they called, Hex n’ Hold’em?”
”Hexas Hold’em,” Masha corrected, shoving the cards back in their pocket.
”Right, right… I think we got them from that creepy conspiracy nut.”
Masha nodded.
”Jacob Hopkins. I got my deck from him as well.”
”You know him?” Maya asked.
”Not really. He used to work at the Historical Society,” Masha explained, which was met by a sympathetic grimace from Maya. ”And yes, he really is as crazy as you think. Or worse even. Did you know he’s an actual flat-earther?”
”Noooooo…” Maya said slowly, in utter disbelief. ”That can’t be true! I though the whole flat earth thing was just a bad meme.”
”I wish I was kidding,” Masha said while shaking their head. ”Flat earth and witches from Mars, ancient aliens that gather in the ruins in the woods… you can see why he got kicked out of the GHS.”
”Good riddance, by the sounds of it,” Maya said.
At this point, the man behind the counter decided he was tired of listening to Maya and Masha’s banter, and so he cleared his throat to get Masha’s attention.
”R-right, sorry,” they mumbled. They quickly paid and with only some difficulty, managed to grab both cups and the paper bag with the cupcakes.
Maya was a gentlewoman and got up from her seat to hold the door open for them.
”Good luck on the date,” she said, which, despite the playfulness to her voice, still sounded genuine deep down.
”It’s not-” Masha’s words were cut off by the door closing.
Masha wasn’t privy to Maya sighing and sitting back again, reaching for the spoon to uselessly stir her coffee again… only to discover the spoon had, as if by an invisible hand, been bent out of shape.
As Masha exited back out onto the sidewalk, they scanned the street for Vee, finding that she was nowhere within sight. Following a hunch, they rounded the corner and indeed, there she was.
Vee was standing in front of The Magic Circle, dangerously close to the trashed door, almost touching the police tape. She was sniffing the air, her eyes closed in concentration.
”Good Goddess, what did you people do!?” Masha said loudly, startling Vee. She almost jumped out of her own skin as she spun around.
”Nothing, I was just curious!” she said quickly, before she even registered who it was talking to her. She relaxed when she saw who was talking to her. Masha noticed her hair move as her big adorable ear moved underneath. ”Oh. Funny. Real funny coming from you, considering you’re my alibi.”
”I dunno, they say criminals always return to the scene of the crime,” Masha said, trying to sound genuine. ”Are you sure it wasn’t you?”
”Positive,” Vee said dryly. ”No, I really was just curious. I thought I could smell something…” She threw a quick glance at the wrecked door and security bars with the hint of a frown. ”But it’s probably nothing.”
”How about we get going again then?” Masha said, holding up the goodies from Robin’s Roast. ”The tea’s getting cold, and i’ve still got many useless. I mean, ’ interesting’ historical facts to tell you. Oh, and I got us a little something extra,” they said and shook the little paper bag, though gently, as to not spill any of the still hot liquid.
Vee’s face lit up at the prospect of food and drink.
”Gladly,” she said excitedly and took the cup Masha was offering. As they started walking away from the depressing sight that was The Magic Circle, Vee smelled the tea carefully.
”You were right, this is amazing,” she said.
”Y-you do know you’re supposed to drink it, right?” Masha asked while taking a sip themselves.
”Oh, I know,” Vee said and took a careful sip. ”But there’s not much difference in smell and taste to me.”
”Really? Can’t you feel any taste?” Masha asked, intrigued. There was still so much about their friend they didn’t know. They recalled what Vee had talked about before, how she normally didn’t chew her food, so maybe it did make sense that she didn’t have much of a sense of taste.
”No, I have a sense of taste, but my sense of smell is a lot more refined,” Vee clarified. ”Didn’t you ever wonder how I became the best seeker in hide and seek back at camp?”
This took Masha a second to process. It was true that whenever the camp counselors made the kids do hide and seek among the barracks or in the nearby woods, ’Luz’ was always the best at finding people… she even earned a little gold star for it, one of many.
”You… you were tracking us… by scent?” they said slowly. Vee nodded with a big grin, revealing Masha probably had a very funny expression.
”Yeah,” Vee said, clearly holding back laughter. ”I remember the very first time we played hide and seek, and I was so confused that no one else was trying to mask their scent. That’s when I realized humans just don’t have that good a sense of smell. Uh, no offense, you humans have a lot of great qualities, especially yo-I mean-”
”That’s why you showed up covered in mud!” Masha exclaimed, suddenly remembering one of the weirder things ’Luz’ had done, and one of the few times she got in trouble at camp.
”That and camouflage,” Vee laughed, prompting Masha to start laughing as well.
Once the laughter died down, the two friends could continue with their walk through town. Masha offered Vee one of the cupcakes.
”Aw, these are so cute,” Vee said, taking a good look at the muffin, before it was to be devoured.
”A cute cupcake for a cute girl,” MAsha said before they could stop themselves. Being unable to see their own face, Masha wasn’t sure if that sentence made them blush harder than Vee, but they suspected that might be the case.
”G-gee, th-thanks,” Vee stammered. ”I-I think you’re cute too. B-but in a cool way! You’re like the coolest person I know! Wh-which I know doesn’t mean that much because I really don’t know that many people, at least when compared to the average human, which I’m not…” Her sentence trailed off at some point before it devolved into complete gibberish.
And so, in only a few seconds, the atmosphere between the two friends changed entirely. They spent a few minutes in awkward silence, wandering the streets of Gravesfield while eating their cupcakes and drinking their tea.
Masha decided to break the silence.
”So, uh… did you say you could smell magic as well?” the asked, recalling something Vee had mentioned offhandedly the night before.
Vee nodded.
”I can track magic by scent as well.” She suddenly smiled again. ”But I can do more than just track,” she said. ”I can tell all sorts of things by smell. Like, did you know Marco uses the same kind of dandruff shampoo as Camila?”
”I didn’t know Marco used shampoo,” Masha said. ”I’ve never been able to smell anything from hm other than that body spray he insists on using way too much off.”
”It really doesn’t smell that good” Vee agreed. ”Okay, but I can also tell that Samuel really need to do something about his foot fungus.”
”Eeeeew!” Masha exclaimed. ”Gross!”
”I know,” Vee said with a nod. ”It’s been pretty bad for a while now, but I noticed that it’s gotten even worse. I’m serious, it can’t be healthy.”
”Ew, ew, ew!” Masha repeated while holding their hands over their ears. ”Talk about something else.”
”O-okay, um… ”Vee thought for a moment. ”Oh, I know, something else I can do. I could tell instantly that your mom was pregnant, right when I first met her.”
It took Masha a bit to calm down after that bombshell. The revelation that there were going to have a younger sibling within a couple of months was bad enough, but it was made even worse when they realized that… it must have happened while they were away at camp. Vee was profoundly apologetic about the whole thing, meagerly saying she thought they knew already, which only made things yet worse, because it was apparently an obvious thing too.
Eventually they calmed down, largely thanks to Vee distracting them by asking for more historical trivia.
Vee was a very attentive listener. As Masha had noticed before, they could notice her ears move and perk up when she heard something she thought was interesting. And those big bright eyes were so full of life and wonder at everything. Even when it came to those subjects most people who were not already interested in history found boring and irrelevant. Though Masha made sure to omit some of the more gruesome details, especially regarding the witch hunts.
The two of them spent about an hour walking around Gravesfield, enjoying their chai lattes, cupcakes, the pleasant weather and each others’ company.
As Masha set the course, they dragged Vee along in any random direction, based more so on vibes and any interesting facts they could think of. So it was quite unintentional on their part that they end up where they eventually did end up.
It was towards the south edge of town, where at one point, there had been a big push towards development. Land had been purchased and forest cut down to make way for new housing and businesses. Pretty much all of those grandiose and ambitious ideas had been abandoned for a variety of reasons… and one huge reason, the primary reason really, was what Vee and Masha found themselves looking at.
Masha came to a halt when they realized where they were, an abrupt halt that took Vee by surprise. She followed Masha’s gaze, beholding the modern ruins.
The entire area was cordoned off by a chainlink fence to keep modern urban explorers out… not that it had succeeded, as the gate had been forced open, and was only kept closed by a rock someone had placed in front of it.
Beyond the fence was a large field of asphalt, which had once had lines for parking spaces, though since long worn out. Cycles of heat, and rain, and cold without any upkeep had over the years made the asphalt start to crack. Life, ever persevering, had started to reclaim the area, with grass, weeds, and flowers growing from the cracks.
On the other end of the old parking lot stood the remains of a building. Crumbling slabs and blocks of concrete, with rusting metal beams and rebar sticking out of it like the bones of a rotting corpse. Almost every visible wall that was still standing was covered in graffiti, some so old that it had started to fade away.
Masha broke the silence.
”That… used to be a big department store,” they said slowly. ”Built in 1998, it would even remain standing for a decade. Shoddy workmanship, corrupt inspectors approving subpar construction, and the ever-present desire of those who already have more than they need to earn even more, to increase the profit margin by even just a fraction of a percent…” They stopped before they got too carried away. They had spent a lot of time looking into this case, and everything they had learned had made them more angry. They took a deep breath to calm themselves down. At their side, Vee had a mixed look of confusion and worry.
”Are… you okay?” she asked quietly. She started to reach out, but stopped halfway.
”Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just… it makes me mad,” Masha said, though Vee didn’t look very reassured. ”It was during a summer of heavy rainfall that part of the roof collapsed,” Masha continued, doing their best to slip back into history teacher mode. ”Two people received minor injuries, one employee and one customer. Examination of the wreckage as well as the original blueprints lead to the entire building being condemned and left here. The parent company promised to clean it up, but of course, nothing has happened yet. It’s only been fifteen years after all, give it some time.” Again, Masha couldn’t help but let the disgust seep through their words.
”It was the opinion of several independent experts that a leak on the roof, a problem which was known about by the staff, lead to supporting beams beginning to rust and for the roof to weaken,” Masha continued. ”Furthermore, partway through the construction, there was a change of plans and part of the air conditioning system was moved, putting additional weight on a part of the roof that was not designed to bear it. One investigator went as far as to claim that the construction company had knowingly used substandard materials in order to cut down costs. Of course, they were never taken to court for this.”
Masha stepped on a small pebble on the ground, rolling it under their shoe and fiddling with it. Vee stood by, silently waiting for the next part of the story.
”I was here on that day,” Masha said finally. ”I wasn’t old enough to remember, I was only a little over a year old when it happened, but my dad has told me the story. It was in the afternoon on the seventh of June, 2007. My parents had been visiting my mom’s family living in the next town over. On the way back home, they stopped by here to get something for dinner.”
Masha stopped and pointed at a spot close to the ruins.
”I don’t know if you can see it, but there’s some flowers growing in some of the bigger cracks over there. Mom and I planted them there on dad’s birthday last year. I don’t remember what the flowers are called, but they’re supposed to represent life.”
They cleared their throat.
”Anyway… it had been raining cats and dogs all day, so dad was supposed to head in alone while mom waited in the car with me. But just as dad was about to leave… I started crying. He said that I was sleeping before, but the suddenly… I sat up and started crying. But not just crying… he said… he told me that I was screaming. And that he had never heard me scream like that, not before, not since, not even when I broke my arm in second grade.”
Even the brief mention of that painful memory made Masha rub their arm, even though it was completely healed.
”So… dad stayed, you know, to try and figure out why I was screaming bloody murder. And… that’s when they heard a a loud rumbling and a terrible crash. Mom said that at first she thought it was thunder, and that maybe it was a lightning bolt that frightened me. But no, the sound was not thunder, it was the roof collapsing… right above the entrance. If my dad had left when he was supposed to, if I hadnät started crying…”
”Then he would’ve been caught in the collapse,” Vee finished the sentence, met by a nod from Masha.
”You saved his life then,” Vee said tentatively, still not sure why Masha was telling her this.
”In a sense,” Masha mumbled, their hand in their pocket, fidgeting with the Hexas Hold’em cards. They pulled out the deck and held them up for Vee. They spoke slowly, hesitating. ”Are… you sure there’s no magic left in these?”
Vee frowned and took the cards. She smelled them carefully, flipping through the deck. It honestly looked kinda funny.
”No,” she said after a little while. ”Not even a little spark. Even the memory of magic is gone. All I can smell on them is you.” She handed the cards back and made an attempt at a smile. ”There’s literally not enough magic in them to do a card trick.”
Masha couldn’t help but smile at the joke, and they couldn’t help but giggle at how adorably proud Vee looked over herself for that pun.
”I really did think there might still be some magic left in them,” Masha said, shuffling the deck.
”Why?” Vee asked.
”Because…” Masha took a deep breath. Why was this so difficult to talk about? It really shouldn’t be. ”Last night, at the Haunted Hayride, just before we ran into you and Jacob… I drew some cards…”
One more deep breath. Inhale, exhale. This was the moment. Time to see if they really were crazy.
They drew the first card in the deck.
”The Two-Headed Snake. A being that is dual in nature, something that is not what it appears to be at first,” Masha said. They handed the card to Vee, who was looking… how would you describe the look? Eyes wide, mouth open and jaw slack. Flabbergasted, perhaps? One might even go as far as to say she looked gobsmacked.
They drew the second card in the deck.
”The Light illuminates and reveals things in the dark.” They handed that card to Vee.
They drew the third card in the deck.
”The Red String. A deep connection.” Masha swallowed. ”Like friends, or people who are destined to meet.” They handed that card over to Vee as well. ”I didn’t know it at the time, but in hindsight… it’s an odd coincidence, right? The Two-Headed snake is obviously you, a snake with multiple faces. Then we have the light which reveals things, just like how you revealed the truth to us, shed light on the situation so to say. And The Red String, well… we were obviously connected, since we became friends at camp and then ran into each other again, even after you became someone else.”
”That… does… make sense… kinda,” Vee said, talking slowly as she tried to process what was going on.
”And it’s not only that, but this night, I shuffled the deck again and I drew those exact same three cards,” Masha said, their voice ramping up as they got more worked up. ”And now I pulled the same three cards again! That can’t be random chance, it just can’t! I thought there might be some magic left in the cards, but if there isn’t…” The sentence trailed off.
Of course they had thought about it many times before, of course, what kid hadn’t? That dream every misunderstood kid has, the dream of being special. Masha had poured over books, badly produced documentaries, and no end of shady internet forums talking about psychic powers and the like. People whi claimed they could see ghosts, or bend spoons, or see the future. susually, these people wanted you money, but every so often there appeared to be someone genuine. And even more rarely, there appeared to be someone who really could do the magical things they claimed.
”Actually…” Vee said slowly, scratching the back of her head. She gave the three cards back to Masha, who shuffled them back into the deck. ”There’s no magic in the cards, and they weren’t enchanted with oracle magic, so they couldn’t tell the future anyway… but maybe there’s something… special about you. Because, um…” Her gaze fell to the ground, like she was avoiding eye contact. ”You do… smell kinda weird.”
”Weird in what way?” Masha said a little too quickly, for the moment forgetting what they were talking about and everything Vee had said before that.
”I-it’s not b-bad or anything, just… strange,” Vee assured them, still not meeting their eyes.”You smell of… metal.”
”…metal?” Masha said, confused. ”What kind of metal?”
”It’s not really like any metal I know,” Vee clarified. ”It’s more like a metallic smell.”
”And that’s weird?” Masha asked, trying to get Vee to explain just what she was talking about.
”Yeah…” Vee finally looked up again, meeting Masha’s eyes with hers. ”I was super confused when we first met, because no other human smelled like you. They all smelled like soap, and hormones, and regular stuff. And you did too, but you also had that other smell. But… you remember Dr. Jante?”
Masha nodded. Of course they remembered the head honcho at camp. It was undeniably ironic that Reality Check Camp, which aimed to make weird kids ”normal” was created and lead by Dr. Jante, a man who was inarguably a massive weirdo himself.
”He smelled like that too,” Vee said. ”So I just kinda figured some humans smelled like that. But if what you’re saying is true, then maybe there is something more to it. Maybe… maybe humans can do magic too! My kind evolved to track witch magic, not human magic, so maybe that’s why I wouldn’t recognize it!”
”D-do… do you really think so?” Masha said. It actually took them some effort to hold back a tear. Vee, someone so incredibly special, a real demon from a world of magic and miracles thought they might be magical too. It was everything they could've ever dreamed of.
”I mean, what else could it be?” Vee said enthusiastically. "You said it yourself, the chances of getting those same three cards three times in a row are astronomical. So if a funny coincidence is off the table, then what’s left?”
”Could I really be magic? For real?” Masha asked, their voice shaking, not out of stress, or anger, or sadness, no. Out of joy; they had a big dumb smile on their face. They looked down at their hands, halfway expecting sparks to fly from their fingertips. ”Can that really be true?”
”i don’t know that it couldn’t be true,” Vee said with a shrug and a big smile of her own. ”Why don’t we ask the cards?”
”Oh… yeah!” Masha said, excited. Of course, what kind of fortune teller were they, standing here asking questions, when they should be consulting the cards. They shuffled the cards again while Vee shuffled next to them to get a good look.
The first card had an image of a black bird.
”The Raven,” Masha said, saying the first thing that came to their mind. ”An oft maligned bird, it’s nonetheless intelligent and beautiful in its own way.”
The next card showed a single arrow with an ornate metal arrowhead.
”The Arrow. A… weapon of war, or…” Masha bit their lip, trying to figure out what the card was trying to tell them. ”Direction? Showing the the way or going somewhere.”
The third cad had a crystal ball from which a ghostly figure was emerging.
”The Spirit. A teller of the future summoned to give wisdom or aid to the living.”
”Seems clear as day to me,” Vee said. She pointed at the first card. ”The bird is obviously you, ’oft maligned, but intelligent and beautiful.’ And this arrow…” Vee moved her finger from The Raven, in the direction of The Arrow, which was pointing at… ”The Spirit. That’s the symbol of the Oracle Coven, and they can see the future.” She beamed at Masha.
”I…I.” Masha didn’t know what to say. They finally lost the battle against the tears, as small droplets of joy started rolling down their cheeks. ”Thank you,” they whispered, leaning in even closer to Vee. ”You have no idea how much this means to me.”
”O-oh, it’s really no big deal,” Vee laughed awkwardly, her face becoming a deep red color. ”I jus-”
Masha interrupted her by pulling her into a deep hug. Vee made an ”Eep!” sound and stood frozen for a second before she returned the embrace, holding on to Masha hard.
She held on very hard.
Almost a little too hard.
”V-vee,” Masha said after about a minute. ”It’s.. getting hard to breathe.
”Ohmygosh, so sorry!” Vee yelled and let Masha go, nearly pushing them over in the process. ”I’m so sorry!” she said again, hr face red as a beet. ”I, uh… constrictor instinct?”
Despite being short of breath, Masha couldn’t help but laugh at that, which in turn made Vee giggle awkwardly.
”You know,” Masha said as they dried their tears. ”When we first started on this walk, I didn’t expect to learn this much about myself. Mostly I expected to teach you boring history facts and maybe to learn a bit more about you, and…” They stopped at a realization. Something they, both of them, had forgotten. Something kinda important.
”What is it?” Vee asked, noticing the change in Masha’s expression.
”…we forgot the car, didn’t we?”
”…we did.” Vee sighed. ”Aw, shoot.” The walk back would be almost an hour.
Going back in time a bit, to when Clara left the cafe in such a hurry. She had gone to the right, the opposite direction of The Magic Circle. She did not want to see the scene of the crime, she was desperate to avoid it. Coming to Robin’s Roast, so close, had been a mistake.
What no one knew at this point in time was that if Clara had walked past The Magic Circle at that moment, past Vee, the basilisk in hiding… then this story would have had a very different ending. Sadly, that was not to be. Fate, it would seem, has a sense of humor.
To Be Continued…
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corrodedseraphine · 2 years ago
timezone | #2 so fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader (mentions of her having long hair and bigger thighs), chrissy cunningham x robin buckley
chapter summary: Keeping his promise, Eddie heads to sunny California immediately after his second tour to find his friends and, more importantly, the girl who hasn't left his heart despite being out of touch for about three years. Full of hope, he ends up at a bar with a strangely familiar name. The evening turns out to be full of surprises, not just for him.
the story is also avaliable on ao3
previous chapter | masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
songs that I used here: BABY SAID and TIMEZONE by Måneskin
as always, thank you @i-me-mine for help and support, if not for you most of my works wouldn't be published 🥺
I can't count how many times I've changed something here, when I wrote the chapter, everything seemed to look good, but now I have extremely mixed feelings about it. I will be happy if you like it, but I will also understand if you don't, thank you for reading anyway ♥
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"How can I help?" a middle-aged woman asked, smiling warmly. If someone had told Eddie a few years ago that he would find himself in this place as he is now he would have laughed at them. Looking around, he felt definitely out of place. The fact that he could now afford to be here still seemed like a bizarre dream.
"We, uh- We are looking for an engagement ring." he said, smiling shyly.
"The most beautiful one you have!" Gareth added patting Eddie on the back. All day long he couldn't stop being happy that he was the one Eddie had asked for help.
They had just finished their second tour which meant a few months off and then hard work on the new album. When the others heard that Eddie's next destination was now California, they joined their friend in renting a big house by the beach together, as was appropriate for rock stars, taking Chrissy with them, who got the exclusive use of the entire basement where she set up a small apartment. The Corroded Coffin boys were also clued into Chrissy's plan right after Eddie agreed to it, and they didn't mind for her to tag along.
"What size?" she asked.
"What?" asked Eddie still lost in thought.
"What size of a ring?"
"Oh! I-I don't know…" he scratched the back of his neck nervously, when he felt a metal necklace under his fingers, he got an idea - quickly unfastened it and handed it to the woman. "Like this one."
"Of course." she nodded.
Although the jewelry store wasn't very big the selection they had was overwhelming. Wanting to choose the most perfect one for you they spent more than two hours there. Fortunately, the shop assistant proved to have the patience of an angel.
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Typical for a Saturday night, the beach bar was packed to the brim, and fortunately most people were at tables outside sipping colorful drinks. A few people accosted them for an autograph as they walked toward the bar, and when they finally got there, despite the fact that he was standing with his back to them, they immediately recognized the best-styled hair in the room.
"Am I dreaming or is King Steve standing right in front of me?" shouted Gareth teasingly.
"Yeah, it's me don't cream your pants" Steve turned around with a wide smile on his lips and smoothly jumped over the bar. "Good to see you, assholes." he said and greeted everyone with a hug and a pat on the back.
"Well, well, well…" said Eddie smirking. "I knew it was some weirdo who had to call the bar Upside Down," said Eddie.
"I didn't miss you actually." Harrington laughed while hugging his friend.
"I know you did. Missed ya too, big boy."
"Dude this is really yours? All yours?" asked Jeff in disbelief.
"Yup. You should see it from the beach side, I think you'll find a lot of female fans there." He winked at him insisting on the counter. Without waiting any longer Gareth, Jeff and Simon rushed to the outside of the bar.
"So, what brings you here?" asked Steve returning behind the bar.
"The tour just finished…" sighed Eddie. "I think you know what brings me here."
Steve pressed his lips together with a thin line and just nodded.
"Can I get you a drink first? You might need it." he offered. "On the house."
"What's your suggestion?" Eddie leaned against the counter with his elbows.
"I'd say the demobat will appeal to you, but I'm afraid it will be so good it might kill you."
"Charming as always, Harrington." laughed Eddie. "Interesting name by the way."
"I think you'll like the rest of it, too." he replied, slipping him a drink card.
He was right. In addition to demobat, there was demodog, and demogorgon. Although his favorites were in the "specials" category at the bottom of the card. Dusty-bun, Mad Max, amERICA, Will the Wise, Eleven, Sinclair Ranger and Mike the Paladin brought a wide smile to Eddie's face. "Damn, I miss these shitheads." he said.
"Me too. But I'll never admit it to them. Never in my life." Steve shook his head.
"Same here. One Dusty-bun, please." he said in a super-sweet voice.
"Great choice."
Steve silently prepared two same drinks and sat down opposite Eddie when a short brunette ran up to them.
"Babe! Quickly! I need my good luck kiss before we go on stage!" she said and leaned across the bar. Steve eagerly approached her and brought their lips together.
"You will be amazing, honey, as always." he said as they pulled away from each other. Eddie watched them with a goofy grin, and grunted significantly, drawing the two's attention back to himself.
"Aren't you going to introduce your old buddy?" he asked accusingly.
"Oh, I know you. You are this infamous Eddie Munson." the girl replied crossing her arms over her chest and measuring him from top to bottom. Steve snorted seeing her reaction. "I am Layla." She extended her hand toward him.
"Eddie." He replied grabbing it uncertainly. The note of hostility in her voice surprised him more than a little, but he decided not to worry too much about it for now.
"Are you ready?" asked Steve as the girl walked away toward the small stage.
"For what?" he asked puzzled. In response, his friend only nodded in the direction Eddie was about to look.
He wasn't ready. He definitely wasn't ready to see the love of his life walking onto the stage. You stood by the still-off microphone saying something to the boy who was tuning his guitar. Steve's girlfriend took her place behind the drums, and the other, tall blonde girl grabbed the bass. A second boy stood by the keyboard.
Feeling his heart speed up second by second, he didn't take his eyes off you. You were wearing slightly ripped denim shorts and a T-shirt with the logo of your favorite band with a cut-out neckline. Your hair was much longer than he remembered, tied up in two braids. You looked stunning. As soon as you started the show, his mind blew up. You sang in duet with the guitarist, having the time of your life out there. And Eddie couldn't get out of his awe and surprise that this was the same person who just a few years ago avoided being in the spotlight like a fire.
What's your thoughts about religion? Are you close to your mother? Tell me 'bout your dream vacation And all of your ex lovers Tell me now What's that look on your face? She puts her hand on my lips, begging "Please, end this conversation"
Baby said "When you're talking, I go dead" "Shut your mouth, give me your head" I know you really want to Baby said "Let me taste your silhouette" "You can talk between my legs" I know you really want to
He enjoyed it until he started listening to the conversation of two men sitting at the bar next to him.
"I would love to talk between her legs." laughed one of them. Eddie violently turned his head toward him to see the blond man devouring you with his eyes.
"Dude she could crush you with those thighs. She'd have to lose a few pounds first." the other parsed.
"You don't know what's good."
Eddie involuntarily clenched his fist, not knowing which one he should punch first, the one who drooled at the sight of his girlfriend or the one who criticized your look. Steve watched with amusement as he sent them murderous glances, but made no comment. Despite the fact that it was his friend, and he would probably follow him to hell a second time if he had to, he partly thought Eddie deserved a little suffering.
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At the same time…
The music in the club was playing loud enough that Chrissy could clearly hear every word of the song. She stood in front of the building nervously rubbing her hands trying to motivate herself to finally go inside. She had been standing there for the past twenty minutes, every now and then changing her mind about whether she should be there at all. In New York she was categorically forbidden to appear in such places, her old manager would have had a heart attack if anyone had seen her around. Now, after breaking her contract and moving to a slightly smaller agency, her manager has made it clear that Chrissy's comfort is most important, showing her support in every way. As long as she acted sensibly and took care of herself, no prohibitions threatened her.
Taking a deep breath, she took two steps forward only to give up moments later and start backing away, bumping into someone along the way.
"Shit, sorry!" the girl shouted and they both turned in one another's direction.
"N-no it's me who's sorry!" she replied raising her eyes to look at her face. "Oh my god, Robin? Robin Buckley?" she asked smiling.
"Chrissy! What a meeting!" she laughed nervously.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to the party." Not expecting such a reunion, Robin definitely didn't know how to behave in Chrissy's company. She felt uncomfortable.
"Right, silly me." The blonde rolled her eyes while knocking lightly on her forehead.
"How about you? Are you waiting for someone?"
"No, I came here alone. My new manager said I should come over here, meet more people like me, but all in all I've never been alone at a party in my life, in high school you know, then at every party Eddie or Gareth or Jeff or Simon was with me, so now I'm standing like an idiot and have been trying to get in for twenty minutes. Actually I don't know why I'm telling you all this, oh my God, you probably think I'm stupid." A waterfall of words came out of her mouth uncontrollably, Robin's presence made her feel nervous, but on the other hand, a part of her wanted their paths to just go like that.
"Chrissy…" began Robin scratching the back of your neck. Despite the fact that the girl standing in front of her was considered the most beautiful woman in the states, and more than once Robin had caught herself looking at covers with her for too long, she also believed that right now an embarrassed and flushed Chrissy looked incredibly cute, which took her even more out of her mind. She knew she shouldn't think like that. Hell, she shouldn't even be talking to her. "You know, uhm, you know this is a gay club, right?"
"Yeah, I know." sending her a meaningful look.
"Oh." Buckley replied looking even more confused. Chrissy Cunningham who was sitting in the first row in church every Sunday, dating the handsomest boys in Hawkins, Eddie Munson's girlfriend, was standing here now saying that in this place she would find people like herself? Not daring to ask for an explanation, she merely nodded and an awkward silence fell between them.
"Maybe…can we go inside and have a drink together? Talk about old times and catch up on current ones?" the blonde finally asked with hope in her voice, to which the other agreed after a moment's thought.
When they went inside Chrissy looked in disbelief at all the people inside. People who were brave enough to be themselves. Disbelief quickly turned into delight when she realized that she wasn't alone and that it wasn't that there was anything wrong with her. The words she had heard in church about people like this, people like her, went through her mind. All those years she had spent in fear of herself, of how much she had sinned with her mere thoughts about Lucy, the assistant captain of the cheerleaders. All those years in which she forced herself into relationships with boys she didn't like one bit, who made her sick when their hand tried to wander under her short cheer uniform skirt.
The hell the pastor was scaring her with no longer impressed her. She had survived hell in 1986 and now she was sure she was a million times stronger than she used to be.
She grew more and more excited as she saw those people enjoying themselves on the dance floor, as two girls not far from her whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears and carelessly showed tenderness. Would she someday be able to experience this too?
Sitting down at the bar, they each ordered a drink initially sitting in silence glancing in each other's direction from time to time. With one more glance and a sip of alcohol through a colorful straw, they both burst out laughing, nodding to each other at the strangeness of the whole situation. Taking the initiative, Chrissy began to ask her about her college, then Robin listened curiously about a recent fashion show where Chrissy was the lead model. As time went on, the conversation got smoother and smoother, the girls became more and more comfortable in each other's company, joking more often and not holding back their tongues. It turned out that Robin makes great parodies of high school teachers, making Chrissy laugh to tears in the process.
A few drinks later, they were both starting to feel a gentle buzz in their heads. Not knowing why, for most of the evening, instead of focusing on what she should be doing, Chrissy couldn't take her eyes off Robin's wildly gesticulating hands and the sparkle in her eye that she noticed when she laughed at her jokes every time. Unfortunately, she also noticed the moment when the sparkle was extinguished and the smile disappeared immediately when a tall black-haired girl, looking a bit older, approached them.
"Hi!" she came up smiling. Robin left her without replying by taking a straw to her mouth and pretending to be busy drinking. The tension between them was palpable. "Can we talk outside?" Still no answer. "Robin, can you stop acting like a child?" That was it, the crack of the dam inside Buckley was nearly audible as she set her drink down on the countertop.
"Oh, sorry, since when is not wanting to talk to the girl who cheated on me childish behavior?" she replied crossing her arms over her chest.
"Come on, I just want to talk!"
"But I don't want to talk to you," she said.
"Do you want to sit here miserably alone the rest of the evening getting drunk?"
"Excuse me." grunted Chrissy. "Robin is not alone here, and it just so happens that we were having a great time before you showed up here." She stood beside her intertwining their fingers. When Robin felt Chrissy's small hand in hers she almost had a heart attack looking at everything with shock. Only when the girl squeezed her hand giving the sign to play along she shook herself and smiled.
"Oh, yes, sorry." she said quickly. "Chrissy, this is Diana, Diana, this is Chrissy." she introduced them to each other.
Diana measured her ex-girlfriend's new companion from top to bottom, feeling out of rhythm. "I didn't know you had a taste for blondes." she said raising an eyebrow. Looking at the petite, gorgeous and adorable blonde who was her complete opposite feeling jelaous.
"Oh she does! We've known each other since high school, we were already crazy about each other! Unfortunately, in a small backward town we couldn't enjoy it like we do here." Taking a step forward Chrissy's hand moved to Robin's waist, gently hugging her.
"W-what? you never said anything..." Diana turned to Robin, but when she didn't manage to say anything, Chrissy continued on, seeing how her lie brought that one out of her groove.
"Our break-up was very hard, and I'm not surprised that Robbie didn't mention anything." Robbie? Oh god why is it so hot in here and why is my heart beating so fast? Calm down Buckley, you don't like at all how she held your hand just now. For God's sake, you don't like at all how she is hugging you! Being too busy talking to herself in her mind she simply let Chrissy continue. "Fortunately, we have found each other again, and this time I have no intention of letting her go. Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to go dancing with my girlfriend." Without waiting for an answer she dragged Robin to the dance floor.
"Holy shit, Cunningham, what was that?" she breathed out.
"I just wanted to help, she didn't look like she was going to leave you alone." Chrissy shrugged her shoulders. "Now don't just stand there, dance," she said.
"I'm so stressed right now, I think my body has forgotten how to move."
"Silly." She giggled and took Robin's hands placing them on her waist as she began to move her hips in rhythm and after a moment threw her arms around her neck. In Robin's head, the internal conversation with herself turned into a non-stop scream of panic. "Try to follow me. She's still looking at us."
The truth was that Robin had long forgotten about Diana. Her entire thoughts were occupied by the little blonde swaying her hips in front of her and how she shouldn't feel such overwhelming pleasure. She wanted to kill all the butterflies she felt in her stomach.
When she finally joined the dance she tried not to notice that they were getting closer and closer with every step. Somewhere near the end of the song there was no visible break between them, together with the fading melody they stopped moving however they did not let go of each other's embrace. Breathing heavily, their faces also began to move closer together. Robin's brain, which just a moment ago was trying to control the situation, shut down and let her lips taste the sweet gloss on Chrissy's mouth, who quickly responded by dipping one of her hands into Buckley's short, slightly sweaty hair. The kiss was interrupted by an uncontrollable smile that crept onto Cunningham's lips. Robin snapped out of her magic trance and with difficulty swallowed when she realized what had happened. Seeing Chrissy leaning into her side again she stepped back slightly.
"Chrissy-we shouldn't." She said stopping her by the shoulders.
"Didn't you like it?" she asked disappointedly.
"It's not like that! Liked it very much, but- something I don't understand. What about Eddie?"
"Oh." Only now she remembered everything. She was so fascinated by the evening and Robin's meeting that she completely forgot about some other important things in her life. "It's not what you think! Eddie And I- Damn." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Will you let me explain? Please. Let's go to my place and I'll tell you everything you want to know. Please." She wasn't sure where such sudden desperation had come from, but the kiss had awakened a whole new feeling in her toward Robin. She definitely didn't want it to end with just one. She wanted to be close to her, much closer than she would have expected.
"Okay, let's go."
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"You were a wonderful audience, as always!" shouted the guitarist into the microphone. "Today, however, before finishing, we wanted to present you with one more song. The latest work of our wonderful and lovely y/n" he nodded in your direction, at which you sent a small kiss in his direction. Eddie did his best to ignore the sting of jealousy he felt upon seeing this little interaction and began clapping with the others.
You're wearing my old clothes, but you, you wear it better And every time I see your face, the moon should be jealous And I keep talking to the wall 'til he's a friend of mine I call you every hour just to tell you that I'm losing my mind
Now I know you're sleeping Where I'm supposed to be in Wish I could've stayed
Eddie has had many moments in his life when he felt he was running out of oxygen and suddenly the whole weight of the world was falling on his head. Now it was additionally joined by a burning sensation. He had the feeling that the small box he kept in the inside pocket of his leather jacket was burning a hole in the material, and then in his skin and heart. He knew the words perfectly well, remembered the circumstances under which he said them because he replayed the scene in his head night after night.
Only thing that keeps us apart Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning I'm coming home Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone
Tomorrow I got another plane, I'm not gonna take it Instead, I'm gonna fly straight to you, I paid double for the tickets And I don't give a shit about the contracts that I signed And they can say whatever, we'll be making love, I'm fucking you tonight
Now I know you're sleeping Where I'm supposed to be in Wish I could've stayed
Despite the fact that you sang again in duet with the guitarist for Eddie there was only your voice with which you sent strong emotions that crept into his body tightening around his heart. It was as if these emotions turned into vines and trapped him in a strong grip from which he could not escape.
Only thing that keeps us apart Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning I'm coming home Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone
So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning I'm coming home Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone
Without thinking much as soon as you finished the song and received thunderous applause he moved straight towards you. You stood with your back to him talking to Layla, who immediately noticed him and squinted her eyes watching his every forward step. Seeing your friend's strange look, you turned around to see what was causing it.
The world stopped. When your eyes met he smiled showing dimples in his cheeks, at the sight of which you were reminded of your beginnings.
"I swear I could live in them." You said laughing and kissing his entire face. "I love your dimples, I love your smile, I love you, Eddie Munson." That was the first time you confessed your love for him. When it occurred to you what you had done you opened your eyes wide and saw his smile become even wider. "That's good, because I love you too." he replied and kissed you passionately. "I have no intention of stopping, ever."
You didn't believe you would ever meet again. You didn't believe that you would ever again be close to the person for whom you were dying of longing. Now he was standing in front of you. Your Eddie. As an unconditional first reaction, a smile also appeared on your lips.
Unfortunately, you quickly came back to earth. This was not your Eddie. He hadn't been yours for a long time. He was hers. Suddenly all the people surrounding you in the bar were gone, you felt alone again, scared and hurt, surrounded by silence and emptiness. The heart that you had been trying to patch together for years had again turned into a dandelion whose parts were blown away by the wind to all parts of the world, so that nothing would be able to put them back together again. Again you felt liters of tears gathering in your eyes exactly as you did on the day when it was revealed that the new favorite couple in show business is the rebellious Eddie Munson and his complete opposite the charming and beautiful Chrissy Cunningham. The same Chrissy he assured you was just a friend and you had nothing to worry about. The same Chrissy he once had a crush on, but apparently that was in the past. The same Chrissy who, to Eddie, was supposed to be like Steve to you, the sibling you didn't have.
Without thinking twice, you turned on your heel and with a quick step walked out of the bar towards the beach. Of course, he moved right behind you when he felt a firm grip on his wrist and nails digging into it.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Layla exclaimed looking him straight in the eyes. "I won't let you close to her, not after what you did."
"You don't understand, let me go!" he said trying to break free.
"And what would your girlfriend say about it, hm? What would your little supermodel girlfriend say about it?"
"Fuck- just let me go! Let me explain it to her, you don't fucking understand!" Eddie was becoming more and more desperate. He understood why Layla was so protective of you, apparently you had to tell her everything, but neither you nor she knew the truth because you never gave him a chance to justify himself.
"Baby let them talk." Steve suddenly squeezed through the crowd. "It's been years, just let them talk."
"Really Steve? Are you fucking serious? Do you want to go through all this again? Do you want to let him destroy her like he did right after he left? Do you want her to lock herself in her room again for months and push us all away? She's barely learned to enjoy life and you want to let him destroy it again!"
"Listen-" said Eddie finally releasing his wrist. "I know what you're all thinking, and I can assure you that you're damn wrong, all of you! And I can explain it all to you but for heaven's sake let me talk to her first!"
Layla looked at Steve, who sent her a pleading look. She rolled her eyes and without a word squeezed between them walking away towards the bar clearly annoyed. Eddie turned to leave however felt Steve's hand tighten on his shoulder.
"Now you listen." he said with a serious face. "You're my friend and I believe you want to fix things and there's some strange explanation for all this. But I swear that if you break her heart again I won't even defend you when Layla wants to scratch your eyes out."
"I don't want to hurt her, I want to explain everything and make things right, you have to believe me, I love her, damn it Steve, I never stopped loving her."
Harrington just nodded his head and let him go. Quickly running outside, he looked around hoping that he would still be able to find you somewhere. After a while he spotted your silhouette sitting by the shore. He pulled off his shoes and socks and grabbed them in his hand to walk barefoot towards you and sit down next to you. Your knees were pulled up to your chin and your feet dipped into the soft sand. The murmur of the waves perfectly punctuated the sounds of the music and people in the distance. Their sound was soothing, it was easy for him to imagine that the beach, especially during sunsets was your favorite place. You fit perfectly there, and he had the fondest hope that someday he, too, would have a chance to fit back into the picture right by your side.
"What do you want Eddie?" you asked without taking your eyes off the water.
"I- I want to talk, to explain." he said quietly watching a small smile full of pain appear on your face.
"Explain what? That you were just waiting to get away from me and finally fall into the arms of your dream girl?"
"She is not- y/n I beg you, let me explain it all," he said.
"No. I don't want to hear it." you said rising, he did so as well. "I'm not going to listen to lies about how you loved me, and that's not at all what I think."
"What? you think I didn't love you?"
"You could only seem to have loved me since in your head it was Chrissy all the time anyway." The bitterness in your voice made him sick.
"Stop it. Fucking stop it." he said clenching his jaw. You could blame him for all the evils of the world, but to suggest that he never loved you was an overstatement. "Just listen to me, for the first time in three years listen to me and just start talking after that." he said.
"And what would you like to hear from me?! You heard the last song, didn't you? Would you like to hear that I wrote it thinking about you? You don't even know how many nights I wasted crying into my pillow and dreaming of those words coming out of your mouth! I agreed to this fucking break so that we could enjoy something new, but I didn't expect that I couldn't enjoy anything without you, I loved you so damn much Eddie. That's why I let you go completely and let you enjoy the life you always dreamed of. I'd a million times rather think about you fucking some random groupies on a tour bus every night than less than three months after our breakup to find out that the rising rock star is madly in love with super model Chrissy fucking Cunningham! You always said that my insecurities had no basis, that I shouldn't worry about the fact that you once had a crush on her, you kept telling me that she was just a fucking friend I definitely didn't need to worry about, and it turned out that as soon as you got rid of me from your life you immediately flew to her! Three years, it's been three fucking years and I still can't get over it! I hate that you have moved on and are living the best possible scenario. I hate that this scenario doesn't include me." You were fuming. Your glazed eyes looked at him with hatred. His sadness-filled eyes that you used to adore looking into so much. The full, pink lips that you loved so much to kiss and feel all over your body. The neck into which you cuddled your face after a hard day and kissed the wet paths on it. The pain you felt was increased the moment your attention was caught by the necklace hanging on it. Without thinking, you moved closer and pulled it out from under the collar of his shirt. He still had it. You looked at the pick and the ring in shock.
"y/n…" when his hand touched your cheek you flinched.
"You don't deserve to wear this." Anger darkened you completely, you tightened your fist around the necklace with all your strength and ripped it off.
"What the hell?" he asked shocked. He watched in disbelief as you threw the most precious thing in his entire life straight into the sand. He immediately crouched down to pick it up and put it safely in his pocket. His heart was breaking in half, feeling how he could not control his tears he quickly stood up walking straight towards you. At the last moment he managed to grab your hand.
"Don't touch me! Don't come near me because I can't stand it Eddie. If I let in one more time I will never be able to let you out again and that will kill me. You have your dream life, your dream girl, you don't need me, sometimes I think you never needed me." You said trying to break free.
"Don't say that! Don't you dare say that I never needed you! That I didn't love you! I loved you, I love you and I will love you for the rest of my fucking life!"
Before you had time to react in any way he pulled you to him and kissed you. The kiss had the taste of salty tears, but you weren't sure if they were yours or his. Despite the hatred you felt, you couldn't help how you surrendered to the moment by kissing him back. Your heart completely took over.
The moment didn't last long, though, as it was interrupted by a flash from the camera. Frightened, not knowing what was happening, you jumped away from him and looked in the direction from which the light appeared for the second time.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" shouted Eddie furiously walking towards the paparazzi. "You fuking piece of shit!" he sped up his stride. He felt like rushing at the paparazzi with his fists and then throwing the camera straight into the ocean. Unfortunately, the man turned out to be much faster and ran away. When he turned around, you were gone.
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"Holy shit, you live here?" Robin looked with open mouth at the beautiful house with the ocean behind it.
"Yeah, with the boys, they gave me the whole basement so I could set up my own little apartment there, sharing a bathroom with four guys could be tough," laughed Chrissy. "Do you want to go inside?"
"Can we…Can we stay outside? I can't believe you have an ocean behind the house."
"Sure, let's go." she said and grabbed Robin's hand, leading her to the back of the house, where they sat on a wooden garden swing.
"This place is just like from a movie." commented Robin trying not to think about the fact that even though they had already sat down they were still holding hands.
"So, you wanna know the truth?" asked Chrissy uncertainly changing the subject. Robin nodded in response. "When I got the contract in New York, I thought I was winning my life, that I would finally be happy, finally all my dreams were coming true…" she sighed. "But I was quickly brought back down to earth. It turned out that my manager was homophobic, so I never dared to tell her the truth about myself."
"I'm so sorry…" Buckley squeezed her hand, to which she responded with a warm smile.
"The real nightmare began when they came up with an brilliant plan to promote me through a relationship with a sleazy fashion designer who was twenty years older. I didn't know what to do, so in a panic I lied that I had a boyfriend, and that's how I found myself in Eddie's apartment begging him for help. This was the first person I came out to and at that moment I thought I was going to die of nerves, I was wrecked and scared, and Eddie wasn't even shocked. He immediately understood and tried to calm me down. Then I proposed the whole plan with a pretend relationship. I needed someone reliable, and Eddie seemed perfect for that. We both ran away from Hawkins to start a new life in New York, the world immediately believed it, I didn't even know when we became the most recognizable couple in America and our careers just exploded."
Robin connected the dots in her head, everything the blonde said sounded crazy, but without knowing why she believed her. "I'm really glad you were able to get away from it all." she said quietly.
"If it weren't for Eddie my life would still look like a horror, I'll never be able to make it up to him…"
"He is a great friend." commented Robin, knowing that if she were in such a situation Steve would have done exactly the same thing. However, this did not stop the unpleasant feeling.
"I know what you're thinking and I feel terrible about it." Chrissy said, turning her head away. "I hate that by doing this to save myself I destroyed what Eddie had with y/n. She stopped talking to him, didn't respond to his letters, when Eddie agreed to the plan he said that the condition was that I would tell her everything, and I really wanted to do it as soon as possible! I was ready at any time to tell her the whole truth, but she didn't even give a chance to explain."
"Oh my God…" Robin bent her head back looking at the stars. She remembered what the first few months were like when Eddie and Chrissy's relationship became "offcial." You locked yourself in your room, went out only for classes and completely shut yourself off from people. Robin could hear the sounds of quiet sobs echoing around your apartment almost every night, but when she offered to be by your side at those times you just shooed her out of the room. You could have saved so much suffering if only you had given him a chance to explain. One little conversation a few years ago and things would look different now.
"You know, y/n is my best friend and in a way I understand her attitude. When we found out, we were all shocked, after all, everyone remembered that these two were madly in love with each other. Do you know about their arrangement? About the break?"
"I know, and I think you also know why we ended up in California after their tour ended," he said.
"I wish she'd let him explain it, everything would have looked completely different, and we wouldn't look so bad here now," she said.
"Maybe it could all be fixed? Maybe we could try to look good? When we moved here I broke my contract with that agency, I am now in a new one, which is not as well-known, but here they take care of me. My new manager knows everything and said that Eddie and I can end this whole pretending thing, but the label that handles Corroded Coffin isn't thrilled with the idea, so we're still in this, but Eddie is working on how to finally convince them to let us end it." she looked at her with hope in her eyes. They were so light and shiny under the gentle light of the moon and the stars. Robin's heart was melting.
She really wanted to believe that this had a chance of working, but she also knew that unless you let them tell you the truth nothing would be fully right.
The two sat in silence lost in thought as Chrissy moved closer to Robin.
"I'm sorry." she said quietly, resting her head on her shoulder.
"For how I was in high school. That I let Jason and his half-brains laugh at you. You didn't deserve it. I'd like to meet you under better conditions than the end of the world and struggling to survive."
"That's in the past, we can forget about it." she replied sincerely. Sitting now with Chrissy cuddled in her arms, she was able to forgive everything.
"I know it's crazy, but I feel like I'd like to try." Chrissy said quietly.
"Try what?" Robin pulled away sending her a surprised look.
"Us." As their eyes met, the world began to spin anew. Getting into a relationship with Chrissy was risky, they still didn't really know each other very well, but there was something, some invisible force that drew them to each other.
"How about a date when it will all be cleared out?" Buckley couldn't help herself, did that make her a bad friend? Now that she knew the truth she didn't feel as bad about it as she did at first.
"I would love to!" the excited blonde threw her arms around her neck pulling her close. When she pulled away, they were still close together. Sending nervous smiles in each other's direction once again, they began to move closer together. The gentle brushing of their lips was a hopeful sign. Before they could continue, though, they heard curses and the clink of keys. Intrigued, they went with the sound to see a furious Eddie who, with shaking hands, could not hit the door with his keys.
"Fucking bullshit!" he shouted banging his fist against it.
"Eddie? What happened?" asked Chrissy seeing the state her friend was in. Instead of at her, his eyes focused on Robin standing two steps away.
"Buckley? What are you doing here?" he asked puzzled.
"We, uh…" the girl didn't know what to say.
"I met Robin at the club and invited her here, I hope it's not a problem?" interjected Chrissy. "Give me the Keys." she said and opened the door. The three of them went inside. Eddie aggressively pulled off his shoes and threw his jacket into the closet with all his strength, but the jacket flew out of it a second later, and from the inside pocket of the jacket a small box that had been weighing him down all the way home.
"I was ready to fall to my fucking knees the moment I saw her." he said seeing the girls look at it in shock. After a moment, Robin picked it up and opened, showing the ring. "She thinks I never loved her. She thinks she has meant nothing to me all this time." his voice began to crack. "She hates me and didn't even give me a chance to explain it all. On top of that, that fucking paparazzi, I swear I'll kill the shithead as soon as I see him!" he walked toward the couch and sat down heavily on it, pulling a broken necklace from his pocket and placing it on the glass coffee table.
Chrissy looked at him with horrified eyes, she knew like no one else that Eddie cared about it like it was the most precious thing in whole world.
She approached slowly and knelt by the table taking it in her hands. Looking at her friend whose cheeks were streaming with tears, she couldn't help the guilt that had awakened in her. It was her fault, it was because of her that Eddie was losing the love of his life. "She said I didn't deserve to wear it." he said quietly. "She ripped it right off my neck." His voice was small, weak and helpless. "I love her so much, I never stopped Robin, you have to believe me." it was painful for him to have to keep assuring others of his love for you at every step, because no one wanted to believe him.
"I believe you." she said, sitting down next to him. "I know everything, Chrissy told me everything."
"She did?"
"Yeah, and now that I know everything, I want to help you. I'll try to convince y/n to give you a chance to explain everything."
"Thank you." he said hugging her tightly to himself.
"But now I should go, I don't want y/n to be alone today, I think you understand?"
"Of course, thank you Rob." he replied while wiping away tears.
"I'll call you a cab." offered Chrissy.
While they waited for the cab the girls exchanged phone numbers, Robin leaving promised to call as soon as she returns to the apartment. She also received a kiss on the cheek from Chrissy as a goodbye, which revived the butterflies in her stomach.
When she entered the apartment she noticed that the door to your room was ajar, peeking in there she noticed that you were asleep. Not wanting to wake you up, she just called the number she got earlier, toold them that she didn't talk to you because you had fallen asleep and went to bed herself as well, wondering how to clean up the mess you all found yourselves in.
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taglist: @i-me-mine @phantypurple @tlclick73 @greatpizzascissorstaco @alanamarie @hiscrimsonangel
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canirove · 8 months ago
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 7
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“Olga, do I really have to go with you? I want to go home, I'm shattered.”
“It'll be just a minute. I'll check if I left my wallet in the kitchen and then we can go” she says. “And stop complaining, Liv. You are turning 25 tomorrow, not 80.”
“Feels like it” I sigh. Because today has been chaotic. 
There was a double training session and some meetings going on, which means that I've spent most part of my day making coffees for everyone, going up and down the stairs to deliver them to the offices, and taking meal orders since one of the waiters called in sick and Olga needed help. And as if that wasn't enough, since the game at the Emirates I've been sleeping like shit, constantly having nightmares where my dad finds out about me and Declan and kills him. Literally. In last night's dream he used an axe to do it. 
“I promise I'll be quick” Olga says, opening the cafeteria’s door.
“You better” I reply, following her. 
“Happy birthday!” everyone screams as I walk in.
“Bloody hell!” I yell, my heart on my throat. “What the fuck?”
“Language, Olivia” Madders says. “This is a birthday party!”
“A what?”
“Surprise!” Olga says while hugging me.
“You… you… what?”
“I know your dad said that you don't like celebrating your birthdays, but you only turn a quarter of a century once!”
“Wow, those are some big words for you, Maddison” I laugh.
“So funny, Liv” he replies, rolling his eyes. “Everyone is dying to wish you happy birthday, you know? Sonny made you a card, and I think a certain Spaniard even got you a present…”
“You all seriously need to stop with that.”
“I was talking about Bryan, Liv” Madders smirks. 
“You… Idiot” I say, hitting him in the arm.
“It's not my fault Spanish dudes love you!” he laughs. “Though you prefer them half Irish, don't you?”
“Shut up!”
“Half Irish? What did I miss here?” Olga asks.
“Nothing. James is talking shit as always.”
“Yes, I am” he laughs again. “Anyway, are you coming or not? I can't wait to try the cake. Alex told me it is your favourite, and knowing how obsessed you are with anything with chocolate, I'm sure it'll be amazing.”
“Wait, Alex is here too?” I ask.
For the past few weeks he's been behaving super weird around me, basically ignoring me, and I still don't know why.
We've known each other our whole lives since my dad and his are best friends and  we live close by, and even though we've had our ups and downs (especially because of my dating life and him not liking any guy I did), he had never been like this. 
“C'mon, Liv. Let's go say hello to your guests” Olga says, linking her arm with mine and walking towards where everyone is. 
“Happy birthday, dear Olivia… Happy birthday to you!”
“Don't forget about making a wish!” my mum says.
“Done” I smile.
For my actual birthday I'm having a small gathering with my parents, Alex's and him, the usual every year. After partying way past midnight with everyone at work, it is what I needed. Something chill and at home where I can wear my pyjamas, have crazy hair, and where no one will give me a weird look. Though this year my mum forced me to actually look nice since it is a special number.
“I can't believe my baby is 25 already” she says while hugging me. Or while squeezing me against her. “Where has time gone?”
“She was a tiny loud baby not that long ago, and now look at her. My darling is a beautiful, intelligent and wonderful woman I'm very proud of” my dad says.
“Oh, stop it” I say, trying not to get emotional. 
“Should we start with the presents before everyone starts crying?” Alex's mum chuckles.
“I told you I didn't need anything, guys.” 
“This is just a little detail” she smiles.
After opening a few more presents, it's time for my dad to give me his.
“I'm a bit nervous about this” he laughs, giving me a small box. “Hope you like it, darling.”
“Thank you” I say, slowly opening it. Inside it there is a car key, one that obviously has a Tottenham keychain. And under it, there is a note. “Look out the window? What does it mean?”
“It means exactly that. Look out the window” my dad says, nodding towards the big one in our living room.
“Ok…” I say, walking towards it. And then, I see it. It can't be. “Dad, is that… Oh my God, is that a Mini?” 
“It is, darling. Your Mini.”
“It's yours, Olivia” my mum says.
“But I… you… how?” I mumble, looking from the car to the key in my hand.
“You've always been obsessed with that car for some reason. So much, that when you got your driving licence, I bought you a small replica of it” my dad says.
“You did, yes” I chuckle. “I still have it in my room.”
“Do you remember what I told you when I gave it to you?” 
“That one day… Oh, dad!” I say, running towards him and hugging him.
“I told you that one day I would buy you the real one, not just a toy. And that day has come” he says, hugging me back. “It isn't new, we couldn't afford it. But it is better than that thing from the Pleistocene you were driving.”
“It is perfect. The Mini, I mean” I say, moving to look at him. “It seriously is. I love you so much, dad. You too, mum.”
“Oh, Olivia” she says, joining our hug. 
“Did you film all that?” I hear Alex's dad say.
“I did” he replies. 
“I probably look so stupid” I laugh.
“You look beautiful, Liv” Alex says. And that was… odd. But whatever. 
“Why don't you kids take the car for a spin?” my dad suggests.
“Now? What about the cake?”
“You and your cakes, Olivia” my mum replies, rolling her eyes. “It will be here when you come back. Just be careful, ok?”
“Ok” I smile. “Thank you. Again” I say, giving my parents another hug. “I love you.”
“And we love you too. Now go, darling” my dad says.
“And Alex, don't let her go too fast.”
“I won't, Mrs. Chapman” he chuckles.
“Liv, what did your mum say?” 
“Shhh” I reply, speeding up a bit more. 
“If you crash your car on the first day…” Alex laughs.
“That won't happen. I'm gonna take care of him as if he was my son.”
“Is it a boy?”
“It is a boy” I smile. “The most beautiful one.”
“You'll have to give him a name, then.”
“Urgh, I suck at choosing boys names.”
“Is that why all your pets growing up were girls even if they actually weren't?”
“Then you better not have a son in the future” he laughs again. 
“Yeah” I smile. “I've missed hearing you laugh. Are you ok?” I ask him, slowing down now that we are back in our neighborhood. 
“You've been avoiding me, Alex.”
“No, I just… I've had a lot going on and to like… Organise my feelings and thoughts.”
“Oh, I see. But is everything ok?”
“Yeah, don't worry. Park over there, I want to give you my present.”
“Ok” I say, doing as he has asked me.
“So… ummm… Liv” Alex says, nervously playing with the small box in his hands. “There is something I have to tell you.”
“I'm all ears.” 
“I… You… We…”
“C'mon, Alex” I say, playfully hitting his arm. “It's me.”
“Yeah, I know. That's why saying this is so difficult. Because it's you.”
“I don't understand.” Why does he look so nervous? I think the last time I saw him like this was when he dared to ask out the hottest girl in our class and she… No. No, no, no, no. He isn't going to…
“I love you, Liv.”
He is. Oh, my God, he is doing it.
“And not like the way you love your dad or a friend. I love you like something else.”
“Alex, I…”
“When I told you that I was trying to like organise my feelings and thoughts, I was talking about you. About what I feel for you. Because I… because I've realized that I've always been in love with you, Liv. That if I've been a prick and disliked all the boys you've dated or been around, it's because I was jealous. Because I wanted to be them. Because I love you.”
“Alex, listen…”
“This is for you” he says, opening the little box and showing me what is inside. A ring. He got me a freaking ring, and one that doesn't look cheap. 
“I can't accept it.”
“It is just a birthday gift, Liv. Nothing else.”
“Nothing else?” I laugh. “You just told me that you love me and now are giving me a ring, Alex. This totally looks like some kind of proposal.”
“Well, if you think about it like that… Then yes. It is a proposal. Liv, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
This can't be real. This has to be another of my nightmares. They all start the same, with something really good happening, and then boom! The killing starts. 
“Alex… I… No.” 
Have you seen that episode of "The Simpsons" where Lisa is dating Ralph, she breaks up with him while being live on tv, and when they are watching it again Bart says something like, look, if you slow it down you can see the exact moment where you break his heart? Well, that is happening right in front of me. 
“I'm very sorry, Alex. But I don't love you. I just like you as a friend.”
Wow, Olivia. Wow. You just delivered the most cliché line ever. 
“I see…” he says, closing the small box and putting it back in his pocket.
“I'm sorry.”
“I heard you the first time, Liv.”
“Ok, umm… I should drive us back home.”
“Is there someone else?”
“Are you seeing someone?”
“Maybe...” I say, biting my lower lip. 
“Is it the Spanish guy? The one everyone keeps talking about at work.”
“Who, Pedro?”
“Yeah, him.”
“He isn't anyone from work or related to it.” Which is a lie, but it is best if he doesn't know.
“Oh, ok.” And those are the last words he says to me for the rest of the day.
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sparklyslug · 1 year ago
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I HAVE FINISHED CHAPTER THREE, CRACKED 40K, ANNOUNCED THE POST DATE and according to my serial killer progress spreadsheet, am 68% to my new projected word count (original was 35k lol oh baby look as us now)
To celebrate all of that, here is a sneak peek of some assholes behaving extremely badly:
Steve is moodily drawing shapes into the spilled bit of sugar next to his cappuccino (ordered, depressingly, with the hope that he might need his energy for a long night of getting to know the love of his fucking life or whatever) when the chair across from him is finally pulled back. 
He startles, with a white-hot flash of near euphoric surprise, until all the light drains out of him a mere second later. 
“Of all the gin joints in all the world,” Eddie Munson jokes, the absolute last person Steve wants to see right now. 
He wonders if he’s dreaming for a second, less because of how totally unexpected it is to see Eddie here and right now, and more because of how unlike himself Eddie looks. Unlike the Eddie Steve has become used to, anyway: gone is the black suit, black shirt, black tie. Instead, Eddie appears to be wearing jeans (dark blue wash, but still), and a richly-saturated blue turtleneck. Steve’s used to him looking hard, and sharp, but the sweater is all softness, looks as luxurious to the eye as it doubtless feels to the touch. His hair looks a little different too– like he’s put a little pomade in it, or something, the curls pushed back from his face. That, and how Eddie has actually shaved the bit of scruffy stubble Steve had been just getting used to as a part of 1990s Eddie, kind of make his mouth goes dry. It takes a few years off him, it’s closer to the Eddie Steve had known more than ten years ago, but even more alarming than that is how there’s nothing hiding how the line of his jaw is firm. How his chin is stubbornly rounded and strong, and how impossible it is not to notice his full lips. Which are currently twisted up into a smile. Not a particularly genuine one, either. 
“No, no, no,” Steve hisses, once the horror dislodges itself from his throat enough for him to form actual words. “You can’t be here right now.”
“Man, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that one,” Eddie remarks. “Granted, usually with a little more that-extradimensional-portal-wasn’t-here-a-second-ago dread to it, but–”
“I mean it, Eddie,” Steve says. “You can’t be here.”
Eddie considers him for a second. 
“And yet,” he says. “Here I am. What’s the big deal, Steve? Expecting someone?”
“I am, actually,” Steve says with a sneer. It’s not a lie, and Eddie certainly doesn’t need to know that PK is a depressing forty minutes late. 
“Wow, get a load of that blush. That, and the whole delectable, reach-out-and-touch-me ensemble, sure does make a guy wonder some things,” Eddie leans back in his seat, looking unfortunately like he has zero intention of clearing out. “Would this happen to be a date, Steve? Wait a minute– of course it is, you’ve even brought flowers. Well– flower. Singular. So maybe it’s not a hot date, but a date nonetheless.”
To Steve’s mounting horror, he picks up the sunflower laid across the cover of The Wizard of Oz. Waggles its drooping head towards Steve’s with a grin. 
“Would you believe me if I told you that this happens to be my favorite flower?” Eddie says, before slipping the stem between his teeth. Wiggles his eyebrows suggestively like he’s about to do a tango, or something. 
“I would not,” Steve says through gritted teeth, making a half-hearted gesture to try and get the flower out of Eddie’s mouth while also not drawing any attention to the two of them (it’s really impossible to accomplish both things, so he quickly gives up). “It would just be more bullshit, as usual.”
Eddie fortunately takes the flower out of his mouth, rubbing a thumb over the clear marks of where his teeth were pressed around the stem, as though he could smooth away the indentations they’d left behind. The sight of it makes Steve almost want to cry. 
“I don’t bullshit you, Steve,” Eddie says, and Steve would almost think it was serious from the look in his eyes, if it wasn’t for the way he’s still grinning at Steve’s discomfort. “And it’s true– one of many things you might find out, if you got to know me.”
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justinewt · 2 years ago
London, Punk Capital - MONEY HEIST: KOREA Chapter One
Next Chapter (SOON)
Summary: When Jin-sol, a promising young sportswoman decides to send her whole life away, going as far as faking her suicide to get under the radar, and crosses paths with the Professor, she finds herself involved in the plan of an ambitious heist that reveals her true colors. The target: the Mint of the Joint Economic Area. 
Words: 5k
Warnings: Money Heist: Korea season 1 (episode 1), 1st person pov, mention of suicide: FAKE suicide (no blood etc), loss, backstory, screams, hostage-taking, tauting, guns
At only 18, the path I was going to take was already mapped out. Plans to major in Sports studies and have a brilliant career as a combat sports athlete. I practiced Taekwondo since I was 6 years old, and it was my dream to become a professional in this sport. My dream, to represent South Korea at the Olympics one day. If I had been born in North Korea and lived in poverty, like my mom did, I wouldn’t have had so many opportunities and options but ultimately, I chose to throw away one of the only things I was good at and end it all and give up the life of freedom she risked hers for. Years ago, my mother, a hardworking but private woman, died of overwork and left me in the care of my uncle. I was 10 years old. Nobody had ever told me anything about my biological father, even though she had known him quite well and my uncle was the closest thing I had to a dad anyway so after I found myself orphaned, he adopted me and I started to call him dad because I wanted to feel like my peers, who had their parents. But he died too, and not that long ago. He was a college professor and taught in the department of business and economics at the Seoul National University. This smart and caring man was the last family I had. Losing everyone just made me realise an honest life wasn’t always worth it.
The wind was blowing that night. I let my bag fall on the floor of the Mapo bridge sidewalk and took off my jacket, making sure my identity papers and suicide note were in the pockets. It was actually not my plan to take my own life. My only wish was to completely disappear from the radar screens and let life surprise me with whatever it could come up. I heard my grandfather died in a robbing, in the 90s. Maybe I could do that too, without the dying part obviously. This new life choice was a complete turnaround, but it was my choice. Living an underground life in the guise of a dead person wasn't just anything. I was calm as I tied my hair in a bun above my neck, staring into the distance. Cars drove by but no one pulled over to come and stop me and that was for the best. The bridge was notorious for suicides and dozens of telephones and signs to deter people from commiting were set up along both sides. Glancing around, I leaned on the railing, lifted my leg and tipped my body over to the other side, resting my feet on the ledge. I didn't even really want to kill myself; it was just to give the illusion of it, and despite the fact that it was good that no one was bothering me, I wanted someone to witness my fall so that they could then confirm to the authorities that I was the person who jumped. I was not yet such a famous sportswoman, few people would be sad to hear the news, maybe my old friends from middle and high school but that was all. Everyone would forget me, ultimately.
I tried taking deep breaths. Despite the bright lights all over the bridge, the water looked dark beneath my feet. After a minute of staring down at the Han River, I heard someone calling out to me. This was my cue. I didn’t even look at the person trying to talk me out of it, closed my eyes, held my breath and let go of the railing. My body fell forward, and I plunged into the water. For a brief moment, I forgot my plan and let the water carry me away but eventually, I swam. I swam all night long and hid under another bridge, far from the one I jumped off of. The police would check the bag and jacket I left, get a testimony from the witness and quickly rule it out as a suicide. They would try to find my body but after a few days of being unsuccessful at doing so and with no one stepping forward, like a family member or something, they would stop searching and I would be fine. I just needed to lay low for a bit. I hid in seedy hotels and dyed my hair red. On my ID, I had bangs and black shoulder-length hair. It was now quite different, and it changed my appearance a lot. I left Seoul and went where the wind took me. And the wind took me to Mungyeong where I joined an illegal fighting ring. I ran into some cool guy who became like a brother to me. You’ll meet him eventually. He is not especially sharp-witted but he's fun, I'm sure you'll like him. Just so you know, I’ll refer to him as 오빠 “oppa” most of the time. It’s Korean for brother.
We would fight at every illegal fight club we could find and never lost. He eventually beat up the gamblers who had bet on us and we left. He had told me his father was constantly in and out of prison and he was the last person we expected to see. Gamblers had lost lot of money because of the both of us and had sent their dogs after us. He played with them while I tried to fight them off. So much so I always had to urge him to keep moving. I was way younger but the most serious of the pair. We had slipped between two buildings, which roofs we were running on just a moment before, trying to escape them but we got stuck. These guys were above and below us. A few cursings came out of our lips as the wall exploded. We protected our faces and looked to the side. A man was sticking his head out of the hole made by the explosion. It was his dad. He helped us get out of there and we ran away. That’s when we were introduced to a man calling himself the Professeur, 규슈 “guyshu”. When I met him, the first thought that went through my head was that he reminded me of my uncle, but it wasn’t what this meeting was about. He needed us to join his plan, which was to rob the Mint in the Joint Economic Area. We were in. He had assembled a whole team of people like us, and he brought us together to where our hideout was. The place where we would learn all about his plan until the D-day came around.
I had no idea how he found this place. A whole hotel complex, abandoned. Perfect for us. As we walked down a tree-lined path to reach the disused resort, I looked at the faces around me. We were 10 in total. For the first day, we settled in the hotel swimming pool. The professor had set up a whiteboard and we sat around it, in an arc. I sat on a cube with the number 6 on one side and next to me was a stern man in a suit. I wasn’t in such fancy clothing, just wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt with BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER in red writings, a faux leather skirt, a pair of pantyhose and combat boots. There was this little thing I hadn’t left behind when I faked my own suicide, and it was a gold ring that my mom gifted me. It was a ring she had herself been gifted, by her older sister for her 18th birthday. She had written in the letter she left me, that when triplets are born in North Korea, boys get silver daggers and girls get gold rings, as a gift from the government. Until I read this, I had no idea my mother actually had three older siblings. The 50-year-old ring hung from a thin cord tied around my neck.
“Before we start, I wanna make this clear.” The professor started speaking. “From now on, regardless of age or where you’re from, we’ll all speak informally. We’ll use code names to call each other instead of using real names.”
“I can do code names, but what about respect?” Oppa’s dad raised his hand. “What’s the reason for that?”
“It’s safer that no one knows. It’s out of serious precaution for each other’s identity. How about we use city names?” He walked over to a small table and grabbed a globe from it. “It can be a city you wanna live in once the job’s over or a name that you like the sound of. It’s up to you, so pick one.”
Gyushu sat down and the first of us that stood up was the other youngest of the group. W ewere called the “maknae”, literally meaning the youngest. He turned the globe and put his finger on the city of Rio de Janeiro, sketching an excited smile, chuckled and moved his body like he was dancing the samba. That guy who looks like your typical K-pop idol is Rio.       He’s a horrible dancer, but apparently, he’s an amazing hacker. Then came oppa’s turn. I already told you, his story.
“Denver. I’mma go with that one since it’s near the Rocky Mountains. You guys know Rocky. It’s, uh… It’s my favorite movie of all time.” He punched the air, making the sound effect to accompany his gestures. Faced with his little show, his father seemed quite embarrassed.
“Just so you know, that movie is set in Philadelphia.” The professor's intervention caused Denver to stop, and he awkwardly brushed the hair from his face.
“Oh- oh, really? Philadelphia. Phil… That’s a bit long. Denver sounds a lot stronger, right?” His father then picked Moscow as his alias. I did say he was in and out of prison in the years prior to this day but he also used to work in the mines, so naturally he’s a digging expert. That’s why he’s here. And where was here? The dead-end that was his life.
“Has anyone here ever been to Africa before? The cradle of civilization. Words can only try to describe. Did you know the area’s famous for diamonds?” This woman who introduced us to her ass as she chose her alias was Nairobi. A pathological liar. A forgery master, claiming to have been a part of every major crime, but I didn’t take her word for it. She was probably nothing more than a con artist. She went back to her seat and two fellows walked towards the globe, squabbling over its use, pushing each other around. That jolly pair was Helsinki and Olso. Fixers from Yanbian. Word had it that they wiped their entire gang and left. Next was the man in the fancy suit sat in the chair next to me. He went up to the globe, his hands in his back and picked it to take a look at it. Berlin. He had this gift for making people nervous, but he didn’t intimidate or scare me. He was from the Kaechon camp in the North, where only the dead are free. How he got here is a mystery that made him the most wanted man in the history of North Korea. I hopped on my feet before he even came back to his seat and crossed his gaze when he handed me the globe, stepping away. His eyes lingered on me as I turned the globe and put my finger.
“It fits you.” I nodded, giving the professor a smile as I returned to my seat. The last to take an alias was Tokyo. She had come down here from the North after being discharged from the army.
“Out of all the places, why pick Tokyo?” Denver enquired.
“Because we’ll be doing bad things.” Some of us chuckled at the remark. I sketched a smirk.
“Yo, that’s really smart.”
“She’s right.” The professor stood up and she walked past him to go back to her seat. I leaned on my knees, listening to him. “We will be doing bad things. We are going to pull off the single largest heist in history. The North opened up its economy, and every Korean was promised that they’d benefit from this, but in reality, only the rich got richer. It’s time for us, the ones left with nothing to claim what’s ours. This is why we’ve formed this team. I’m going to make this clear. Not a single person will get hurt. Our goal is to steal four trillion won and then we’ll disappear. We’re giving the public the best show they’ve ever seen, live and in their faces. And they’ll have no choice but to root for us all.”
“There’s no way that’s possible.” Rio said.
“Okay, let’s say it is possible. Where are we gonna find that much money?” Nairobi wondered.
“The target for our heist… is gonna be…” He marched to a table covered with a red fabric behind us and pulled it off. The others stood up to see while Berlin and I just pivoted in our seats. “… The Mint.”
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We all had to stick to our roles to make this plan work. I was one of the only ones to have no real decision-making power, but I was fine with it. It had been decided that Berlin would be the on-the-ground chief of operations, so I had to follow his orders and those of the professor to the letter, but my job did not end there. I didn't have a mere supporting role in the heist. What I had to do was a lot more vicious. We knew that there would be We knew that the hostages would not only be Mint employees, but also students from Myeongseong Foreign Language High School, where the US Ambassador's daughter was studying. She would be our key hostage. The most valuable of all. And what I was to do, prior to the heist, was get close to her and in order to do so, the Professor had provided me with a whole new identity to join this school, and more specifically the class she was in. I assumed a new name and wore a realistic wig that really gave the illusion that I had bleached my hair, but not to the point that it was white or platinum, but kind of straw blonde, with blunt bangs falling right above my eyebrows. It really changed my face. I wasn’t really into the whole going back to school thing, but I had to do it. At first, I was in school for about 90 percent of the time but once the professor brought us all together and we started working on the plan for the heist, I didn't go there as often anymore. One obvious excuse was that of the so-called chronic disease from which I suffered, or rather from which the student I played suffered and that I had to go abroad for a long time.
At the same time as preparing for the robbery, I was doing homework remotely and chatting with the classmates I had “befriended” to keep up appearances. I must have been very convincing in this role since I had totally succeeded in my mission and Anne Kim really seemed to consider me a friend. She was one of the people who texted me the most, often asking how I was doing and if I would be back in time to come with them to visit the Mint.
“It’s great you’re doing better.” Anne said as she was taking selfies in front of the Mint. I looked to the side and watched the students getting off the bus and nodded with a soft smile.
“It was hell having to stay in the hospital.” A group of girls then came running towards us, disrupting our quiet conversation and one of them grabbed my shoulder to bring me closer to them and take a picture of us. Right after the camera click shuttered, they ran back to the group of students. I stared at them. I couldn’t wait to take off that wig and stupid school uniform and take my place among the robbers. This little role-playing game had gone on long enough.
“Um, later can you send me the photos?” Anne and I turned our heads as we heard a classmate's voice rise near us. I hadn't even noticed he was there while we were taking the group photo. “You have insta, right?”
“I don’t.” Anne looked him up and down and took my arm to bring me with her to our classmates, standing two by two in line in front of the entrance to the Mint building. I was really getting tired of having to act like a 17-year-old teenager, but I played along and stood with her as the teacher invited us to follow her inside. With a quiet sigh, I looked behind us and saw two women standing by a tree. Nairobi wore a purple wig and was smoking, and Tokyo wore a light blonde wig. As I climbed the stairs, I held her gaze before walking into the hall and looking ahead. They now knew that Anne Kim and I entered the building, and surely told the rest of the team.
“Please stay in line as you follow me.” A lady greeted us at the entrance and guided us into the Mint, walking us down the monetary exhibition hall, telling us about the story of South and North Korean’s currencies. I wasn’t exactly paying attention to everything she was saying but rather waiting impatiently for when I would finally be able to swap roles. For now, I kept that jaded expression on my face and walked beside Anne. She stopped in her tracks to take a photo of a politician with a Snapchat filter on. The teacher reminded her not to take pictures and wait until the tour was over. We continued to follow the group and I saw Anne take a turn in the direction of the toilets. Glancing at our comrades, I slipped away, wanting to keep an eye on this precious hostage. I quietly opened the door to the restrooms and heard Anne speaking in English in one of the stalls. She was on the phone with someone, complaining about school, her uniform and her dad. Rolling my eyes in annoyance I turned around and the moment I let go of the door, I heard gunshots ring out. I was taken aback and jumped but quickly, a smirk appeared on my face, and I walked with a determined step while everyone ran and screamed around me. Nobody paid attention to my behavior, far too poised for such a situation. My fellow robbers were finally there, threatening the students and employees with their guns. When I found myself among the students, I started acting scared and let out a few screams of terror. I saw Tokyo arrive, she took off her wig and looked around. She held her gun against her shoulder, the barrel pointed in the air. When she met my gaze, she grabbed my arm and dragged me away. I cried out.
“Where’s the girl?” She spoke in a scolding manner, raising her voice and I did my part.
“In- In the restroom.” My body was shaking so much that I struggled to line up those three words and my voice broke into a sob as I answered. Tokyo looked at me with great surprise, eyes widened. She tightened her grip on my arm and looked me down, trying to hide that she had been unsettled by how intense but realistic my acting was. she let go of me, pushing me away unceremoniously before going to get Anne Kim. I lost my balance and the teacher caught me and brought me back to her and the students, asking me if everything was okay but I didn't answer, pretending to be so shaken that I couldn't answer, but on the contrary, her fear was very real. The robbers, dressed in red boiler suits and masks inspired by traditional Hahoe masks. Only Nairobi, with her purple wig, had yet to put the outfit on. As agreed, Berlin was leading the group. Despite the masks, I also knew very quickly which one was Denver since I saw him out of the corner of my eye wanting to approach me when he saw this distress on my face, and I also saw his hair tied in a bun. He had let himself be deceived by these artifices, but Berlin had prevented him from approaching me while they put blindfolds around the eyes of the hostages, lined up in two groups facing each other.
I was the last to be blindfolded and Berlin stopped in front of me, without a sound. I couldn't quite look him in the eye, but I stared at him anyway and all that fear I was faking was gone. His fingers lingered on the thread of my necklace and after holding the ring between his thumb and index finger for a hot second, he slowly lowered the blindfold over my eyes. They could have left my sight, but Tokyo had not yet returned with Anne, and it was important that the illusion remain intact for a little while longer, until the real moment of the reveal. Only then would they raise the curtain on the fact that I was one of them, and not a hostage. The latter were also shaking with fear and beyond this noise pollution, I heard footsteps coming towards us and I immediately thought of Tokyo. I didn’t need to see to have the confirmation that she had brought Anne. I heard the latter grunt when Tokyo pushed her after blindfolding the teenager. Berlin’s voice then rose as he took a few steps.
“Hello, everyone. I’m the one in charge here. I apologize for the invconvenience, but you are our hostages.” They whimpered, holding hands, shaking, but I stood still and listened to Berlin as he walked in front the hostages. “We each go through all sorts of moments in life, both good and bad. During the bad moments, it feels like the sky is falling down, but after some time, you’ll realize it was nothing. Each of you will have that experience, as long as you follow our orders. Many years from now, this will be an exciting adventure story that you can wow your grandchildren with. But in case any of you are thinking of causing trouble, let me tell you just one thing. I truly love when that happens.”
“Empty your pockets.” Moscow then ordered. The two hostaged that were holding my hands let go and I let out a sigh while they gave their access cards and cell phones, which were being put away in a box when suddenly, one of them rang, or so I thought but I quickly realized it wasn't a cell phone ringtone. I lifted the bottom of the blindfold and saw a landline phone on the reception counter. It was this phone that was ringing so loudly. I could also see that my fellw robbers had taken off their masks and Berlin was looking at all of them when the director of the Mint raised a shuddering hand.
“What is it?”
“That could be from headquarters.” He told him, trembling. “If we don’t pick up, th-th-they’ll know something’s going on.” The woman standing next to him gave him a shy blow with her hand. Berlin must have seen it but chose to act as if it was not the case.
“You know, I like your face. I feel like I’ll grow to like you. Answer the phone.” His voice suddenly grew harsher, and he grabbed the woman’s hand. She whimpered as he led her to the phone and was panting. He got her to calm down and take a deep breath and put her hand on the phone.
“This… This is the Minting Bureau.” Berlin and Denver exchanged a look. “We’re experiencing network difficulties." The woman's voice rose, taking on an aggravated tone. She told them off before hanging up abruptly. Berlin sketched a smirk as he properly replaced the phone on its base and took her hand.
“So, was it important?”
“It’s, um… it was nothing.” He looked at her and nodded with a large, drawn smile. His hand on her shoulder, he led her back to her place among the hostages.
“It wasn’t important. We won’t have any problems now, will we?” The woman and the Mint’s director nodded nervously. Berlin clapped the latter on the shoulder, and he whimpered, sticking to his secretary in fear. He then walked away from them and gave me a look as he passed in front of me. The blindfold he had put over my eyes was now up on my forehead, but obviously, since I wasn’t an actual hostage, he didn’t really care and waved at me to follow him. I smiled, knowing that I was going to leave this high school uniform. When they would remove their blindfold, Anne Kim would probably start to panic when she saw that I had disappeared, and she wouldn't recognize me behind my mask. She had no idea I had been wearing a wig for several months and that I was this red-haired robber. We would leave her the surprise and the pleasure that her good friend never actually existed. As we moved away from the hostages, Denver, Moscow, and Rio left the lobby and headed for the Mint vault. I watched them as I took off my blonde wig and let go of it into the bag from which I had retrieved the red suit, boots and Hahoe mask I was going to wear and walked to the nearest restroom. I had taken an earpiece as well.
It would probably take a few minutes for the three others to take care of getting the vault open. I quickened my pace as I walked down the hallway and pushed open the bathroom door and dropped the stuff on the floor before taking off my skirt and blazer. Once the suit was on, I pulled up the zipper to the waist, put on the combat boots and tied my hair in a low bun before washing my face. Without this light makeup, I looked more mature already. In front of the bathroom mirror, my eyes fell on the ring hanging from my neck, the one that had caught Berlin's eye as I stood among the hostages. I stared at the reflection holding it between my fingers and after a few seconds, I sighed, put my arms through the sleeves of the suit and put the mask on my face. I then shoved the uniform into the trash can and grabbed the bag to tie it before heading back into the hall. Berlin watched the room from the central stairs and glanced at me as I returned. I grabbed a gun and slung the handle over my shoulder, finally taking on my role as one of the robbers. The hostages were shaking like leaves as the rest of my peers walked across the room carrying bags filled with banknotes retrieved from the vault opened by Denver, Moscow and Rio while I was gone off to the restroom to change. Berlin pressed his earpiece, and I heard him in mine speaking to the professor.
“Professor, we’re going out now.” Behind my mask I watched him slowly descend the stairs. Moscow and I walked beside him. An alarm went off and the thud of the main door opening echoed all the way to us. Seeing the director lifting his blindfold and sneaking a peek around him, we came to a halt and upon realizing that we had seen him, he jumped and looked down. This man was such a coward but what happened was a perfect example as to why I had to keep my mask on for now. To keep the element of surprise. Berlin smiled and looked at Moscow and I and while he slowly walked up to him, I looked at Anne Kim. She was just a couple feet away. I didn’t feel bad for lying to her all those months, but I was well aware that somewhere deep inside me, she had become my friend and I hadn't had one in a long time. I did an immediate head turn when I heard him rip the blindfold off the director's head. The latter was shuddering. He leaned forward and whimpered, squinting his eyes really hard.
“I didn’t see anything. I swear.”
“You can look. Mmh? It’s okay, mm? I said open your eyes.” Berlin grabbed the man’s head and held him in place. “Do you wanna know what we’re up to? Is that it, huh?”
“No. I swear!” He whined, keeping his eyes shut in fear. I was watching him with a jaded expression on my face. I found him to be of a really irritating and annoying character. One time, he acts as if he thinks he's master of the world and there he is, shaking and yelping like a wounded dog. “I know absolutely nothing, and I don’t wanna know anything—”
“No, no. I like you, my friend, so let me tell you exactly what we’re doing right now.” He patted him on the shoulder and took a step back, pulling out his handgun and aimed at his head. “We’re going to have a gunfight with the police, and people are going to die, like in movies.” The director opened his eyes and looked at the weapon, scared for his life. “BANG!”
He fell to his knees, yelping and whimpering and the other hostages clamored at the loud noise made by Berlin, while he chuckled. I would have laughed with him if I didn't have to make sure that Anne Kim wouldn't hear and recognize my voice, but the situation was, from my point of view, very funny. This moment of Berlin having fun terrorizing the hostages was really setting the tone for the whole heist, and I couldn't wait to see what was next. Everything had been carefully planned, down to the smallest detail. The Professor was prepared to any eventuality. He had emphasized from the beginning that it was important no one gets hurt or dies. Killing or hurting people wasn’t the plan. We tackled the subject during one of those study session in the swimming pool of the abandoned hotel complex where we had established our headquarters. As always, we were seated around him, in front of the whiteboard covered with maps, a model of the Mint on a small table next to it. Arms and legs crossed, seated between Rio and Berlin, I was slumped in my chair, fiddling with the ring around my neck as I watched and listened attentively to the Professor.
“When the police arrive, act as if you’ve been caught while trying to flee, and shoot at them, and retreat back into the building to hide…” He moved his hand towards the model of the Mint. “…like a rat caught in a trap.”
“But why exactly do you want us to fire into the air?” Denver wondered.
“I told you. Our plan is to not kill or hurt anyone.”
“But it’s not like anyone plans to die.” Nairobi stated, followed by Rio, backing up her words. My eyes went from one to the other without really turning my head.
“She’s right. Who knows what’s gonna happen? Couldn’t we just kill a few if the situation calls for it?”
“Absolutely not. This is crucial for our plan to work.” I heard Berlin laugh behind me.
“Our plan? Sounds like your morals are getting in the way.”
“What’s with all the comments?” Tokyo spoke, and he didn't seem so amused anymore, staring at her. She looked at everyone and let her gaze fall back to Berlin, raising her eyebrows. “Our job here is to execute the Professor’s plan. If you can’t, then leave.”
And I agreed with her. Which is why, like the brothers and Moscow, I was among the few to not say anything during the lesson. I was not to question the Professor's words and orders. I had promised. Because it didn’t matter the reason, when the Professor told us to jump, we asked how high. From the hall, where only Berlin, Moscow and I had remained with the hostages, we heard police sirens in the distance, a brief silence and then gunshots. The hostages gasped and screamed, as usual. The police were firing back at them and we heard from our earpieces that something had happened in Rio but we couldn’t see what was going on. In the following seconds, they must have pulled back inside the building since the closing of the door was engaged. Now that news of an armed robbery over the Mint would spread, the real heist could begin. Officials from the North and the South would scratch their brains really hard to find the best way to resolve the situation. The Korean Peninsula, the only divided country on earth, was soon to be unified after all. An unprecedented situation was unfolding inside a unique zone called the JEA. Short for Joint Economic Area. Korea’s neighbors weren’t the only ones paying attention… the whole world was watching.
Bags full of red suits and masks were lined up on the floor. The rest of the team was back in the room after the exchange of gunfire with the police a couple of minutes ago. I stood next to the two brothers, near the bags. I was slightly behind, my face still hidden. The surprise would soon be revealed to my dear school friends.
“My dear hostages, please take off your blindfolds.”
“Come on, everyone. You can take ‘em off.” Denver raised his voice, urging them to do so while Berlin walked in front of them. They eventually took them off, hands shaking. My eyes were on Anne Kim who was just taking notice of her surroundings after removing her blindfold. She would quickly notice my disappearance, and most likely comment on it.
“It’s so good to finally speak with you all face-to-face. There’s no need to be afraid. We are all trapped inside the same building together, which means we have to work together, hmm?” He sketched a large smile and nodded at us to bring the bags. Standing beside Moscow in front of the stairs, he watched the others proceed to give red jumpsuits to the hostages. Anne Kim was looking around her, frowning.
“Where is Park Ho-Yeon? What did you do with her?” She demanded answers. Berlin smirked and turned to her, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. Back to them, I continued to give suits to hostages right in front of her.
“Who?” Berlin asked her, acting as if he didn’t know what she was talking about which he wasn’t supposed to so she must have mistaken his tone for mockery regarding her concern for her friend. He was, in a way, actually mocking and taunting her like he did with the director. Faced with his intimidating gaze which she held, she repeated herself.
“Where is my friend? The one with the blond—”
“What friend?” When she heard my voice, she went silent, probably not knowing what to think anymore. Time stopped for a few seconds. As I swiveled towards her, I slid my mask over my head and discovered the look of profound stupor on her face. She was shocked. Mouth open, she couldn't hide her shock. I took a few steps towards her.
“Ho-Yeon, you’re… with them?”
“My name’s not Ho-Yeon.” Berlin walked up to us, laughing and patted my shoulder, looking at Anne Kim, with a broad, amused grin on his face. This look of betrayal I saw in her eyes followed me as I walked towards the stairs with him.
“We have no intention of hurting any of you, trust me.” He then declared; hands clasped. He spoke with a smile. “Each and every one of you will return home without a single scratch, as long as you fully cooperate with us. I give you my word. Let’s just have some fun.”
Soon, the first day of this unprecedented robbery came to an end and night fell. We had been occupying the Mint for over 11 hours already and the whole world was kept in suspense, looking at us, wondering what was going to happen next. But people weren't the only ones racking their brains to figure out our next move. Even the task force was most likely confused. The one with the true upper hand was not the North or the South. It was the Professor. He developed plans and factored in everything. Like I said, he had planned everything, down to the smallest detail. The Professor came up with solutions for every possible situation and then a backup plan for each of those possibilities. I found it all very impressive and to be apart of it was beyond great and exciting. It had all just started earlier this day and I was already having a blast. All those months invested in preparing for this heist had been worth it. I was sure of that.
“They’ll be there very soon. Proceed as planned.” We were warned by the professor over the phone, that a military raid was coming to get us. We talked about this situation during our classes, which would happen if the North took over in the Task Force and they would never agree to negotiate with us. They would try to suppress us no matter what, and they would try to do so in secret.
“There is a total of five entry points. The main gate, the rooftop, the underground garage, the emergency exit on the side, and last but not least, the loading dock. If you remove the main gate and the rooftop where they’re likely to be seen, they’ll use the other three to enter.” Berlin raised his hand.
“Okay so let’s say we know when they’ll enter, thanks to the information from that woman.” I might have forgotten to mention it but yeah, the woman in question was the negociator, Seon Woojin. When I said the North took over amid the Task Force, I omitted that it would happen if she was sidelined. “How do we stop the Special Operations Unit when they have so many points of entry?”
“Well, that’s a good question.” He had this calm and collected look on his face, like he had it all figured out, which he had. I remember he asked us what we thought was the best strategy when we’re surrounded by enemies. We were only 9 robbers, but we had plenty of people at hand to repel the soldiers, without even having to fight. We outnumbered them, thanks to the hostages disguised as robbers. What they would see, no matter where they tried to get in from, would be masked people in red jumper suits holding guns towards them. With Rio in the office, watching the cameras, we were all with different groups of hostages turned into robbers for the subterfuge and the soldiers would never be able to tell a real robber with a gun from a hostage with a fake one. They would be forced to retreat. And it’s exactly how it happened. We handled the situation exactly how the professor told us to and everything went like clockwork. Everyone was then led back to the main room where there was a heavy silence among the hostages. Berlin, towering above us from the top of the stairs, broke the silence. I stood with my peers, on the other end of the room, right across the stairs.
“Now, my dear comrades, take off your masks.” He smiled as he watched them do as he said but quickly regained his seriousness. “Thanks to your cooperation, the police completely aborted their mission to raid the building.”
“Yes!” Moscow cheered and Denver and I chuckled.
“I want to applaud you all for being courageous and for your exceptional teamwork. We could not have done this without you.” He sketched another broad smile and slowly clapped his hands as he descended the stairs, and we joined in, walking in front of the hostages, mocking them with our smirks. We clapped strongly and eventually, one after the other, the hostages clapped along, and I laughed, meeting Berlin's gaze. We were both all smiles. The hostages didn’t look as happy as we did, obviously but how they felt went flying over my head. You can call me insensitive and self-centered, which I don’t think I was, but that still was the last thing I cared about. I did what I was asked to do, follow the Professor’s orders. I did my part and was satisfied. We had successfully prevented the raid, and the Task Force would be forced to recall their negotiator and forget about the use of force to enter. And with one of the hostages happening to be the daughter of the US Ambassador to Korea, that was no longer a possibility at all.
[To be continued…]  
Next Chapter (SOON)
Published (03/25/2023) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64
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owlsandwich · 2 years ago
Hi buddy! Its Athena, I'm sending this out to all my mutuals - what got you into writing, what inspires you, who inspires you and what music inspires you to write? what do you love about writing?
I am so excited to have a question :D
So I read all the time as a child (before videogames arrived to steal my heart), but I think the first time I realised I would like to write a book myself was after finishing Abhorsen by Garth Nix. The ending is so incredible with so many pieces all coming together for the finale, and in that moment I realised I wanted to create something like that.
It wasn't safe for me to have thoughts written down at home though, so I never put my stories on paper. I'd hold them in my mind and add to them each night as I fell asleep, then I'd go back over them again and again, 'editing in my head. They were just for me, so I didn't have a huge desire to have them written down anyway. Then, about 12 years ago I had a dream about these two characters, and it felt so strong that the next day I got out a notebook and scribbled down a chapter about them (I still have it!). By this point I had moved out, and my partner read it and loved it. He kept nagging me to continue, and I tried a few times but didn't actually know anything about writing, so I just kept hitting dead ends.
I didn't write again until four years ago, when I decided to start over on that same project as a form of healing, and because I'd always wanted to go back to it. The original chapter I wrote still exists, (admittedly heavily edited) and is now chapter 3 of the book I self-published last year!
I think I lot of my inspiration comes from reading about human interaction and current events; I process my feelings about the world by layering it onto fantasy and seeing how similar events might play out. I still love Garth Nix, though at the moment I am diving into reading a lot of old classic books - I think my favourite so far was The Count of Monte Cristo.
As far as music goes, I attempted to classical conditon myself into writing my putting on a band I don't normally listen to every time I write. The whole of The Mechanics of Magic was written to a Portugal The Man playlist, and I ended up associating songs with each of my characters, even though the music has nothing to do with the book at all.
My current project was actually inspired by the Ghost song 'Darkness At The Heart Of My Love' though, and since I am just posting it on AO3 I stole the song title for it 😅 I think the work has moved past the initial song inspiration, but I still associate Ghost songs with my Darkness project.
I think I've probably written too much here, but this was so much fun! Thank you!
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moonwritewastaken · 2 years ago
Clowning Around - cc!Sapnap x gn!reader
Genre - friends to lovers (the biggest fright of all Halloween honestly), Halloween!
Warnings - language
Word count - 1164
Happy Halloween everyone! It’s actually the day after (and the day of George’s birthday!) where I’m from but oh well. Congrats to Sapnap for the NRG announcement! We love a successful king, he deserves it. This was inspired by the group from DSMP who went to the haunted house in the last couple days, because it would have been funny seeing them experience it lmao
- 🌙
It was only a couple of days until Halloween and it was the day of the trip to the haunted house you were taking with your friends. You knew that the majority of them were easily spooked so you were looking forward to seeing their reactions. 
The plan had been made on a whim. The Dream Team were talking about George’s birthday and how it was the day after Halloween, which naturally shifted to talk about their Halloween plans. This lead to a call that added you, Quackity and Karl to the conversation. Someone brought up the idea of a haunted house as a joke but everyone rolled with it anyway. Eventually it lead to others also being invited and you were super pumped to see some of them since you hadn’t seen them in a while. 
You were currently in the car with the Dream Team with Dream driving, George shotgun and you and Sapnap in the back. The journey was filled with loud singing, shy glances between you and Sapnap and knowing glances from Dream because you couldn’t get anything past him. 
You had feelings for Sapnap. This really isn’t surprising given how easy he is to fall for. You were cursing it at first because these feelings began to grow soon after you first met him 3 years ago. Over time, however, the quick glances and romance driven scenarios at night became routine, they became comfortable. Part of you was hoping the scare factor and adrenaline you were expecting to experience tonight would be enough to kickstart a new chapter in your relationship. 
Once you arrived, you met up with the rest of your friends and took your place in line, taking many photos and meeting many fans along the way. After a while, it had calmed down a bit and you all took to making conversation among yourselves while waiting for your turns. Listening to Karl and Foolish bicker about something that happened back in North Carolina causes you to slowly lose focus and instead turn to Quackity. He gets a sly look on his face before speaking. 
“Hey y/n, you should ask Sapnap to stick together so you can finally make a fucking move” you roll your eyes before huffing and turning away from him. 
“I’m serious, there’s no better time than now. If he says anything just say you were scared” as much as you hated to admit it, he had a point. There was an out you could take if it went south. 
“Fine, but if something happens, I’m gonna be mad” he grins and pats your head which causes you to move away from him. 
Walking towards Sapnap, you see his brows furrowed and a far away look in his eye. You nudge him gently causing him to look at you. 
“You wanna stick together? The closer we get, the more scared I get” he smiles and replies. 
“Well, if you’re that scared then I guess I can come with you” you scoff and then smile at him. 
“Thank you, my hero” he laughs before you both realise that you were up next. 
Your group enters the haunted house and unintentionally split into little subgroups. Keeping an eye out for any unwelcome surprises, you caught Karl’s eye. He started to gesture but because it was dark, you were unable to make out what it was he was trying to signal. You tilt your head and he rolls his eye dramatically before grabbing his waking partner’s hand while pointing towards their intertwined hands. Dream is surprised by Karl’s sudden affection and frantically looks around, thinking Karl was startled by something. He looks at Karl confused to which Karl just shrugs. You aggressively shake your head at Karl’s suggestion who scoffs before pulling Dream forward.
The next few minutes are filled with only a couple of jump scares in which you were fortunately prepared for because you were at the back of the pack. Suddenly your friends in front of you take off in a sprint. You and Sapnap stop dead in your tracks and snap your head towards Sapnap to find him already looking at you. As you decide to venture forward once again, you come face to face with a clown holding an axe. It doesn’t take you long to put two and two together and deduce that this was what your friends were running from.
“What the fuck” Sapnap said it quietly but you’re just able to hear it over the creepy music playing through speakers hidden somewhere around you.
“You know, I think they had the right idea” you say with a breathy laugh. You let out a shaky breath but are quickly distracted by Sapnap grabbing you by the hand.
Sapnap leads you around the corner, not stopping until you reach the rest of your friends. They look slightly relieved to see you both approach, likely because you were further behind. George spots your entwined hands and smirks slightly before speaking up.
“You guys had a fun time I see?” Your group is clearly confused by what he means until he gestures to your hands. Your group starts making fun of you, causing Sapnap to drop your hand as if it had burnt him. You felt your heart twinge in sadness when his hand left yours.
After this small exchange, your group continued on. Sapnap fell back into step with you, clearing his throat.
“Sorry about the hand thing, I just didn’t want to leave you alone” you smile slightly in response.
“Don’t worry, it was actually nice” you regretted saying it as soon as it left your mouth but it was too late to salvage it.
“Uh- me too” your eyes widen at this. You’re not sure if it’s his words, his touch or the adrenaline still coursing through your veins from the clown encounter, but you feel a new bout of confidence. You stop walking which causes Sapnap to stop and look at you with worried eyes. Before saying what has the power to either make or break your relationship, you take a deep breath.
“Good, because I really like you” your new found confidence began to dwindle seeing that Sapnap was yet to respond or move at all. After what felt like an eternity, he finally puts you out of your misery.
“I like you too” he extends his hand out to you and you take it, deciding to leave the semantics of your relationship until after the haunted house.
Eventually you catch up to the group again at the exit and they start freaking out as soon as they see your joint hands for the second time. You share a secret look with both Karl and Quackity and you knew they were silently asking if you’d finally confessed, to which you nod your head gently. You don’t see their reaction, instead turning your head towards Sapnap’s voice.
“I’m kinda glad we decided to come here”
You were glad too.
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love2write2626 · 3 years ago
Untitled Tom Cruise Story??
Ok so I’m very unsure about this story. The idea hit me about 45 minutes ago and I just started writing. I think it has potential... but I would like some other opinions. I don’t have any ideas for a title yet... so if anyone does just comment below. This is just the rough draft to chapter 1, so if the story continues, there may or may not be changes made.
Chapter 1
Tom’s P.O.V
“Please welcome my next guest, my very good friend Mr. Tom Cruise!” James said, as I walked onto the stage. I looked at the crowd, Waving and giving everyone a bright smile as I walked over to James. “Welcome back Tom” he said giving me a hug
“Thank You for having me” I said as I sat down on the couch, The crowd continued to cheer, I started laughing and looked over at James
“How come I don’t get this kind of cheer, when I walk out on stage?” James replied jokingly “This my show” he said laughing
“You all should be nicer he has the power to kick you out of here” I said to the audience, and of course everyone started laughing.
“So, Tom how have you been? I haven’t seen you since… the wedding? Yes, I believe it was the wedding”
“You are correct. The last time I saw you was 5 months ago at my wedding” I said with a smile
“How are things? How’s Y/N?” I smiled brightly. It brings me joy talking about her
“Everything is great, Y/N and I are very happy”
“I’m very happy for you, and I must say your wedding was absolutely beautiful”
“Thank You, I am so happy you were able to make it, it was an absolutely perfect night”
“I, must say Y/N looked gorgeous” I smiled
“She always does” I said with a smile. All the women in the audience said “Awww”
“So, tonight… this is a little different, so tonight you are not here to promote a movie, or anything, You are actually here to talk about some rumors that have been going around”
“Yes… and usually… usually I ignore all the white noise, it doesn’t bother me… until it involves people I love, and care about deeply”
“For those of you who don’t know, the rumors going around is that Y/N is the reason that Katie and Tom got divorced”
“Yes, and based on the timing, and how fast everything happened we expected that to happen… but it’s getting out of hand now. People have sent her letters, she has had to delete all social media… because people are sending her hate messages calling her ‘Home Wrecker’ and… and some things I can’t say on television. I chuckled
“So what is it, that you want everyone to know?” James asked
“I have known Y/N since high school. We went to high school together. She is one year younger than me, and we became friends when we literally bumped into each other in the hallway. When I became famous, she became my personal assistant because that is what she is good at. She is good when it comes to schedules, organization skills, typing, phone calls… she’s just great at that.”
“It’s true, I’ve emailed her before and I will literally go to get up from my desk, and she will have responded within a few seconds” James said laughing
“Anyway another important thing you should know, is Katie and Y/N are friends… best friends honestly. They are always hanging out”
“Wasn’t Katie, Y/N’s Maid of Honor?”
“Yes she was” I said “Katie and I had been separated for 2 years before we officially got divorced… and when It came down to getting an actual divorce there was no yelling, not horrible things said. We talked about how, we will always love each other… but we both know we were never in love, and the only reason we got married was because she got pregnant with Suri”
“You don’t hate each other right?”
“No, not at all. There was nothing bad about our marriage… we just weren’t happy. I mean look now I am so wonderfully happy, I got the girl I always dreamed of being with, Katie is with a great guy… no I won’t say who. He’s really cool, and I have no objections with him being around my daughter.
“The rumors really started because of how fast you got married”
“Yeah, that’s the crazy thing. I’ve known Y/N since she was 17, we know each other like the back of our hands. We didn’t have to date because we have known each other for 21 years, and have been madly in love for that long. So there was no reason to wait.
“Well some people say you need to live with their future spouse before getting married”
“She has lived with me, since she became my assistant. Before the real fame hit, in between all the girlfriends I had, getting married, and having a child. My morning has started the same for all these years. Y/N and I up at 6:30 drinking coffee and just talking. Talking about our life, what we dreamed about the night before… I mean I know everything about her and she knows everything about me.
“Well I will say that’s a beautiful story” I smiled, out from the crowd we heard
“I mean, we still have time… if Tom wants to tell the story” I smiled
“I would love nothing more”
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puffpasstea · 2 years ago
A/N: Thank you all so much for all the love on the previous chapter. Here's the next one. I LOVE hearing your thoughts, suggestions, and speculations about what's happening next. Please enjoy! And let me know what you think. Feedback is always very much appreciated!
Warnings: Angst, consumption of alcohol, drunk Harry.
Chapter 5
I stood up in my seat, looking left and right as the house lights were dimmed in preparation for the screening to begin. I wanted so desperately to be out of here. To run and hide somewhere only I knew. I walked down the aisle, heading for the exit as fast as I could manage in my gown and heels.
“Psst. Wait! Where are you going?!” Harry whispered from his seat, two rows away, watching me with puzzled eyes. 
“Ma’am, I’m sorry. I can’t open those doors.”
“ What? why not?! It’s- not an airplane! I just need to leave! You can close it right back behind me. Please- I- i'm not supposed to be here.”
“I’m sorry, just doing my job. I was told those doors don’t open until the end of the screening.”
Dejected, I apologized for trying to get the organizer to break the rules and went back to my seat.
Harry had turn around in his seat, his eyes were still on me. "You okay?" He mouthed, a frown on his face.
I shook my head reassuringly and gestured for him to just turn back around and forget about it. Reluctantly, he eventually returned his attention to the screen in front of him.
It was probably not a great idea to leave anyway. when I thought about where I might go, if I were to leave, my brain went blank. Everyone I knew in LA was in this room right now. Never, in my life, have I dreamed of finding myself in a situation where I’d be rounding up my acquaintances in fucking LA! Who- or what- have I become? How did I wake up and find myself here? In this massive dress, at this massive event. I don't even recognize myself anymore. It felt surreal to even be having this problem. What am I upset about?? Being written about in fucking gossip columns?? A few days ago, this never would’ve even been a reality for me. Everything seemed to happen so quickly. I could never live at this pace. The only person who knew what this felt like, and the only person who could help me make sense of it, was Harry. He was, conveniently, also involved in this whole fiasco. Though he was sitting just two seats ahead of me, and I could literally see the back of his head, he felt miles away. I felt trapped. Like a sitting duck. I threw myself back into the chair and waited. Waited for this night to be over. 
I tried my best to focus my attention on the film, remembering that I’d never actually seen the fully formed and final product. While I was present for the filming of the major scenes, and I got to watch some director cut clips whenever my input was necessary, I had yet to see the entire film from start to finish. Now that I was finally about to see it, my mind brought me back to ten months ago. I recalled running lines with Christopher; watching Harry, Sienna, and Christopher rehearse scenes in their spare time; and going over the script with the actors and director to help explain the literary background to the text. Seeing these scenes from the perspective of an audience member gave me a new found respect for the process of filmmaking. Somehow, knowing how those moments actually came together in real life only made them more impressive to watch on film. 
The time we'd spent together behind the scenes seemed so distant now. Early mornings playing music from Christopher’s playlist to keep myself entertained as he sat in the hair and makeup chair for hours, getting into character; or lunch breaks when Harry would share his food with me to make sure I was still eating even on my worst days. Everything seemed so small and manageable then. Despite all these having taken place on a giant film set, the fact that they were all actors; big, important stars with thousands of fans, was never a factor in how we interacted. Perhaps a testament to their humility, or the director’s commitment to creating a professional work environment, either way, I’d grown to feel as though my time on set was just a regular day at work. Now, though, everything felt so complicated. It was difficult to lose myself in the film, or even the memories that it had brought back to my mind. I had this nagging, paranoid feeling that I was being watched even in the darkness of the screening room. That my facial expressions, movements, actions were being photographed or recorded to be reported on for the whole world to see. My skin felt translucent. My thoughts and feelings were not my own. I was going crazy. 
After the film had ended, the director and producer were invited to the front to say a few words about it. Their speeches, followed by more expressions of gratitude from Sienna and Harry, were generously received with several rounds of applause reverberating throughout the audience. Harry congratulated his co-stars and posed for group photos with the cast and director. I watched as he smiled, wrapping his arms around Christpher and Sienna. He looked right in his element. His joy reflected the pride he took in being part of this film and in working with people that he sincerely liked and respected. He and I were definitely living completely different lives. I could never do this. And, watching him tonight, witnessing how rewarding this all was to him, I wanted nothing to get in the way of his career. He deserved every bit of recognition and celebration that he was getting. I could never let my own anxieties, or the struggles of our relationship, get in the way of what he does and what he means to so many people. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I let us hold him back in any way. Though it broke my heart to stand on the sideways and watch him kiss Emma’s cheek and hold her hand upon returning to his seat, I knew that she was the better choice. She is a model; she already had a place of her own in his world. She wouldn’t feel like an outsider, always tagging along for his benefit. She's used to being in public, having countless eyes on her on a regular basis. Besides, there was already a history there. They’d been together before, she knew his friends, his family, the nature of his work, and she’d chosen to go back to him anyway. I can't replace that. They were meant to be.
The doors opened and people began to split into two groups: those we had gained the honor of being invited to the dinner reception were heading in one direction, while the rest of the audience headed in the direction of the main exit. I didn’t know if I wanted to stay, or if I should just leave.
“Please, Emma! Please! Just…wait for me. Okay? I’m not abandoning you. I promise. Please believe me? I just need- she just doesn’t- I-” Harry struggled to form a complete thought. I hated feeling like I was eavesdropping on their argument, but I felt too paralyzed to walk away.
“Just- wait." Harry wrapped both of his hands around hers, squeezing them earnestly. " Oh, I know! Chris can keep you company.” Harry tapped Christopher’s shoulder, asking him to step in and accompany his date to the reception. Though Christopher was slightly taken aback, he gladly agreed.
“Give me a few minutes. I’ll be right back. Okay?” Emma relented, giving Harry a quick peck on the lips before heading off with Christopher and promising to wait for him at dinner.
I felt Harry’s arm grab my shoulder as I headed for the exit. “Not this way. There’s a back exit.”
“If we go out this way, there are gonna be people waiting on the other side with cameras and microphones and things. We’ll leave out the back.”
“Harry, we need to talk…” I followed after him like a puppy after its owner as he led the way through the emergency exit. 
“I know.” We waited in the stairwell while Harry texted his driver to meet us at the back door. 
“So you know about the- umm- about the-“
“The tabloid articles literally going up the second that we got here? Yes. And I’m dealing with it.” He explained that,though pictures can, and often do, get taken by just about anyone, they can’t be used in publication without his manager's approval, so he had a few choice words for his team. 
“Is that what you and Emma were arguing over earlier?”
He nodded, searching his phone log for Jeff’s number. “I’m so sorry you’ve been put in this position. If I’d known…I’m just sorry.”
I could see the hurt in his eyes. He was genuine. My inexperience and inability to handle internet gossip had cast a dark cloud over what should’ve been his big night. He should be out celebrating his success in this film, and his big leading role, but instead, here he is, hunched over and hiding in a dark and dusty stairwell, waiting for his car to arrive to stealthily run away. None of this would be happening if I weren’t here tonight.
“Don’t be sorry, Harry. It’s not your fault. Just- take me home?”
He didn’t seem to hear what I said. “ Don't worry. Fixing it as we speak.” He pressed “call” on Jeff’s number and went into a heated discussion with his team.
"No, I'm still at the venue. Are you? Jesus, Jeff! Well, then whose fault is it? Stuff like this just doesn't happen. It's not about me, it's about my friend! She didn't sign up for this. It's her privacy."
From what I could understand, because Jeff needed to be present at the screening himself, he'd left someone else on the team in charge back at the office, and that's who must have okayed the photos, unaware of who the other faces were, they only focused on how Harry looked in them and let the whole thing slip by.
"Fine, we'll talk later." Harry signed deeply, pocketing his phone, and struggling to look back at me. “I'm so sorry. Ummm.. Just…lay low for a few days. The news cycle will move on eventually. Maybe try not to go online too much in the meantime.” He smiled nervously, his eyes scanning my face for signs of forgiveness. 
“I’ll be okay. It's fine, Harry.”
"'S really not." 
We rushed outside as soon as Harry received word that his driver had arrived. Harry held the door open for me, helping me into the car and tucking the ends of my dress safely in before climbing into the back seat next to me.
“I- don’t wanna make you late to the dinner thing, but, do you think the driver could maybe take me home?” I reached over to the driver's seat and told him to add the address to Harry's place.
“What? Why? No, you’re coming with me!”
“It’s just been a long night and I’m tired.”
“But, this is the fun bit. I promise! No more cameras and stuff. Just food, and everyone you know, and nothing else. I wanna celebrate, and I want you there with me! Please?” He reached for my hand as he spoke.
“Emma will be there with you.” I reminded him, doing myself to keep my expression positive.
The mention of her name caught him off-guard. The conflict was written all over his face. 
“Want you there, too.” He mumbled, sitting back, his voice barely over a whisper.
“I think…it’s best for everyone if I’m not.”
“Are you- wait, you’re giving up on me? On us?”
“There is no ‘us,’ Harry. I don’t think there ever was.”
“You don’t mean that. Right? You can’t mean it. I know my not telling you about Emma was wrong, and I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t think you’d care. I didn’t know how you felt. Things are complicated right now. But I can fix everything! Please. Bare with me?”
I couldn’t stifle the bemused chuckle that left my lips. "complicated" was an understatement. He was talking about “fixing everything” as if we were a busted pipe. 
Lost for words, I reached over and held the hand that he’d rested on his knee. “You’re gonna be okay no matter what, Harry. I'm sure of it.”
“N-no. Don’t.” he shook his head frantically. “Don’t do this. Please don’t. Just a few hours ago you said you wanted to be with me. I- I know the photos of us all over the internet are scary, believe me, nobody gets that more than I do.” He untangled his hand from mine and reached over to cup my cheek, his rings cool against my blushing skin.  “I’ll do better from now on! I promise. You want me to get them scrubbed from the internet? I’ll call people! I can do that! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” With our faces now inches apart, I could see the tears forming in the corners of Harry's eyes. In all the time that I had known him, I'd never seen Harry so distraught before. It broke my heart into a million pieces, and just for a moment, weakened my resolve. I imagined an alternative world in which I'd cave, take his lips in mine, and change my mind, kissing him deeply and plunging into this with him. I wished, more than anything, to be the kind of person who could handle doing something like that. But, the sad reality is that he and I just aren't made for each other.
“Stop being so hard on yourself, Harry. You can’t fix everything; you can’t control everything. Some things are just irreparable, and that’s okay.”
He laughed in disbelief. “That’s bullshit. If I fucked it up, then it’s on me to fix it. I love you. Yes?  I Love you. And you love me. Hmm? Shouldn’t that be all that matters anyway?”
“Sometimes love just isn’t enough.”
He sniffled, looking upwards to keep from crying.
I could see the lights of the Hotel sign getting closer. We were almost at the dinner reception.
Harry refused to let things go. He came back with another round of arguments. “I’ll break up with Emma. Tonight. I swear I’ll do it at dinner! Then we can go home together, and-”
I took his face in my hands and kissed his forehead. “She’s lovely, Harry. Perfect for you. Really. I mean it. You go in there and celebrate. Enjoy your night, with that brilliant, beautiful girl by your side. You’ve earned it. I’m just gonna ask your driver to take me home, okay?” 
“So, what- you and I-”
“Are friends. Will always be. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Back in the safety and privacy of Harry’s home, I couldn’t wait to reach my designated guest room, upstairs, before I began taking my clothes off. I tossed my  purse somewhere in the entryway and took off my shoes in the hall. Letting my dress hang on the back of the couch, in the living room, I threw myself, face first onto the plush love seat, my feet dangling from the armrest. The events of the day replaying in my mind. After the noise, crowds, and flashing lights I'd been plunged into, the silence of the house felt painful, so I turned the TV on for some background noise. Every time I blinked, the image of Harry's pleading eyes, inches away from me, flashed in my mind. I couldn't quite shake the doubt that I'd made the wrong decision. That I should be with him right now. That we should be together. Fantasy is a powerful thing. Even though every bone in my body knew that being with him could only end badly for both of us, I couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like.
Eventually, I made myself a nest of throw pillows and blankets, and at some point during the night, fell asleep in Harry's living room. I have no idea how long I'd been asleep for, but at about three in the morning, I heard several loud thuds outside, and the sound of footsteps approaching. If I hadn't been at Harry's place, secure with state of the art surveillance and 24/7 security, I'd definitely be panicked right now. I dragged my sleepy body over to the main doors, and looked on the camera screen. It was Christopher, Sienna, and the hollow shell of what once used to be Harry.
Harry was being propped up by both of his friends' arms holding and dragging him along. I wasn't sure if he was conscious. Frantic, I pushed the doors open and ran outside.
"What the hell happened? Is- is he okay?"
Upon closer examination, I saw that Harry was awake, and that he had a cast on his arm.
"Holy shit! What the fuck happened to your arm?"
"M-Matilda? Is that you? W-wait. that's not your real name. What was it again? S-something with an "A"? Anne! No, that's not it. Anne's my mom. Wait, is it?" Harry was babbling.
"He's too out of it." Sienna warned.
"He's- he should be fine. He's just drunk, and, well, maybe also a little high on pain meds." Christopher laughed. "Help us get him inside?"
Collectively, we managed to drag Harry's uninhibited form into the house and lay him down in the blanket nest I'd slept in. As soon as I was certain that he was safe and situated, I turned to his two companions.
"Someone wanna fill me in?"
Christopher and Sienna exchanged glances.
"What? Why are you looking at each other. Tell me what happened!"
"Well- We're not sure we know what happened...entirely." Sienna started.
"So, he, ummm...He skipped the dinner reception." Christopher tried to offer a synopsis. "Showed up to the afterparty drunk like a fish. His arm was bleeding. Was acting like an ass to his girlfriend or date or whatever, what's her name?"
"Emma" Sienna reminded him.
"What happened to his arm?"
"Who knows?" Sienna shrugged.
"It bled through the first half of the afterparty." Christopher giggled. "Sorry, it's not funny. It was terrifying, if I'm honest. Every time we or Emma tried to ask him about it, his story changed. First he said he punched a wall. Then he said he broke a glass? or a mirror fell on him? nobody really knows what happened but we eventually took him to the emergency room. It's in pretty bad shape. He may not pick up a guitar for a few weeks."
"Holy shit."
"Yeah, I'm not sure he fully understood that part. Might have to tell him that again once he's sobered up. And, well, I don't think he's gonna wanna talk to me."
"What the fuck happened at this afterparty?"
Christopher finally explained. He'd watched Harry behave like a complete jerk all night; he couldn't take it any more and he went to confront Harry. Christopher had yelled at him to stop wallowing in mistakes that were his own making, and to get up and do something to get his shit together. Harry, in distress, yelled back, telling him about what'd happened between us in the car ride over. Their yelling competition accidentally caused Emma overheard some of it, and everything went south from there. Harry, clearly couldn't, or chose not to, handle everything falling apart and everyone being so hurt by him all in one night. He decided he needed to do some more drinking and self-sabotage and ended up here.
I said nothing for a moment, simply watching Christopher and Sienna's tired faces and processing all the information they'd laid on me. Finally, I turned back to look at Harry's semi-conscious figure, slumped on the couch with his arm propped on a pillow.
"You guys have had a long night. I've got it from here"
"Are you sure?" Sienna put an arm on my shoulder.
"If you'd rather not be alone with him, we can stay." Christopher offered.
"N-no. It's okay. He's seen me through my lowest moments. I owe him this, at the very least. We'll be fine. You guys go."
"Alright, call us if you need anything."
Securing the gates after Sienna and Christopher had left, I went back to the living room and stood over the couch, looking down at Harry, unsure where to even begin.
"Harry, how are you feeling? What've you done with yourself?"
"I- uhhh" He seemed to lose his thought almost instantly. "I - think-" Hi reached out his one functioning arm, so I leaned over and eventually sat next to him to be within his reach.
"Tryin' to say I love you." He sat up, using the support of his pillows, and leaned over to kiss me. His soft, wet lips touching mine for a moment, I relaxed into the feeling before pulling away just as quickly.
"Harry, you're drunk. And high apparently."
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makeste · 4 years ago
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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